Pages 593-604  ======   ======  Pages 618-628  





      penalty on private persons, issuing bills of credit or notes payable to bearer 431.
      Vestry of, to appoint commissioners to ascertain value of churches and chapels 437. Vestry of Beckford parish, in Shenando county, dissolved 526.
      See Pork, Beef, &c.
      Inspectors of, how appointed 250. Various regulations concerning 250−256.
      Prefixed to the Constitution of Virginia 110−112.
      Penalty on private persons issuing bills of credit or notes, payable to bearer 431.
      Vestry of Blisland parish, in New Kent and James city, dissolved 526.
      No corruption of, in attainder 303.
      Official bonds, to whom payable 127, 191.
      Vestry of Botetourt parish, in county of Botetourt dissolved, and new vestry elected 318. Their powers 319. Authorised to seel their glebe and purchase another 319. Green Brier county and parish formed out of Botetourt and Montgomery 420. Rockbridge county and parish formed out of Augusta and Botetourt 421. Commissioners of tax, in Botetourt
parish to provide for the poor, there being no vestry 527. Court day of Botetourt county altered 580.
      See Army.
      Land bounty offered by Congress 179. Additional bounty to men who re-enlist 338. Bounty for 18 months men 588. For three years or during the war, together with the continental land bounty 589. Bounties, how paid 591.
      In naval officer, how punishable 189.
      Justices of Southampton authorised to erect toll bridges over Nottoway river 586. Tolls 587. Penalty for exceeding legal tolls 587. Tolls, how appropriated 587. Receiver, how appointed 587. Remedy against for failing to pay 588.
      How appointed 27. His pay 27.
      British debts payable into the loan office 379. Suits by British subjects suspended 380.
      British property sequestered 378. Commissioners of sequestration, for each particular estate how appointed 378. Their powers and duties 378. Accounts laid before the assembly 379. Partition between British subjects, and citizens, joint-tenants, &c. how made 379. British debts payable into loan office 379. Provision for wives, &c. of British subjects 380. Suits by British





subjects suspended 380. Proceeding, where joint plaintiffs, or defendants, with a citizen 380.
      Part of Buckingham county added to Cumberland 559.
      Of militia fines, is appointment and duty 272. Penalty for misapplication of money 272.
      In the army, provision for 80. In the cavalry 143.
      Camden parish divided and Patrick formed 567. Glebes of Camden and Amherst to be sold, and money divided between those parishes and Patrick and Lexington 468.
      Of militia, their command 268.
      Tax on 220. Lists of, how given in 220.
      Six troops to be raised 137. Officers pay, term of enlistment 137, 138. Certain defects in ordinance for raising, supplied 141. When commissions to issue 141. When their pay to commence 142. How armed 142. Horses, how furnished 142. Major-commandant 142. Cadets in, provided for 143. Quarter-master, rough rider, horse breaker, drummer 143. Regiment to be raised 449. Various regulations concerning 449−451.
      Loan office, of United States, form of 284. Forging or counterfeiting, death 285. State
loan office certificates, form of 280, 481. Not assignable 482. Forging or counterfeiting, how punishable 287, 366, 541. Forging or counterfeiting certain warrants and certificates, how punishable 302, 541. Provision for wife and children out of estate of offender 303. Attainder no corruption of blood 303. Certain loan office certificates to be called in, and discharged, or exchanged 482. Act more effectually to guard against counterfeiting 541. Offender may be conveyed out of his county and tried 542. Reward for apprehending 543. Treasurer constituted judge of forged or counterfeited, and authorised to deface them 544. County courts to appoint judges of counterfeits, who are also authorised to deface them 544.
      How granted, in High Court of Chancery 395. Rules as to 395. How obtained, in general court 413. Punishment for false affidavit 414.
      See High Court of Chancery, & page 389.
      How appointed 10, 18, 79. their pay 14, 23, 82.
      Part of Charlotte county added to Lunenburg, 327.
      Vestry of Christ Church parish, in Middlesex dissolved 317. So, in Lancaster 430.





      dissenters exempted from levies for the support of the church of England 164. Glebes saved to the churches 165. Donations held sacred 165. Salaries of ministers of church of England suspended 166, 312, 387, 469, 578.
In court of admiralty, rules for filing 204.
      Clearance and entry of any vessel to be noted by naval officer 191.
      Act making provision for the clergy suspended 166, 312, 387.
      Of courts, under the constitution 117. Tenure of office 117. their oath 121. Of court martial of the militia 272. When clerks of courts to account with treasurer for taxes 362. Penalty for failing to account 362. For accounting and failing to pay 362. Clerk of High Court of Chancery, how appointed 390. Of general court, salary of 403. Clerk of High Court of Chancery 459. Clerkship of foreign correspondence established 467. Clerk of Court of Appeals 524.
      Of regulars 12, 82. Of minute-men 20. Clothing for troops provided by seizure of goods 375. Power of commissioners to break locks, &c. 376. Goods, how appraised 376. How paid for 376. When charged to United States 376.
How made up into clothing 376. Power to impress workmen 376. Commissioners to transmit accounts to treasurer 377. Indemnification 377. Clothing for recruits, on the continental establishment 589.
      To counterfeit, or make base coin, or pass such knowingly, death without clergy 134.
      Of fines, See Army, Militia.
      Of taxes, may be appointed, on failure of sheriff to give bond 358.
      Of militia, their command, 268.
      In the militia, when called out, how appointed, 296.
      Appointed to borrow money for United States, 284.
      Conveyances by commissioners and sheriffs under judgments and decrees confirmed, 210. Commissioners of tax, how appointed 351. Their oath and duty, 352. Sheriffs to account with, 361. At what time, 362. Penalty on, for refusing to serve, 363. Vacancies, in office of, how supplied, 363. Commissioners and assessors to meet and confer together, and adopt some general mode of valuation, 549. Commissioners to fix compensation for extraordinary trouble of assessors, 549. How books of commissioners and assessors to be made out, 550. Members of assembly accepting the office





of commissioner of tax or assessor vacate their seats, 550.
      Style of, under the constitution, 118. Governor and council may issue commissions without a seal, until one is provided, 211. When issued from High Court of Chancery, 394.
      See Army.
      Their power in relation to the army, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 77, 78, 88, 89. Army subject to controul of general committee of safety, 15, 85. General committee of safety appointed, 49. How organized, 49. Their powers, 50. To commission officers, 50. General powers, 50. To direct the movements of the army, 50. And call the minute-men and militia into service, 50. To call for aid from neighbouring colonies & to send the m assistance, 51. Restrictions in calling out the militia, 51. All officers to obey the general committee of safety, 51. May call militia and volunteers into service, 51. To keep up a general correspondence, 51. Their proceedings to be recorded, 52. Their compensation, 52. May cause treasury and public records to be removed, 52. Mode of appointing officers by district committee altered, 52. Power of general committee as to arms, &c. 53. Person accepting office or appointment under the crown disqualified, 53. How long committee of safety to continue in office, 53. Committee-men in counties how
elected, 57. Rules for conducting such elections, 58. Committees, how organized, 59. Vacancies in chairman and clerk, how supplied, 59. Censures on those refusing obedience to committees, 60. District committees, how appointed, 79, 88. To appoint paymasters, 84. Ordinance for appointing committee of safety revived and amended, 95. What number may act, 95. General powers, 95. May appoint assistant clerk, 95. County committees to be elected, where not already done, 99. Election in Norfolk, at what place, 100. Time of election of committees altered, 100. County committees reimbursed expenses of expresses, &c. 100. Committee of Caroline dissolved, the election being irregular, 101. How a new election made, 101. Power of committee of safety to pardon tories, 102. Powers of committee of safety, to cease in the qualification of the governor and council, under the constitution, 120. Their powers transferred to executive, 121. How long to continue, 122. Powers of committee of safety further continued in governor and council, 178. Further continued, 309.
      Of England adopted, 127.
      Punishment of those asserting the power of the king or parliament of Great Britain, 170. Or those who oppose the government of the commonwealth, 170.





Indictments, &c. depending in the name of the king, on the 12th of April, 1774, prosecuted in the name of the commonwealth, 373. Appeals against the king, carried on against the commonwealth, and bonds, &c. to him, to operate as if to commonwealth, 473. Judgments in favour of king to enure to commonwealth, 473. No time bars commonwealth of execution, 473. Criminal prosecutions, &c. discontinued by change of government, revived, in name of commonwealth, 474.
      Of militia, what number of privates, to be commanded by a captain, two lieutenants and an ensign, 268.
      Pay of members to the general congress, 73, 388. General officers appointed by 77. Pay of members reduced, 134. Time of service of delegates to, limited, 299. Delegates to, ineligible to general assembly, 299. Their wages, 299, 388. Number of delegates, 388. How many may represent the state, 388. How long eligible, 388. Their wages, 388. Wages encreased, 558.
      How appointed, under the constitution, 117.
      Of Virginia, 112−−119.
      See Association.
      Against importing goods, &c. how enforced in Virginia, 102, 106.
      See Army.
      Future enlistments to be for three years, or during the war, 454. Pay, bounty, clothing, &c. 454, 456. Pensions, full pay for life, 456. Act to enable the officers and encourage the soldiers of the Virginia line, to continue in the continental service, 565. A present of six months pay, 566. Groceries furnished at stipulated prices, 566. Pensions to widows, 566. Act in part suspended, 580.
      Summary proceedings against public contractors in behalf of the commonwealth, 300. Remedy in behalf of contractors against others, 301. Same remedy given to United States, as to this state, 463.
      See Elections.
      Delegates to convention, during the interregnum, how elected, 54−58. Members of two former conventions, how paid, 56. Vacancies in convention, how supplied, 130.
      Conveyances by non-residents, how authenticated, 207. Privy examinations of non-resident feme-covert, how made, 203. Former acknowledgments confirmed, 209. How defective privy examinations may be perfected, 209. Conveyances by commissioners and sheriffs under judgments and decrees confirmed, 210.
      In court of admiralty, rules concerning, 205. What lawyer's





fees to be taxed in bills of const, 529.
      Part of Cornwall parish, in county of Charlotte, added to Cumberland parish, in county of Lunenburg 327.
      How appointed, under the Constitution 117.
      When a corporation's right to representation shall cease 114.
      Clerkship of foreign correspondence established 467.
      See Attainder and page 303.
      See Privy Council.
      Forging or counterfeiting paper money of this colony, death without clergy 69, 148, 457. So, of congress, or any of the United States 134. So for counterfeiting, or making base coin 134. So, as to loan office certificates, of United States 285. Forging or counterfeiting state loan office certificates, how punishable 287. Certain treasury notes, how punishable 289, 367. Forging or counterfeiting certain warrants and certificates, how punishable 302. Provision for wife and children out of estate of offender 303. Attainder no corruption of blood 303. To forge or counterfeit, &c. tobacco notes felony without clergy 516. To forge or counterfeit, alter or erase, paper money, or bills of credit, treasury notes, or loan office certificates,
or to pass such knowingly, or to have in possession plates, presses, &c. for making them, death without clergy 541. Offenders, if danger of rescue, how apprehended and conveyed to jail of any county, or to public jail 542. How to be tried 542. Rewards for apprehending counterfeiters, 543. Duty of justices to cause persons suspected of having counterfeited money to be apprehended 543. Treasurer constituted judge of counterfeits, and authorised to deface counterfeits, offered in payment 544. County courts to appoint judges of counterfeits, who are also authorised to deface counterfeit bills 544. Penalty for refusing to submit bills to examination of judges 545.
      Pittsylvania county divided, and Henry formed 241. Court houses of Pittsylvania and Henry fixed 242. Boundaries of Stafford and King George altered 244. Fincastle divide and Kentucky, Washington and Montgomery formed, and Fincastle become extinct 257. Boundary between county of Augusta and district of West Augusta ascertained 262. Counties of Ohio, Yohogania, and Monongalia formed out of district of West Augusta 262. Qualification of electors to the general assembly 264. Boundaries between county of Augusta, and district of West Augusta ascertained 262. Cumberland county divided,





and Powhatan formed 322. Albemarle county divided, & Fluvanna formed 325. Part of county of Charlotte added to Lunenburg 327. Boundaries between Montgomery & Washington altered 330. Part of Augusta county added to Hampshire 420. Rockingham formed out of Augusta 420. Greenbrier formed out of Botetourt and Montgomery 420. Rockbridge formed out of Augusta and Botetourt 421. Name of Dunmore changed to Shanando 424. Part of county of Westmoreland added to King George, and part of King George added to Westmoreland 432. County of Ilinois, on the western side of the Ohio river adjacent to the Missisippi established 552. Part of Buckingham county added to Cumberland 559.
      Of militia, to command the whole 268.
      See High Court of Chancery.−−General Court. Resolutions of convention, tending to stop proceedings in courts of justice repealed 368. The fee-bill act (except the fifteenth section) revived for one year 368. Further revived 528. Incidental expenses of superior courts allowed by auditors 538.
      To assess fines on regulars 22. On minute-men 27. On the militia 30, 271, 295. How constituted 22, 30, 271, 295. Oath of, in the militia 32, 295. In the
regular army 45. Of witnesses 45, 296. In Williamsburg to assess fines, instead of court of hustings 140. Oath of courts-martial of the militia 271. Sentences of death, pronounced by, when subject to controul of executive 309.
      Special court of oyer and terminer, for trial of criminals, constituted 172. Their powers extended 218. Court of oyer and terminer for trial of criminals established 306. Oath of judges 306. Grand jury, petit juries, venire facias 307. Wages of judges 308. Prisoner not tried in general court, when bailable 414. Proviso 414. Criminal jurisdiction of general court 414. Examining court, how summoned 414. Its powers 415. Bail after examining court 415. Venire, how summoned 416. Allowance to venire men 416. Their fine for non-attendance 416. Subpœnas for prisoner's witnesses, their allowance, &c;. 416. Guards to the public jail 416. Fees to the sheriff and jailor 416. Charges of prosecution, how paid 416. Grand juries, how summoned 417. Prisoners how arraigned and tried 417. Allowed counsel 417. Suspension of execution 417. Criminals not tried within a limited time, discharge 474. Governor and council authorised to direct allowances to prisoners confined in public jail 478.





      To general court 403. To court of appeals 527.
      Cumberland county divided, & Powhatan formed 322. Boundaries 322. Court days 323. Town of Scottville established at Powhatan courthouse 323. Lots, how disposed of 324. Town of Effingham, at Cumberland courthouse established 324. Part of Cornwall parish, in county of Charlotte, added to Cumberland parish, in county of Lunenburg 327. Justices authorised to appoint a new place for holding courts 437. Act establishing town of Effingham repealed 438. Part of Buckingham county added to Cumberland 559.
      Proceedings against defendant in custody, in High Court of Chancery 397. In general court 407.
      On appeals, in general court 412. In personal actions 412. In real or mixed 412. Against sheriffs for failing to pay taxes 549.
      Oath of master of vessel to prevent carrying debtors out of the state 187.
      Prefixed to the Constitution of Virginia 110−112.
      Conveyances by commissioners and sheriffs under judgments and decrees confirmed 210.
      See Conveyances.
      Deeds and conveyances by non-residents, how authenticated 207. Privy examinations of non-resident femes convert, how made 208. Former acknowledgments confirmed 209. How defective privy examinations may be perfected 209. Conveyances by commissioners and sheriffs under judgments and decrees confirmed 210. Deeds not recorded in time, may still be recorded 215. Period excepted out of the act of limitations 215.
      See Elections.
      To convention, during the interregnum, how elected 54−58. House of delegates of Virginia, under the constitution 114. Its members, their qualifications, by whom and how chosen 114. Their oath 120. Salaries of speakers of senate, and house of delegates 213. Late sheriff of Prince George authorised to hold an election for delegates, notwithstanding his sheriffalty has expired 230. Time of service of delegates to congress limited 299. Delegates to congress ineligible to general assembly 299. Their wages 299. Number of delegates to congress 388. How many may represent the state 388. How long eligible 388. Their wages 388. Wages encreased 558.
      In High Court of Chancery,





when taken 394. In general court 410.
      Penalty for harbouring 91. Deserters, how apprehended and dealt with 289. Penalty for harbouring them 290. Reward for apprehending 290. Militia called out, failing to appear, or find a substitute, treated as a deserter 292. To apprehend and deliver a deserter, from the continental army, an exemption from the draft 344. Further penalty, for concealing 344.
      Dissenting ministers not exempted from militia duty, unless licensed 89. Dissenters exempted from levies, for the support of the church of England 164.
      Of spirits, from corn, wheat, rye, and other grain prohibited 476. Penalties 476.
      Arms of militia exempted from 31, 269. Remedy by distress, for taxes 221, 358.
      Rules for docketing causes, in general court 409.
      For the use of churches held sacred 165.
      Of militia, how made 89. Penalty for failing to attend, or find a substitute 90. Officers to command drafts, how appointed 90. Volunteers may be accepted in lieu of drafts 90. Drafts in Accomack and Northampton, how made 141.
Drafts resorted to, in order to complete this state's quota of continental troops 276. Mode of drafting 276, 277. Fines for neglect 278. Drafts of single men to complete the regiments, on continental establishment, in what proportions in the several counties 339. Bounty to drafts 340. Term of service 340. Mode of drafting 341, 342. Time for making drafts, to recruit the Virginia regiments, continental establishment, extended, in the counties beyond the Blue Ridge 433.
      How appointed 79. Their pay 83.
      Name of Dunmore county changed to Shanando, now called Shenandoah 424. Court days 424. Jurisdiction of court, and officers civil and military not affected 424.
      Late duty on tobacco exported, to cease 162. New duty imposed 361. Tobacco exported to French West India islands exempted from duty 551.
      Town of Effingham established at Cumberland courthouse 324. Act repealed 438.
      Delegates to convention, during the interregnum, who may be, and by whom elected 54. For what places 54. Rules to be observed in elections 54. Proviso, as to James town and William and Mary college 55. Vacancies, how supplied 55.





Delegates, when to meet, and power to adjourn 55. Their wages 56. Persons disqualified to be elected, for convention, or congress 56, 57. Qualifications of electors in Fincastle and West Augusta 58. For members to general assembly, under the constitution 114. Right of suffrage, under the constitution 115. Qualifications of electors in Kentucky, Washington, and Montgomery, which were formed out of Fincastle 260. So, as to Ohio, Yohogania, and Monongalia, which were formed out of district of West Augusta 264. Kentucky election of delegates confirmed 316. Not to be drawn into precedent 317.
      See Elections.
      Qualifications of, during the interregnum 54. Special qualifications, in county of Fincastle and district of West Augusta 58. Recognized by the constitution 114, 115. For members to the general assembly, under the constitution 114, 115. Qualifications of electors in Kentucky, Washington, and Montgomery, which were formed out of Fincastle 260. So, as to Ohio Yohogania, and Monongalia, which were formed out of the district of West Augusta 264. Inspectors of tobacco ineligible to general assembly 508. Not to interfere in elections 509.
      Vestry of Elizabeth River parish
in Norfolk county dissolved 526.
      Emancipation of certain slaves, by a codicil annexed to the will of John Barr, deceased, confirmed 320. This act not to be drawn into precedent 321.
      Bonds to be given, by masters of vessels, on making entry, to naval officer, to prevent sailing in contempt of embargoes 186. Duty of naval officers in relation to embargoes 186. Embargo on exportation of pork, beef, and bacon 386. How enforced 386. Further penalties, for violating embargoes 475. Bonds to prevent sailing in contempt of embargoes 475. Penalty for trading without taking the oath of allegiance 475. Governor and council empowered to lay an embargo, on exportation of provisions 530. Vessels laden in violation of embargo, forfeited with their cargoes 530. May be searched and seized by armed vessels 531. No prohibited articles or provisions to be transported out of this state, by land 531. How they may be seized and forfeited 531. bond and oath not to sail in contempt of embargo 531. Executive may permit provisions to be exported to inhabitants of U. States, in real distress 532. Embargo laid on salt 533.
      Ordinance establishing a mode





of punishment for the enemies to America in this colony 101. White persons, who have been in arms against the colony, failing to surrender themselves to the committee of safety, or aiding the enemy, how dealt with 102, 130. Their estates how disposed of 102, 131. Power of committee of safety to pardon 102. Continental association enforced 102. Penalty for importing goods, or exporting produce contrary to the association 103. Penalty for ordering goods to be imported 103. Judges of admiralty appointed to decide on breaches of the ordinance 103, 131. Advocate, clerk, marshal 104. Witnesses, their allowance, and how paid 104. Appeal to committee of safety 104. Judges, when to meet 105. Their pay 105. Committee of safety to commission five of their members to each county 105. Trial to be by jury 106. Right of appeal 106. Slaves taken in arms, how disposed of 106. Owners to be paid by treasurer 106. Allowance to wives and children 132. Punishment of those asserting the power of the king or parliament of Great Britain 170. Or who oppose the government of this commonwealth 170. Penalty for importing articles, except salt, or exporting, except allowed by congress 171.
      For fortifications to be appointed, 192.
His rank and pay, 192.
      Who deemed an engrosser, 382. How punishable, 383. Further definition & punishment, 581, 582. Doors of engrossers may be broken to seize grain and flour, for the American armies and navies, and the French squadron 584.
      Of militia, their command 268.
      See Fee Taille, and pa. 226.
      Entry and clearance of every vessel to be noted by naval officer 191.
      Writs of, how sued out, in general court 413. Judgment on reversal 413. In court of appeals 524.
      Heretofore going to the king to go to the commonwealth 18. 18
      Lands and slaves, in York, purchased for a vineyard, under the direction of Andrew Estave, to be sold 239.
      Period excepted out of the act of limitation 215. Copy of sheriffs bond evidence 358.
      In criminal cases, how summoned 414. Its powers 415. Bail after examining court 415.
      Arms of militia exempted from 31, 269. Execution of a criminal, how long suspended 417.





No time bars commonwealth of execution 474.
      Department of government separated from legislative and judicial 114. Governor and council constituted executive 116. Powers of committee of safety transferred to 120. Powers further continued 178. Further continued 309. State troops, and sentences of death pronounced by general court martial, except when joined by continental troops, subject to controul of executive of Virginia only 309. Executive authorised to send assistance to a sister state, on an invasion 428, 442. So, on expected invasion 477. Powers of executive extended, to appointment and removal of magistrates 477, 478. Authorised to superintend the public jail 478. Empowered to lay embargoes 530.
      Who exempted from militia duty 28, 267. Exempts not to appear at musters 31. Quakers and Menonists exempted 34. Dissenting ministers not exempted, unless licensed 89. Overseers to furnish arms and act as patrollers 89.
      Penalty for exporting produce, or importing goods contrary to the continental association 103. Further penalties 171. Permits for, granted by naval officer 185.
      Proprietor of Northern Neck, liable for amount of quitrents,
credited in land tax 359. His duty to furnish rent rolls to commissioners of tax 361.
      Fees of naval officers 188. Penalty for exceeding legal fees 188. Who may prosecute 189. Limitation of prosecution 189. Table of fees to be set up 189. Receipts to be given for fees 189. Fees for register of vessels 191. Of register and marshal to court of admiralty 206. The fee-bill act (except the fifteenth section) revived for one year 368. Tobacco fees payable in money at 12s. 6d per hundred 369. Fees for services rendered since the expiration of the act, how paid 369. For dietting prisoners 416. Officers fees when and how payable in tobacco 512, 514, 528. Fee-bill act revived 528. Allowances to sheriffs, jurors, and witnesses, in criminal cases, how paid in money 528. Lawyers fees, to be taxed in bills of cost 529.
      See Counterfeiting, Forgery.
      Stealing or taking by robbery paper money, felony 303. Felonies, in relation to tobacco 516, 517.
      Privy examination of non-resident feme covert, how made 209.
      New ferries established 233. Rates of man and horse 233. Bowie's ferry at Port Royal free for foot passengers 234. Rates for carriages 234. Penalty for exceeding legal rates 234.





County courts may establish opposite ferries 235. A ferry discontinued 235. New ferries established 334. Rates 334. Penalty for exceeding legal rates 335. Ferries discontinued 335. New ferries established 546. County courts empowered to fix the rates at ferries, annually 546. New ferries established 585. Rates 585. Penalty for exceeding legal rates 586. A ferry discontinued 586.
      Tenants of lands or slaves in fee taille, to hold them in fee simple 226.
      Tenants of lands or slaves in fee taille, to hold them in fee simple 226. Saving certain rights 226.
      See Allegiance.
      Oath of Fidelity, by whom to be taken 281. Form of the oath 281. Incapacities of those refusing to take it 283.
      Special qualifications of electors in 58. Landholders in, to pay taxes, although no patents obtained 66, 144. Fincastle county divided, and Kentucky, Washington and Montgomery formed, and Fincastle became extinct 257. Boundaries 257. Court days 258. Qualifications of electors 260.
      See Army, Militia.
      Fines on infants and servants, by whom paid 32, 271. Collectors of fines, how appointed 91. Remedy by distress 91.
Motion against collectors 91. Fines how appropriated 91. Heretofore payable to the king, to enure to the commonwealth 127. Fines for various delinquencies in the militia 270, 271. How collected 272. Duty of clerk of general court to transmit lists of fines to sheriffs 419. Duty of sheriffs to collect 419. Fines for mutiny, desertion, &c; encreased 458.
      Act compelling owners of mills on Rappidan river to make slopes for passage of fish repealed 579.
      Virginia fleet, how manned 196.
      See Pork, Beef, &c.
      Inspectors of, how appointed 250. Various regulations concerning 250−256. Agents commissioned to seize grain and flour for the American armies and navies, and the French squadron 584. Doors of forestallers, engrossers, and monopolisers may be broken 584.
      Fluvanna county formed from Albemarle 325. Boundaries 325. Court days 325. Fluvanna parish formed from those parts of St. Anne and Fredericksville, lying within the county of Fluvanna 326. Justices authorised to appoint a new place for holding courts 437.
      How proceeded in 396, 397.


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