Highland County, Virginia
VaGenWeb Page

Land Holdings in Highland County
around the time of the Revolution

The list of surveys and patents given below, and dating from before 1790, has been compiled from the records of the Surveyor's office of Augusta and in the Land Office of Virginia. The name of the person for whom the tract was surveyed or patented is followed first by the number of acres, next by the year of the survey or grant, and then by a description of its location. Unless this is followed by a capital P (for patent, the tract is a survey. Otherwise, it is a patent granted in the same year. In the following list, "adj. himself" refers to a tract surveyed or patented by the person at an earlier date.

Arbogast, Michael: 

(1) 130-1766-First right hand fork of Crabapple waters above a small survey by Cunningham-P. 1771

(2)  59-1768-Sinkhole gully in Crabbottom

(3)  98-1772-Crabbottom, adj. Himself-P. 1773 by Bernard Lantz

(4)  315-1774-Crabbottom, cor. to Naigley and Zickafoose

(5)  174-1775-Crabbottom, adj. Cunningham

(6)    193-1785-Crabbottom

Arbogast, John:  171-1785-Crabbottom

Armstrong, Robert:  112-1746-Bullpasture-branch of Bullpasture-P. 1760 by William Wilson

Ashton, Wallace:  344-1746-Bullpasture-P. 1750-(L.M. McClung)

Beathe, Joseph:  

(1)  127-1780-Crab Run-P. 1789

(2)  80-1789-Bullpasture

Bell, David:

(1)  152-1771-Straight Creek-P

(2)  250-1771-Bullpasture Mountain between John Bodkin and Charles Haynes

Bell, Joseph:

(1)  120-1787-Bullpasture Mountain between John Chestnut and William Jordan-P

(2)  511-1786-headwaters of South Straight Creek-P. 1789 (Monterey town site)

Benson, George:  263-1782-mo. Of Benson's Run-P. 1783

Benson, Irwin:  84-1789-headwaters of Dry Branch

Benson, Mathias:

(1)  115-1787-Dry Branch

(2)  95-1789---headwaters of Dry Branch

Beverage, John:

(1)  93-1780-N.W. branch. of Bullpasture.

(2)  137-1782-Carlile's Run

Black, Alexander:

(1)  250-1746-Cowpasture-P. 1750-(J. H. Byrd's)

(2)  34-1782-adj. above-P. 1784.

Black, Samuel:

(1)  167-1772-Straight Creek.

(2)  68-1772-Carlile's Run

(3)  97-1774-headwaters of Straight Creek

Blagg, William:

(1)  81-1782-n. Doe Hill

(2)  86-1786-n. Doe Hill

Bodkin, Richard:  339-1746-Bullpasture-P. 1750-(S. M. Neil's)

Bodkin, Charles:  115-1754-branch. of Bullpasture-P. 1761 by William Johnson

Bodkin, John:  162-1782-Bullpasture Mountain-n. Doe Hill

Bowman, John:  63-1785-North Fork abj. Lantz

Burner, Abranchaham:

(1)  34-1782-Crabbottom, adj. himself

(2)  180-1786-headwaters Jackson's River

Burnside, James:  75-1767-Bullpasture, adj. himself-(S.M. Neil's)

Bush, Michael:  375-1766-Crabbottom, below Hull's-P. 1768 by John Young

Carlile, John and Robert:

(1)  304-1746-Bullpasture, 1 m. S. of Clover Cr.-P. 1759

(2)  204-1746-Bullpasture, below Doe Hill-P. 1760

(3)  224-1746-Bullpasture, below Doe Hil-P. 1750 by John McCreary

(4)  300-1759-E. side Cowpasture-P.

Carlile, John:  50-1773-Bullpasture-P. 1780

Carlile, James:

(1)  220-1780-adj. himself on N. branch. of Bullpasture-P. 1784

(2)  44-1789-Bullpasture, Jordan's Run

Carlile, Robert:  65-1773-branch. of Bullpasture, and adj. himself-P. 1780

Carroll, Peter, and Jacob Gaskins:  71-1781-Jackson's River, n. Vanderpool-P. 1784

Cartwright, Jesse:  49-1786-Jackson's River, above Vanderpool and adj. Roby, Burner, and Mullenax

Chestnut, William:

(1)  197-1781-Back Creek

(2)  229-1784-Back Creek-P. 1789

Crawford, William:  136-1789-Dry Branch

Cunningham, Agnes:  200-1761-Crabbottom-P. 1765

Davis, John:  44-1781-branch. of Back Creek, opposite Cunningham-P.

Davitt, Tully:

(1)  58-1773-Bullpasture, n. Doe Hill

(2)  43-1780-adj. himself-P.

Delamontony, Samuel:  200-1746-Bullpasture, below Doe Hill-P. by John McCreary, 1759

Denison, John:  400-1783-Back Creek, adj. Lewis-P.

Devericks, Thomas:  34-1766-Shaw's F'k, just below Headwater

Dinwiddle, James:

(1)  173-1781-Jackson's River, n. Vanderpool and adj. himself

(2)  172-1782-Jackson's River.

Dinwiddie, John:

(1)  115-1769-above Vanderpool Gap-P. 1781 by Abranchaham Ingram

(2)  201-1780-Jackson's River, cor. to Estill and below Vanderpool Gap-P. 1781.

Dinwiddie, Robert:

(1)  98-1769-in Vanderpool Gap

(2)  210-1772-N F of Jackson's River.

(3)  97-1781-headwaters of Jackson's River, adj. himself-P.

Dinwiddie, William:  149-1773-headwaters of Jackson's River-P. 1781

Dixon, Thomas:  50-1788-Dry Branch-Jackson's River

Douglas, Thomas:  

(1)  200-1781-Crab Run-P. 1787 by Edward Morton

(2)  146-1782-Brushy F'k

Duffield, Robert:

(1)  49-1773-n. Doe Hill

(2)  107-1780-Bullpasture, n. Doe Hill-P. 1787

Elliott, Archibald:  364-1746-source of Blackthorn-P. 1756 by James Trimble

Ervine, Charles:  49-1781-Cowpasture-P. 1783

Ervine, Henry:  99-1784-Bullpasture, and adj. Knapp, n. Doe Hill

Ervine, James: 140-1782-Bullpasture Mountain, n. Cllover Cr. Mill

Ervine, Jared

(1)  122-1782-Cowpasture adj. himself

(2)  100-1787-headwaters of Cowpasture, adj. himself-P

Ervine, John:  150-1788-headwaters of Clover Cr. Mill Run

Estill, Wallace:

(1)  94-1761-opposite Vanderpool Gap-P.? 1770 by William Preston

(2)  100-1786-branch. of Bullpasture-P.? 1783 by Thomas Hicklin

Ferguson, Samuel:  125-1754-Bullpasture, above McDowell-P. 1767

Fleisher, Henry:

(1)  53-1788-Straight Creek

(2)  60-1788-Straight Creek n. Forks of Waters

(3)  82--1787-SB and adj. himself-P.

Fleisher, Palsor:  93-1784-SB and adj. himself-P

Frame, David:

(1)  98-1767-WF'k of Jackson's River

(2)  50-1770-headwaters of Jackson's River-P.

(3)  286-1771-headwaters of Jackson's River-P. 1773

(4)  76-1775-Cowpasture

(5)  194-1780-Jackson's River

Gaines, John-1782-Bullpasture, W. of Doe Hill

Galford, Thomas:  288-1780-n. Dinwiddle

Given, William:

(1)  329-1771-Jackson's River-P

(2)  83-1780-headwaters of Jackson's River, adj. himself-P. 1787

(3)  48-1780-Jackson's River

Good, Conrad:  44-1766-headwaters of South Fork

Graham, Christopher:  127-1782-Bullpasture-P. 1789

Graham, John:  44-1782-Bullpasture, on Jordan's Run

Green, John:  66-1786-headwaters of Bullpasture

Gregory, Mary:  188-1780-Back Creek-P

Gregory, William:  104-1780-Back Creek-P

Griffen, Benoni:  288-1782-Meadowdale-P

Gum, John:

(1)  72-1766-Crabbottom-Wimer Run-P. 1769

(2)  144-1769-Crabbottom

(3)  41-1780-Crabbottom, adj. Arbogast-P. 1784

(4)  19-1783-Crabbottom

(5)  12-1784-headwaters of Jackson's River

(6)  220-1784-Back Creek, S. of Meadowdale-P. 1784

Gum, John, Jr.:  218-1780-Crabbottom, adj. John Gum, Sr.

Gum, Isaac:

(1)  220-1774-Back Creek, S. of Meadowdale, P. 1784

(2)  200-1780-adj. himself

(3)  193-1787-headwaters of SB.-P

Gwin, David:

(1)  48-1780-Jackson's River-P. 1787

(2)  380-1780-n. headwaters of Back Creek-P. 1786

(3)  56-1781-Back Creek, adj. Samuel Gregory-P. 1787

(4)  100-1789-Jackson's River

(5)  268-1789-Dry Branch-P

Gwin, Joseph:

(1)  100-1781-Cowpasture-P. 1784

(2)  83-1783-Cowpasture

Halterman, Charles:  200-1786-Straight Creek

Harper, Matthew:  220-1746-Bullpasture, 1 m. S. of McDowell-P. 1758

Hays, Charles:  114-1768-Bullpasture Mountain, n. Doe Hill-P. 1772 by Thomas Wright

Heath, William:  200-1780-Bullpasture-P

Hempenstall, Abranchaham:  60-1773-adj. himself at Doe Hill-P. 1784 by William Wilson

Hicklin, Thomas

(1)  68-1756-Bullpasture, adj. Lewis-P

(2)  85-1773-branch. of Bullpasture, adj. Bradshaw

(3)  82-1782-Bullpasture, adj. himself

(4)  150-1783-Bullpasture, adj. himself

Hicklin, Hugh:

(1)  100-1758-branch. of Bullpasture-P.

(2)  130-1769-Cowpasture-P


(4)  Hicklin, James:  100-1783-adj. John Hicklin

Hines, Edward:

(1)  50-1768-Bullpasture-P. 1770

(2)  174-1780-Crab Run, adj. his late father's place-P. 1784

Holman, William:  265-1746-Bullpasture, adj. McCreary

Hughart, Thomas

(1)  200-1788-Big Valley, headwaters of Bolar Run-P. 1789

(2)  95-1780-Big Valley-P

Hull, Peter:

(1)  97-1772-headwaters of Jackson's River, at "Osten's Camp"-P. 1773

(2)  160-1781-Crabbottom, adj. himself-P

(3)  341-1782-Crabbottom, adj. himself-P

(4)  198-1783-Crabbottom

(5)  198-1783-Crabbottom

(6)  157-1785-Straight Fork?

(7)  115-1785-Crabbottom

(8)  32-1787-headwaters of North Fork. On an "old path"

Hull, George:  270-1781-adj. himself and Isaac Gum

Ingram, Abranchaham:

(1)  176-1780-headwaters of Jackson's River, adj. Lewis-P. 1781

(2)  115-1781-above Vanderpool and Frame's-P

(3)  258-1782-headwaters of Jackson's River

(4)  139-1786-Crabbottom

Janes, William:

(1)  131-1781-Straight Creek

(2)  192-1783-Straight Creek

(3)  190-1788-Straight Creek

(4)  190-1788-Straight Creek, between himself and Evick

Johnson, William:  115-1761-branch. of Bullpasture

Johnston, Bartholemew:  93-1783-headwaters of Jackson's River adj. Ingram

Johnes, Henry:  131-1789-branch. of Cowpasture

Jordan, Andrew:  188-1786-South Fork, adj. himself

Killingsworth, Richard:  93-1782-Bullpasture Mountain, adj. John Graham-P. 1784

Kilpatrick, William:  121-1782-Harper's Run, E. side Bullpasture

Kilpatrick, Andrew:

(1)  36-1782-Jackson's River, at King's bottom-P

(2)  69-1783-Jackson's River, adj. Wiley

Kilpatrick, James:  111-1783-Jackson's River adj. Wiley

Knapp, Moses:  155-1781-Bullpasture, W. of Doe Hill

Knox, Robert:  88-1775-Bullpasture, adj. first Bodkin place

Lantz, Bernard:

(1)  98-1766-SB, above homestead-P. 1773

(2)  56-1769-Crabbottom-P. 1771

(3)  84-1769-Crabbottom, between himself and Gum-P.

(4)  50-1772-Crabbottom, adj. himself

(5)  395-1774-Crabbottom, adj. William Cunningham and Jacob Tress-P. 1781

(6)  98-1774-Crabbottom-P. 1781

(7)  54-1785-Crabbottom, at "Fallen Timbers"

Lantz, Conrad:  56-1785-Crabbottom, adj. Bernard Lantz and Bowman

Largent, James:  212-1746-Bullpasture

Lewis, Andrew:

(1)  348-1746-Bullpasture (W. P. B. Lockridge's)-P. 1750

Lewis, Thomas:  1300-1763-the "Valley" of Back Creek, opposite John Miller-P

Lewis, William:

(1)  110-1763-Back Creek, opposite Stephen Wilson's and on an "old road that leadeth to

(2)  270-1763-Vanderpool-P

Lockridge, Andrew:  32-1784-Bullpasture

Lowe, Christopher:  98-1766-headwaters of Cowpasture---P. 1769 by James Young

Malcomb, Joseph:

(1)  161-1780-Bullpasture-adj. Robert Carlile

(2)  24-1782-Bullpasture, adj. himself

(3)  130-1784-Bullpasture, headwaters Carlile Run-P. 1787

Martin, Lewis:  131-1781-Cowpasture, adj. himself-P. 1789 by Henry Jones

Martinearly, James:  70-1785-Bp, at Blue Spring

Matheny, Luke:  130-1789-Back Creek

Mathew, David:  184-1773-Bullpasture__P

Mathews, Sampson and George:  232-1773-Bullpasture, adj. Bodkin-P

McCamie, James:  161-1787-N. W. branch. Bullpasture-P.

McCandless, Alexander:  144-1754-branch. of Bullpasture

McCandless, William:  73-1782-Bullpasture, opposite John Bodkin-assigned (1) to John Painter, (2) to Tully
Davitt in 1785

McClellan, William:  96-1768-Cross Run at headwaters of Bullpasture

McCoy, John:  (1)-118-1782-Bullpasture, adj. himself-P. 1784

McCoy, Oliver:  100-1789-Crab Run

McCreary, John:

(1)  280-1746-Bullpasture, below Doe Hill-P. 1760

(2)  224-1750-Bullpasture-P

(3)  200-1759-Bullpasture-P

McCreary, Robert:  30-1783-Cowpasture-P. 1784

McDougall, John:  66-1773-Straight F'k of Bullpasture-P. 1773

McMullen, Robert:

(1)  125-1773-Bullpasture, adj. Duffield

(2)  150-1782-Bullpasture, adj. Andrew Yeager

Miller, James:  250-1746-Bullpasture, between Bodkin and Harper

Miller, William:  130-1754-Crab Run-P. 1763 by William Preston

Miller, Hugh:

(1)  220-1767-branch. of Bullpasture-P.? 1784 by James Carlile

(2)  75-1767-Carlile Run

Miller, Patrick:

(1)  45-1771-Cowpasture, adj. himself-P. 1773

(2)  58-1783-Cowpasture-P. 1787

Miller, John:

(1)  96-1780-Shaw's Fork

(2)  58-1780-Bullpasture, adj. himself and Hines-P. 1784

(3)  232-1782-Bullpasture, adj. himself-P. 1784

(4)  286-1760-Cowpasture-P.

Montgomery, John:  30-1765-Bullpasture-P. 1769

Montgomery, James  54-1757-Jackson's River

Moore, David:  200-1759-Bolar Run

Moore, Benjamin:  150-1789-Crab Run

Morrow, James:  210-1769-Jackson's River, above Vanderpool

Morton, Edward:  200-1787-Crab Run, adj. Joseph Bates-P

Mullenax, John:

(1)  110-1781-Crabbottom, adj. Arbogast-P. 1784

(2)  196-1785-Jackson's River, adj. Roby and Dinwiddie

Murce, Robert:  116-1782-Bullpasture Mountain, headwaters of Burdie Run

Naigley, Palsor:  68-1768-Crabbottom-P. 1773

Naigley, George:  142-1774-Crabbottom

Newell, William:  32-1784-Bullpasture, below John Davis-P

Nicholas, George:

(1)  67-1770-SB

(2)  123-1780-SB, at Spruce Run-P. 1782

(3)  43-1784-Straight Creek-P. 1789

Oliver, John:  125-1782-Jackson's River-P

O'Neil, Thomas:  80-1789-Carlile's Run

Parsons, Thomas:  200-1757-SB. (W. E. Fleisher's)-P.

Patton, Matthew:

(1)  17-1774-Jackson's River, adj. himself-P. 1781

(2)  82-1773-Mill Run of North Fork, opposite Crabbottom-P

Peebles, John

(1)  99-1780-branch. of Cowpasture-P. 1781

(2)  193-1782-Bullpasture, at Clover Cr.-P. 1783

(3)  281-1782-Bullpasture Mountain, opposite George Benson-P. 1783

Pender, John-73-1783-n. Doe Hill and adj. Hiner

Penn, Matthew:  250-1782-Shaw's F'k-P. 1784

Poage, John:  153-1780-Back Creek, adj. William Cunningham-P

Preston, William:  94-1770-Jackson's River, at Stony Lick-P

Price, William:

(1)  130-1754-Cowpasture, at a big spring-P. 1769 by Hugh Hicklin

(2)  50-1754-Bullpasture Mountain-P.? 1780 by John Carlile

Pullin, Loftus:

(1)  321-1746-Bullpasture (Saunders place)-P. 1758

(2)  400-1782-Crab Run, adj. himself-P. 1783

Redmond, Samuel:

(1)  120-1781-PB Mountain between John Chestnut and William Jordan

(2)  92-1786-Cowpasture, adj. Morton and Martin

Redmond, John:  8-1787-Cowpasture

Reynolds, Job:  200-1775-headwaters of Cowpasture

Richardson, Robert:  55-1787-Cowpasture

Rider, William:  176-1780-Back Creek-P. 1789

Robertson, Peter:

(1)  95-1786-Jackson's River

(2)  65-1789-Back Creek-P

Robinson, Henry, James Wood, Thomas and Andrew Lewis

(1)  175-1746-Bullpasture, above Harper-P. 1750 by John Brown

(2)  281-1746-Bullpasture, 2 m. below Clover Cr. P. O.-P. 1750 by William Wilson

(3)  286-1746-Cowpasture-P. 1750 by Peter Wright

Roby, Patrick M.:  70-1789-Jackson's River, abve Vanderpool

Schoolcraft, John:  53-1766-Straight Creek-P. 1771 by Bernard Lantz

Schoolcraft, Mathias:  130-1766-SB, below Crabbottom-P. 1771 by Michael Arbogast

Seybert, Nicholas:

(1)  233-1780-Straight Creek, adj. himself

(2)  180-1780-Straight Creek, adj. himself-P. 1781

(3)  294-1781-Straight Creek-n. Monterey-P. 1782

(4)  317-1781-Straight Creek-P. 1782-sold to Geo. Evick

(5)  1420-1786-at Hightown

(6)  110-1788-Straight Creek

(7)  530-1788-Crabbottom

(8)  300-1788-Straight Creek-n. Evick

(9)  130-1789-Crab Run

Skillern, George:  95-1768-Bolar Run-P. 1780- by Thomas Hughart

Slaven, John:  191-1781-Meadowdale

Smith, Abranchaham:

(1)  82-1769-headwaters of Crabbottom-P. 1771

(2)  170-1773-Crabbottom-P. 1774

(3)  198-1780-Crabbottom-P.

Smith, Abranchaham and Joseph Skidmore:

(1)  390-1775-Crabbottom, adj. Hul

(2)  193-1775-Crabbottom, adj. Hull-P. 1787 by Isaac Gum

(3)  290-1775-Crabbottom-P. 1781 by John Skidmore

(4)  400-1775-Crabbottom, above a cold spring-P. 1784 by Abranchaham Burner

(5)  39-1780-Crabbottom-P

Snedicore, Christopher:  172-1784-Carlile Run-P. 1788

Steuart, William:

(1)  65-1769-Cowpasture, 2 m. above Williamsville

(2)  122-1782-Bullpasture Mountain on road to John Hicklin-P. 1784

(3)  177-1786-Bullpasture, at Ferguson's Run

(4)  115-1786-Bullpasture, at Ferguson's Run

Summers, Paul:  50-1781-Bullpasture, adj. Hughes-P. 1782

Sweet, Timothy:  32-1768-Straight Creek, above Frame's cabin-P. 1784 by Abranchaham Hempenstall

Townsend, Ezekiel:  42-1780-Back Creek, and cor. to Ephraim Bates-P. 1789

Townsend, John:  6-1784-Back Creek, n. Alexander Hamilton and Roger Hickman

Trimble, James:

(1)  364-1756-headwaters of Bullpasture-P

(2)  300-1761-Crabbottom-P-sold to Peter Hull

(3)  330-1761-Crabbottom-P-sold to Peter Hull

(4)  85-1766-Crabbottom-P-sold to Peter Hull

Vandyne, Jacob:  90-1780-Bullpasture, above Hempenstall-P. 1782 by John Gaines

Wade, Dawson:

(1)  24-1767-Bullpasture, adj. himself

(2)  125-1767-branch. of Bullpasture-P


Wade, John:  136-1781-Back Creek-P. 1783

Wagoner, Christian:  89-1780-Crabbottom, Middle F'k.-P

Weron, Abijah:

(1)  125-1783-Back Creek, adj. John Gum

(2)  116-1783-Jackson's River, adj. Ingram

Wiley, Robert:

(1)  78-1773-Dry Branch, and adj. himself

(2)  29001780-Jackson's River-P

Wiley, Alexander:

(1)  200-1780-Dry Branch-P. 1782

(2)  91-1782-Jackson's River, above King's Bottom-P. 1782

Wilson, Hackland:  74-1754-headwaters of Cowpasture-P. 1765 by George Wilson

Wilson, William (a)  281-1750-Bullpasture-P

Wilson, William (b) 

(1)  100-1754-Jackson's River-P. 1756

(2)  304-1760-Jackson's River-P

(3)  92-1773-Bolar Run

(4)  149-1773-Jackson's River, adj. himself

(5)  400-1781-Jackson's River, adj. himself

Wilson, William:

(1)  112-1760-n. Doe Hill-P.

(2)  112-1761-n. Doe Hill-P

(3)  112-1781-Bullpasture, at Carlile Run-P. 1782

(4)  44-1781-Bullpasture, n. Doe Hill, adj.Elibab Wilson

Wilson, Samuel:

(1)  167-1768-Straight Creek n. Monterey

(2)  63-1768-Carlile Run

(3)  97-1768-H'd of South Straight Creek-P. 1773 by Peter Hull

(4)  66-1768-headwaters of Crab Run-P. 1773-by John McDougall

(5)  62-1768-headwaters of Straight Creek and Crab Run-P. 1782 by Ralph Wilson

(6)  86-1773-at Doe Hill and adj. himself-P

Wilson, Stephen:

(1)  234-1760-Jackson's River-P.

(2)  350-1770-Jackson's River.

(3)  102-1780-Jackson's River.

Wilson, John:

(1)  60-1773-Jackson's River, adj. himself-P. 1780

(2)  380-1788-headwaters of Bolar Run-P. 1788

(3)  130-1789-Bolar Run-P

(4)  175-1789-Bolar Run-P

Wilson, George:

(1)  316-1758-Cowpasture-P

(2)  74-1765-headwaters of Cowpasture-P

Woods, John:  82-1786-Bullpasture Mountain-(assignee of Robert McMullen)

Wright, Thomas:  114-1772-Bullpasture Mountain E. of Doe Hill-P

Yeager, George:

(1)  144-1782-Bullpasture, at Burdie Run and cor. to Robert McMullen-entered by William Gwin, 1767

(2)  45-1787-Back Creek, cor. to Adam Harper,

Young, John:  375-1768-Crabbottom, below Hull-P.

Young, James:  98-1769-headwaters of Crabbottom

Zickafoose, Peter:

(1)  250-1772-Crabbottom, cor. to Arbogast-P. 1789

(2)  218-1781-Bullpasture, adj. Robert Carlile

(3)  106-1782-Bullpasture, adj. himself

(4)  112-1785-Crabbottom-P. 1789

(5)  40-1786-adj. himself

(6)  78-1786-n. Doe Hill

(7)  82-1786-Crab Run, n. Beathe

(8)  250-1789-Crabbottom-P

Listings of actual on-line records of Highland County

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