
Knight/Williams Bible Register

Lunenburg Co., VA

Copy of origninal and transcript on file at LVA
Transcribed by JoLee Gregory Spears
Note: This interpretation differs on a few entries from the above linked transcript

See also Knight Family outline, photos, etc.



Mathew J. Knight Son of John and Frances Knight and Cicely A. Ellis daughter of Ambrose and Elizabeth Ellis was married by the Reverend Joel Johns the 30th day of Jany 1822

Elizabeth S. H. Knight & H. Bagley was married on the 29th January 1849

Polly Ann Knight & Abner Moxy was married on Wednesday, 1st day February 1832 by Silas Shelbourn

John W. Knight & Eliza D. Ellington was married 23rd February 1836

Hughes W. Knight & Mary Jane Arny was married 26th Apl 1836

Joseph S. Knight & Martha Ann Bauldwin was married the 1st day Decbr 1836 [not 1838]

Sherwood W. Knight and Martha Ann Williams was married the 23rd August 1845


Mathew J. Knight Son of John and Frances Knight was born the 25th day of November 1798

Cecely Arny Ellis the Daughter of Ambrose and Elizabeth Ellis was born the 11th day of Febry 1803

Margaret Ann Prudence Knight daughter of M. J. & C. A. Knight was born the 23rd day of June 1838 on Saturday - She only lived 29 days

Elizabeth Sarah Henry Knight daughter of Mathew J. & Cecily A. Knight was born 6th Feby 1823

Emma Frances Knight daughter of M. J. & C. A. Knight was born 23 Octo 1824

Albert Hughes Knight Son of M. J. & C. A. Knight was born Thursday 26th Jany 1826

John Ambrose Ellis Knight Son of M. J. & C. A. Knight was born Tuesday 5th August 1828

William Thompson Knight was born Thursday the 9th day of Sept 1830

Sherwood Macklin Knight was born 21st February 1833 on Thursday at 11
Oclk A M

Stephen Mathew Knight was born Saturday 29th Augst 1835


John Knight was born 17th January 1773

Frances H. Williams was born 6th of Nov. 1780

Jno W. Knight 12th February 1801

Hughes W. Knight 16th Jany 1803

Polley Ann Knight 10th Mar 1805

Joseph S. Knight 25 Apr 1807

Sherwood W. Knight 2 Octo 1809

Frances Adaline Knight 1st Feby 1812

Benja Harrison Knight 30th Apl 1814

Ro Edwin Knight 28 Apl 1816

Eliza Susan Knight 8 May 1818

David Hughes Knight 29 Augst 1820

George Thos Knight 8th Jany 1824

Betsy Ann Williams was born 10th Oct 1774. She married Thos N. Gregory in 1816 & died in 1820

DEATHS of Relations & Friends

Betsy Ann Gregory departed this life the 3rd October 1820

Robert H. Williams departed this life on Tuesday 19th August 1823

Charles Taylor departed this life 11th Jany 1825 on a Tuesday

John M. Erskine departed this life 28th July 1826

William Eubank departed this life 25th June 1828

Frances H. Williams, widow of the Reverend John Williams departed this life 28th Jany 1831

Susan M. Taylor departed this life on Monday 11th June 1832

John W. Knight died the 18th Sept 1844

Albert Hughes Knight, our first born son, died on Monday night the 7th day of May 1832 at 9 O'clock. He died of a putrid sore throat --- In his 7th year. Lunenburg Co VA

To the dark and silent tomb
Soon he hastened from the womb
Scarce the dawn of life began
Ere he measured out his span ...
Happy infant early blest,
Rest, in peaceful slumbers rest
Early rescued from those cares
That increase with growing years
Five months have past since thou hast slept,
Within thy comely bed
And many a time for thee I've wept
And many a tear I've shed .
Can I forget thy winning smile
Thy mild expressive eye,
That oft have soothed my cares the while
And checked the rising high.
Oft when thou'd play around my knee
I've pressed my lips to thine,
And thy light heart from sorrow free
Has cheered this gloom of mine.
But ah, that smile, that beaming eye,
Since playfulness are o'er
And I am doomed to mourn and sigh
That thou art now no more -
Beside thy little grassy bed
Where thou so still dost sleep
By memory and by sorrow led
I'll oft return to weep.
But tho for thee my tears thus flow,
Tho still for thee I sigh.
I'm comforted for sure I know
Thou'rt with God on high.

[Two entries in the margin of above page difficult to read. One says something - "Oct 1832"/jgs]

DEATHS of Blacks

Sally formerly belonging to Amby Ellis died at Erskins old place 23rd Januday 1832

- of Whites -

Capt John Knight of Lunenburg, my dear old Father departed this life on Sunday, 22nd of Apl 1838 in his 66 year

Cicelia A. Knight, the companion of my youth, departed this life on Tuesday the 28th day of July 1839
She died on my absence to Norfolk.

Elizabeth S. H. Bagley departed this life 7th Sept 1851

Frances H. Knight, my mother departed this life the 18th of December 1851

Sherwood M. Knight, my son departed this life the 19th Feby 1852

There was an additional loose page inserted in the Bible on the family of Mathew J. Knight. View the original page and the transcript which contains data missing from the original. The author of the transcript of the original bible pages had information on the middle names of many family members where only the middle initials were given in the actual bible.

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