Arbogast, Michael: (1) 130-1766-First right hand fork of Crabapple waters above a small survey by Cunningham-P. 1771 (2) 59-1768-Sinkhole gully in Crabbottom (3) 98-1772-Crabbottom, adj. Himself-P. 1773 by Bernard Lantz (4) 315-1774-Crabbottom, cor. to Naigley and Zickafoose (5) 174-1775-Crabbottom, adj. Cunningham (6) 193-1785-Crabbottom Arbogast, John: 171-1785-Crabbottom Armstrong, Robert: 112-1746-Bullpasture-branch of Bullpasture-P. 1760 by William Wilson Ashton, Wallace: 344-1746-Bullpasture-P. 1750-(L.M. McClung) Beathe, Joseph: (1) 127-1780-Crab Run-P. 1789 (2) 80-1789-Bullpasture Bell, David: (1) 152-1771-Straight Creek-P (2) 250-1771-Bullpasture Mountain between John Bodkin and Charles Haynes Bell, Joseph: (1) 120-1787-Bullpasture Mountain between John Chestnut and William Jordan-P (2) 511-1786-headwaters of South Straight Creek-P. 1789 (Monterey town site) Benson, George: 263-1782-mo. Of Benson's Run-P. 1783 Benson, Irwin: 84-1789-headwaters of Dry Branch Benson, Mathias: (1) 115-1787-Dry Branch (2) 95-1789---headwaters of Dry Branch Beverage, John: (1) 93-1780-N.W. branch. of Bullpasture. (2) 137-1782-Carlile's Run Black, Alexander: (1) 250-1746-Cowpasture-P. 1750-(J. H. Byrd's) (2) 34-1782-adj. above-P. 1784. Black, Samuel: (1) 167-1772-Straight Creek. (2) 68-1772-Carlile's Run (3) 97-1774-headwaters of Straight Creek Blagg, William: (1) 81-1782-n. Doe Hill (2) 86-1786-n. Doe Hill Bodkin, Richard: 339-1746-Bullpasture-P. 1750-(S. M. Neil's) Bodkin, Charles: 115-1754-branch. of Bullpasture-P. 1761 by William Johnson Bodkin, John: 162-1782-Bullpasture Mountain-n. Doe Hill Bowman, John: 63-1785-North Fork abj. Lantz Burner, Abranchaham: (1) 34-1782-Crabbottom, adj. himself (2) 180-1786-headwaters Jackson's River Burnside, James: 75-1767-Bullpasture, adj. himself-(S.M. Neil's) Bush, Michael: 375-1766-Crabbottom, below Hull's-P. 1768 by John Young Carlile, John and Robert: (1) 304-1746-Bullpasture, 1 m. S. of Clover Cr.-P. 1759 (2) 204-1746-Bullpasture, below Doe Hill-P. 1760 (3) 224-1746-Bullpasture, below Doe Hil-P. 1750 by John McCreary (4) 300-1759-E. side Cowpasture-P. Carlile, John: 50-1773-Bullpasture-P. 1780 Carlile, James: (1) 220-1780-adj. himself on N. branch. of Bullpasture-P. 1784 (2) 44-1789-Bullpasture, Jordan's Run Carlile, Robert: 65-1773-branch. of Bullpasture, and adj. himself-P. 1780 Carroll, Peter, and Jacob Gaskins: 71-1781-Jackson's River, n. Vanderpool-P. 1784 Cartwright, Jesse: 49-1786-Jackson's River, above Vanderpool and adj. Roby, Burner, and Mullenax Chestnut, William: (1) 197-1781-Back Creek (2) 229-1784-Back Creek-P. 1789 Crawford, William: 136-1789-Dry Branch Cunningham, Agnes: 200-1761-Crabbottom-P. 1765 Davis, John: 44-1781-branch. of Back Creek, opposite Cunningham-P. Davitt, Tully: (1) 58-1773-Bullpasture, n. Doe Hill (2) 43-1780-adj. himself-P. Delamontony, Samuel: 200-1746-Bullpasture, below Doe Hill-P. by John McCreary, 1759 Denison, John: 400-1783-Back Creek, adj. Lewis-P. Devericks, Thomas: 34-1766-Shaw's F'k, just below Headwater Dinwiddle, James: (1) 173-1781-Jackson's River, n. Vanderpool and adj. himself (2) 172-1782-Jackson's River. Dinwiddie, John: (1) 115-1769-above Vanderpool Gap-P. 1781 by Abranchaham Ingram (2) 201-1780-Jackson's River, cor. to Estill and below Vanderpool Gap-P. 1781. Dinwiddie, Robert: (1) 98-1769-in Vanderpool Gap (2) 210-1772-N F of Jackson's River. (3) 97-1781-headwaters of Jackson's River, adj. himself-P. Dinwiddie, William: 149-1773-headwaters of Jackson's River-P. 1781 Dixon, Thomas: 50-1788-Dry Branch-Jackson's River Douglas, Thomas: (1) 200-1781-Crab Run-P. 1787 by Edward Morton (2) 146-1782-Brushy F'k Duffield, Robert: (1) 49-1773-n. Doe Hill (2) 107-1780-Bullpasture, n. Doe Hill-P. 1787 Elliott, Archibald: 364-1746-source of Blackthorn-P. 1756 by James Trimble Ervine, Charles: 49-1781-Cowpasture-P. 1783 Ervine, Henry: 99-1784-Bullpasture, and adj. Knapp, n. Doe Hill Ervine, James: 140-1782-Bullpasture Mountain, n. Cllover Cr. Mill Ervine, Jared (1) 122-1782-Cowpasture adj. himself (2) 100-1787-headwaters of Cowpasture, adj. himself-P Ervine, John: 150-1788-headwaters of Clover Cr. Mill Run Estill, Wallace: (1) 94-1761-opposite Vanderpool Gap-P.? 1770 by William Preston (2) 100-1786-branch. of Bullpasture-P.? 1783 by Thomas Hicklin Ferguson, Samuel: 125-1754-Bullpasture, above McDowell-P. 1767 Fleisher, Henry: (1) 53-1788-Straight Creek (2) 60-1788-Straight Creek n. Forks of Waters (3) 82--1787-SB and adj. himself-P. Fleisher, Palsor: 93-1784-SB and adj. himself-P Frame, David: (1) 98-1767-WF'k of Jackson's River (2) 50-1770-headwaters of Jackson's River-P. (3) 286-1771-headwaters of Jackson's River-P. 1773 (4) 76-1775-Cowpasture (5) 194-1780-Jackson's River Gaines, John-1782-Bullpasture, W. of Doe Hill Galford, Thomas: 288-1780-n. Dinwiddle Given, William: (1) 329-1771-Jackson's River-P (2) 83-1780-headwaters of Jackson's River, adj. himself-P. 1787 (3) 48-1780-Jackson's River Good, Conrad: 44-1766-headwaters of South Fork Graham, Christopher: 127-1782-Bullpasture-P. 1789 Graham, John: 44-1782-Bullpasture, on Jordan's Run Green, John: 66-1786-headwaters of Bullpasture Gregory, Mary: 188-1780-Back Creek-P Gregory, William: 104-1780-Back Creek-P Griffen, Benoni: 288-1782-Meadowdale-P Gum, John: (1) 72-1766-Crabbottom-Wimer Run-P. 1769 (2) 144-1769-Crabbottom (3) 41-1780-Crabbottom, adj. Arbogast-P. 1784 (4) 19-1783-Crabbottom (5) 12-1784-headwaters of Jackson's River (6) 220-1784-Back Creek, S. of Meadowdale-P. 1784 Gum, John, Jr.: 218-1780-Crabbottom, adj. John Gum, Sr. Gum, Isaac: (1) 220-1774-Back Creek, S. of Meadowdale, P. 1784 (2) 200-1780-adj. himself (3) 193-1787-headwaters of SB.-P Gwin, David: (1) 48-1780-Jackson's River-P. 1787 (2) 380-1780-n. headwaters of Back Creek-P. 1786 (3) 56-1781-Back Creek, adj. Samuel Gregory-P. 1787 (4) 100-1789-Jackson's River (5) 268-1789-Dry Branch-P Gwin, Joseph: (1) 100-1781-Cowpasture-P. 1784 (2) 83-1783-Cowpasture Halterman, Charles: 200-1786-Straight Creek Harper, Matthew: 220-1746-Bullpasture, 1 m. S. of McDowell-P. 1758 Hays, Charles: 114-1768-Bullpasture Mountain, n. Doe Hill-P. 1772 by Thomas Wright Heath, William: 200-1780-Bullpasture-P Hempenstall, Abranchaham: 60-1773-adj. himself at Doe Hill-P. 1784 by William Wilson Hicklin, Thomas (1) 68-1756-Bullpasture, adj. Lewis-P (2) 85-1773-branch. of Bullpasture, adj. Bradshaw (3) 82-1782-Bullpasture, adj. himself (4) 150-1783-Bullpasture, adj. himself Hicklin, Hugh: (1) 100-1758-branch. of Bullpasture-P. (2) 130-1769-Cowpasture-P (3) (4) Hicklin, James: 100-1783-adj. John Hicklin Hines, Edward: (1) 50-1768-Bullpasture-P. 1770 (2) 174-1780-Crab Run, adj. his late father's place-P. 1784 Holman, William: 265-1746-Bullpasture, adj. McCreary Hughart, Thomas (1) 200-1788-Big Valley, headwaters of Bolar Run-P. 1789 (2) 95-1780-Big Valley-P Hull, Peter: (1) 97-1772-headwaters of Jackson's River, at "Osten's Camp"-P. 1773 (2) 160-1781-Crabbottom, adj. himself-P (3) 341-1782-Crabbottom, adj. himself-P (4) 198-1783-Crabbottom (5) 198-1783-Crabbottom (6) 157-1785-Straight Fork? (7) 115-1785-Crabbottom (8) 32-1787-headwaters of North Fork. On an "old path" Hull, George: 270-1781-adj. himself and Isaac Gum Ingram, Abranchaham: (1) 176-1780-headwaters of Jackson's River, adj. Lewis-P. 1781 (2) 115-1781-above Vanderpool and Frame's-P (3) 258-1782-headwaters of Jackson's River (4) 139-1786-Crabbottom Janes, William: (1) 131-1781-Straight Creek (2) 192-1783-Straight Creek (3) 190-1788-Straight Creek (4) 190-1788-Straight Creek, between himself and Evick Johnson, William: 115-1761-branch. of Bullpasture Johnston, Bartholemew: 93-1783-headwaters of Jackson's River adj. Ingram Johnes, Henry: 131-1789-branch. of Cowpasture Jordan, Andrew: 188-1786-South Fork, adj. himself Killingsworth, Richard: 93-1782-Bullpasture Mountain, adj. John Graham-P. 1784 Kilpatrick, William: 121-1782-Harper's Run, E. side Bullpasture Kilpatrick, Andrew: (1) 36-1782-Jackson's River, at King's bottom-P (2) 69-1783-Jackson's River, adj. Wiley Kilpatrick, James: 111-1783-Jackson's River adj. Wiley Knapp, Moses: 155-1781-Bullpasture, W. of Doe Hill Knox, Robert: 88-1775-Bullpasture, adj. first Bodkin place Lantz, Bernard: (1) 98-1766-SB, above homestead-P. 1773 (2) 56-1769-Crabbottom-P. 1771 (3) 84-1769-Crabbottom, between himself and Gum-P. (4) 50-1772-Crabbottom, adj. himself (5) 395-1774-Crabbottom, adj. William Cunningham and Jacob Tress-P. 1781 (6) 98-1774-Crabbottom-P. 1781 (7) 54-1785-Crabbottom, at "Fallen Timbers" Lantz, Conrad: 56-1785-Crabbottom, adj. Bernard Lantz and Bowman Largent, James: 212-1746-Bullpasture Lewis, Andrew: (1) 348-1746-Bullpasture (W. P. B. Lockridge's)-P. 1750 Lewis, Thomas: 1300-1763-the "Valley" of Back Creek, opposite John Miller-P Lewis, William: (1) 110-1763-Back Creek, opposite Stephen Wilson's and on an "old road that leadeth to Greenbranchier"-P (2) 270-1763-Vanderpool-P Lockridge, Andrew: 32-1784-Bullpasture Lowe, Christopher: 98-1766-headwaters of Cowpasture---P. 1769 by James Young Malcomb, Joseph: (1) 161-1780-Bullpasture-adj. Robert Carlile (2) 24-1782-Bullpasture, adj. himself (3) 130-1784-Bullpasture, headwaters Carlile Run-P. 1787 Martin, Lewis: 131-1781-Cowpasture, adj. himself-P. 1789 by Henry Jones Martinearly, James: 70-1785-Bp, at Blue Spring Matheny, Luke: 130-1789-Back Creek Mathew, David: 184-1773-Bullpasture__P Mathews, Sampson and George: 232-1773-Bullpasture, adj. Bodkin-P McCamie, James: 161-1787-N. W. branch. Bullpasture-P. McCandless, Alexander: 144-1754-branch. of Bullpasture McCandless, William: 73-1782-Bullpasture, opposite John Bodkin-assigned (1) to John Painter, (2) to Tully Davitt in 1785 McClellan, William: 96-1768-Cross Run at headwaters of Bullpasture McCoy, John: (1)-118-1782-Bullpasture, adj. himself-P. 1784 McCoy, Oliver: 100-1789-Crab Run McCreary, John: (1) 280-1746-Bullpasture, below Doe Hill-P. 1760 (2) 224-1750-Bullpasture-P (3) 200-1759-Bullpasture-P McCreary, Robert: 30-1783-Cowpasture-P. 1784 McDougall, John: 66-1773-Straight F'k of Bullpasture-P. 1773 McMullen, Robert: (1) 125-1773-Bullpasture, adj. Duffield (2) 150-1782-Bullpasture, adj. Andrew Yeager Miller, James: 250-1746-Bullpasture, between Bodkin and Harper Miller, William: 130-1754-Crab Run-P. 1763 by William Preston Miller, Hugh: (1) 220-1767-branch. of Bullpasture-P.? 1784 by James Carlile (2) 75-1767-Carlile Run Miller, Patrick: (1) 45-1771-Cowpasture, adj. himself-P. 1773 (2) 58-1783-Cowpasture-P. 1787 Miller, John: (1) 96-1780-Shaw's Fork (2) 58-1780-Bullpasture, adj. himself and Hines-P. 1784 (3) 232-1782-Bullpasture, adj. himself-P. 1784 (4) 286-1760-Cowpasture-P. Montgomery, John: 30-1765-Bullpasture-P. 1769 Montgomery, James 54-1757-Jackson's River Moore, David: 200-1759-Bolar Run Moore, Benjamin: 150-1789-Crab Run Morrow, James: 210-1769-Jackson's River, above Vanderpool Morton, Edward: 200-1787-Crab Run, adj. Joseph Bates-P Mullenax, John: (1) 110-1781-Crabbottom, adj. Arbogast-P. 1784 (2) 196-1785-Jackson's River, adj. Roby and Dinwiddie Murce, Robert: 116-1782-Bullpasture Mountain, headwaters of Burdie Run Naigley, Palsor: 68-1768-Crabbottom-P. 1773 Naigley, George: 142-1774-Crabbottom Newell, William: 32-1784-Bullpasture, below John Davis-P Nicholas, George: (1) 67-1770-SB (2) 123-1780-SB, at Spruce Run-P. 1782 (3) 43-1784-Straight Creek-P. 1789 Oliver, John: 125-1782-Jackson's River-P O'Neil, Thomas: 80-1789-Carlile's Run Parsons, Thomas: 200-1757-SB. (W. E. Fleisher's)-P. Patton, Matthew: (1) 17-1774-Jackson's River, adj. himself-P. 1781 (2) 82-1773-Mill Run of North Fork, opposite Crabbottom-P Peebles, John (1) 99-1780-branch. of Cowpasture-P. 1781 (2) 193-1782-Bullpasture, at Clover Cr.-P. 1783 (3) 281-1782-Bullpasture Mountain, opposite George Benson-P. 1783 Pender, John-73-1783-n. Doe Hill and adj. Hiner Penn, Matthew: 250-1782-Shaw's F'k-P. 1784 Poage, John: 153-1780-Back Creek, adj. William Cunningham-P Preston, William: 94-1770-Jackson's River, at Stony Lick-P Price, William: (1) 130-1754-Cowpasture, at a big spring-P. 1769 by Hugh Hicklin (2) 50-1754-Bullpasture Mountain-P.? 1780 by John Carlile Pullin, Loftus: (1) 321-1746-Bullpasture (Saunders place)-P. 1758 (2) 400-1782-Crab Run, adj. himself-P. 1783 Redmond, Samuel: (1) 120-1781-PB Mountain between John Chestnut and William Jordan (2) 92-1786-Cowpasture, adj. Morton and Martin Redmond, John: 8-1787-Cowpasture Reynolds, Job: 200-1775-headwaters of Cowpasture Richardson, Robert: 55-1787-Cowpasture Rider, William: 176-1780-Back Creek-P. 1789 Robertson, Peter: (1) 95-1786-Jackson's River (2) 65-1789-Back Creek-P Robinson, Henry, James Wood, Thomas and Andrew Lewis (1) 175-1746-Bullpasture, above Harper-P. 1750 by John Brown (2) 281-1746-Bullpasture, 2 m. below Clover Cr. P. O.-P. 1750 by William Wilson (3) 286-1746-Cowpasture-P. 1750 by Peter Wright Roby, Patrick M.: 70-1789-Jackson's River, abve Vanderpool Schoolcraft, John: 53-1766-Straight Creek-P. 1771 by Bernard Lantz Schoolcraft, Mathias: 130-1766-SB, below Crabbottom-P. 1771 by Michael Arbogast Seybert, Nicholas: (1) 233-1780-Straight Creek, adj. himself (2) 180-1780-Straight Creek, adj. himself-P. 1781 (3) 294-1781-Straight Creek-n. Monterey-P. 1782 (4) 317-1781-Straight Creek-P. 1782-sold to Geo. Evick (5) 1420-1786-at Hightown (6) 110-1788-Straight Creek (7) 530-1788-Crabbottom (8) 300-1788-Straight Creek-n. Evick (9) 130-1789-Crab Run Skillern, George: 95-1768-Bolar Run-P. 1780- by Thomas Hughart Slaven, John: 191-1781-Meadowdale Smith, Abranchaham: (1) 82-1769-headwaters of Crabbottom-P. 1771 (2) 170-1773-Crabbottom-P. 1774 (3) 198-1780-Crabbottom-P. Smith, Abranchaham and Joseph Skidmore: (1) 390-1775-Crabbottom, adj. Hul (2) 193-1775-Crabbottom, adj. Hull-P. 1787 by Isaac Gum (3) 290-1775-Crabbottom-P. 1781 by John Skidmore (4) 400-1775-Crabbottom, above a cold spring-P. 1784 by Abranchaham Burner (5) 39-1780-Crabbottom-P Snedicore, Christopher: 172-1784-Carlile Run-P. 1788 Steuart, William: (1) 65-1769-Cowpasture, 2 m. above Williamsville (2) 122-1782-Bullpasture Mountain on road to John Hicklin-P. 1784 (3) 177-1786-Bullpasture, at Ferguson's Run (4) 115-1786-Bullpasture, at Ferguson's Run Summers, Paul: 50-1781-Bullpasture, adj. Hughes-P. 1782 Sweet, Timothy: 32-1768-Straight Creek, above Frame's cabin-P. 1784 by Abranchaham Hempenstall Townsend, Ezekiel: 42-1780-Back Creek, and cor. to Ephraim Bates-P. 1789 Townsend, John: 6-1784-Back Creek, n. Alexander Hamilton and Roger Hickman Trimble, James: (1) 364-1756-headwaters of Bullpasture-P (2) 300-1761-Crabbottom-P-sold to Peter Hull (3) 330-1761-Crabbottom-P-sold to Peter Hull (4) 85-1766-Crabbottom-P-sold to Peter Hull Vandyne, Jacob: 90-1780-Bullpasture, above Hempenstall-P. 1782 by John Gaines Wade, Dawson: (1) 24-1767-Bullpasture, adj. himself (2) 125-1767-branch. of Bullpasture-P Wade, John: 136-1781-Back Creek-P. 1783 Wagoner, Christian: 89-1780-Crabbottom, Middle F'k.-P Weron, Abijah: (1) 125-1783-Back Creek, adj. John Gum (2) 116-1783-Jackson's River, adj. Ingram Wiley, Robert: (1) 78-1773-Dry Branch, and adj. himself (2) 29001780-Jackson's River-P Wiley, Alexander: (1) 200-1780-Dry Branch-P. 1782 (2) 91-1782-Jackson's River, above King's Bottom-P. 1782 Wilson, Hackland: 74-1754-headwaters of Cowpasture-P. 1765 by George Wilson Wilson, William (a) 281-1750-Bullpasture-P Wilson, William (b) (1) 100-1754-Jackson's River-P. 1756 (2) 304-1760-Jackson's River-P (3) 92-1773-Bolar Run (4) 149-1773-Jackson's River, adj. himself (5) 400-1781-Jackson's River, adj. himself Wilson, William: (1) 112-1760-n. Doe Hill-P. (2) 112-1761-n. Doe Hill-P (3) 112-1781-Bullpasture, at Carlile Run-P. 1782 (4) 44-1781-Bullpasture, n. Doe Hill, adj.Elibab Wilson Wilson, Samuel: (1) 167-1768-Straight Creek n. Monterey (2) 63-1768-Carlile Run (3) 97-1768-H'd of South Straight Creek-P. 1773 by Peter Hull (4) 66-1768-headwaters of Crab Run-P. 1773-by John McDougall (5) 62-1768-headwaters of Straight Creek and Crab Run-P. 1782 by Ralph Wilson (6) 86-1773-at Doe Hill and adj. himself-P Wilson, Stephen: (1) 234-1760-Jackson's River-P. (2) 350-1770-Jackson's River. (3) 102-1780-Jackson's River. Wilson, John: (1) 60-1773-Jackson's River, adj. himself-P. 1780 (2) 380-1788-headwaters of Bolar Run-P. 1788 (3) 130-1789-Bolar Run-P (4) 175-1789-Bolar Run-P Wilson, George: (1) 316-1758-Cowpasture-P (2) 74-1765-headwaters of Cowpasture-P Woods, John: 82-1786-Bullpasture Mountain-(assignee of Robert McMullen) Wright, Thomas: 114-1772-Bullpasture Mountain E. of Doe Hill-P Yeager, George: (1) 144-1782-Bullpasture, at Burdie Run and cor. to Robert McMullen-entered by William Gwin, 1767 (2) 45-1787-Back Creek, cor. to Adam Harper, Young, John: 375-1768-Crabbottom, below Hull-P. Young, James: 98-1769-headwaters of Crabbottom Zickafoose, Peter: (1) 250-1772-Crabbottom, cor. to Arbogast-P. 1789 (2) 218-1781-Bullpasture, adj. Robert Carlile (3) 106-1782-Bullpasture, adj. himself (4) 112-1785-Crabbottom-P. 1789 (5) 40-1786-adj. himself (6) 78-1786-n. Doe Hill (7) 82-1786-Crab Run, n. Beathe (8) 250-1789-Crabbottom-P