


From The Religious Herald, July 1, 1880

Died, Sunday morning, June 6th 1880, at his residence, in Lunenburg County, Mr. Josephus Gregory, at the advanced age of seventy years. Bro. Gregory was converted under the labors of Dr. Daniel Baker, and was baptized by Rev. John Kerr in 1834. About that time, the teaching of Alexander Campbell had produced violent dissension in old Meherrin church, and Bro. Gregory and seventeen others, for the sake of peace, organized Mt. Zion Baptist church, which now numbers 167 members.

This church has had as pastors, Gilbert and Samuel Mason, Burnley, Burton, Dupree, Greer, and E. S. Taylor, who is the present incumbent. Only four of the original number who constituted the church now survive. Bro. Gregory was elected deacon in 1847, and held that office with fidelity and zeal until his death. Few deacons have better illustrated Paul's requirements for this office, "Likewise must the deacons be grave, not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre, holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience."  The church unanimously adopted resolutions, presented by deacon Edwin Griffin, expressive of his high Christian character and useful life. Senior deacon Thompson feelingly spoke of him as the most useful member of the church, and this opinion was supported by Rev. W. T. Gilliam and the pastor.

Bro. Gregory was ever ready to give of his means to the support of the church, and earnestly labored for its prosperity. He was the warm friend of his pastor, cheering him in his labors, and comforting him in his trials. His mind was well stored with information, and his kindness and prudence made him an invaluable counsellor. He was emphatically a lover of good men, and it was his delight to have them share his hospitality. He was married to Miss Mary E. Lee, with whom he lived nearly fifty years in conjugal fidelity. He had ten children, of whom only four survive. His son William, a gallant soldier, was killed in the battle of McDowell; Stokes, a lovely Christian, died in 1864; and his only remaining daughter, Laura, in 1877, leaving two interesting children. These repeated afflictions were sanctified to his good. He evinced during his long illness, patience, resignation and Christian cheerfulness. He was a ear of corn fully ripe for the heavenly garner. What a precious legacy was his long life to the church and the neighborhood! How blessed as a peacemaker! How well informed in Scripture doctrines! How faithful in the discharge of duty! How attractive in the social circle. How devoted and loving to his friends! How kind to the poor! How consecrated to the cause of Christ! How modest and unassuming in deportment. How unshrinking to duty and truth! No self denial too hard; no sacrifice too great for his loved Zion. May his mantle of piety fall on the young members of the church!

E. S. Taylor

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