Indictments, &c. depending in the name of the king, on the 12th of April, 1774,
prosecuted in the name of the commonwealth, 373. Appeals
against the king, carried on against the commonwealth, and bonds, &c. to him, to operate as if to
commonwealth, 473. Judgments in favour of king to enure to
commonwealth, 473. No time bars commonwealth of execution, 473. Criminal prosecutions, &c. discontinued by change of
government, revived, in name of commonwealth, 474.
Of militia, what number of privates, to be commanded by a captain,
two lieutenants and an ensign, 268.
Pay of members to the general congress, 73, 388. General officers
appointed by 77. Pay of members reduced, 134. Time of service of delegates to, limited, 299. Delegates to, ineligible to general assembly, 299. Their wages, 299, 388. Number of delegates, 388. How many may represent the state, 388. How long eligible, 388.
Their wages, 388. Wages encreased, 558.
How appointed, under the constitution, 117.
Of Virginia, 112−−119.
See Association.
Against importing goods, &c. how enforced in Virginia, 102, 106.
See Army.
Future enlistments to be for three years, or during the war, 454. Pay, bounty, clothing, &c. 454, 456. Pensions, full
pay for life, 456. Act to enable the officers and
encourage the soldiers of the Virginia line, to continue in the continental service, 565. A present of six months pay, 566. Groceries furnished at stipulated prices, 566. Pensions to widows, 566. Act in part suspended, 580.
Summary proceedings against public contractors in behalf of the
commonwealth, 300. Remedy in behalf of contractors against
others, 301. Same remedy given to United States, as to this
state, 463.
See Elections.
Delegates to convention, during the interregnum, how elected, 54−58. Members of two former conventions, how paid, 56. Vacancies in convention, how supplied, 130.
Conveyances by non-residents, how authenticated, 207. Privy examinations of non-resident feme-covert, how made,
203. Former acknowledgments confirmed, 209. How defective privy examinations may be perfected, 209. Conveyances by commissioners and sheriffs under judgments
and decrees confirmed, 210.
In court of admiralty, rules concerning, 205. What lawyer's