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      Sheriffs not entitled to commissions where defendant is discharged as an insolvent,122. Notice by insolvent debtors, how given, 122. Insolvent debtor in execution how to be discharged, 329. His lands and personal estate afterwards acquired how made liable, 329. His estate surrendered, how disposed of, 330. His estate in possession of others, how recovered, 330. Not barred by judgment against garnishee for part, from claiming the residue, 331. Allowance to sheriff out of the estate, 331. If not sufficient, to be paid by creditors, 331. Creditor nonresident, failing to appoint an agent, not to have notice on discharge of debtor for want of security for prison fees, 332. His prison fees how paid, 528, 529. Allowance per day, 529.
      Of tobacco, how appointed, 86. Additional inspector, 87. Inspectors not to take a reward for resigning office, 87. No justice being an inspector to vote in the nomination, 87. Inspectors to give bond, 88. Form of oath, 88. How taken and certified, 88. At what times inspectors to attend, 89. Duty of inspectors, in viewing tobacco, 89. Where they disagree, 89. Inspectors to give receipts or notes, 90. Form of notes, 90. Where they are to pass currently, 90. Penalty on inspectors delaying payment of notes, 91. Notes to express kind of tobacco, 91.
Duty on tobacco payable to inspectors, 92. Notes not a lawful tender after twelve months, 92. Manner of packing stemmed tobacco, 92. Size of hogsheads, 92. Refused tobacco to be burnt, 93. Transfer notes, how converted into crop tobacco, 93. Inspectors to lay accounts of receipts before count court yearly, 94. When to settle with treasurer, 94. No inspector to be a member of house of burgesses, &c. 95. May receive his rents in tobacco, 95. Not to take any fee or reward but his salary, 95. Inspectors salaries, 97. Mode of detecting inspectors not doing their duty, 98. Inspectors to keep books, 105. Duties of inspectors as to re-landed tobacco, 106. Further duties of inspectors, 109. Inspectors to furnish manifests, 232. Their fees for re-landed tobacco, 233. Salaries of, at Nomony and Stratford and Noble's, 233. Duty of inspectors in preventing frauds, 233. Additional inspector, 234. Inspectors to publish a list of tobacco remaining in warehouses, 135. Their fees for delivering hogsheads of tobacco, in lieu of transfer, 237. Inspectors of tobacco exempted from militia duty, 242. Sheriff or inspector of tobacco, while in office and for two years after, incapable of sitting in the house of burgesses, 316. Penalty on inspector for interfering in elections, 316. Salaries of inspectors encreased,





at certain warehouses, 322, 323. Penalty on inspectors delivering tobacco without owner's order, 322. Or, delivering transfer receipts without having received and passed tobacco, 322. When inspectors to settle with treasurer, 324. Number of hands to be kept by inspectors, 324. Inspectors not to keep ordinary near warehouse, 325. Salaries at certain new warehouses, 508, 509.
      See Fee tail.−Lands.
      Act providing against, further continued, 37, 189, 334, 514.
      Certain islands in Fluvanna river annexed to counties of Albemarle and Amherst, 398.
      Part of Nansemond county added to Isle of Wight, 405. Another addition, 602.
      Part of James City county added to New Kent, and part of New Kent to James City, 208. James town to send one burgess, 306. Sheriff of James City returning officer for the college and James town, 313. Line between James City and York counties, as it runs through Williamsburg ascertained, 405. Part of county of York, in Williamsburg, added to James City, for the purpose of erecting a court house,419. Justices authorised to sell the land, on which the old court house stands, 420.
Court house to be kept in repair at joint expense of James City and Williamsburg, 420.
      Provision for clearing the great falls, from Westham downwards, and the north branch of James river, 148, Certain islands in, annexed to counties of Albemarle and Amherst, 398. Act for opening falls of James river by subscription, 564.
      Road from the Warm Springs in Augusta, to Jennings' gap, to be opened, 546. Tolls established, 546.
      Intail of certain lands whereof Richard Johnson is seized, docked, 455.
      Certain lands whereof John Robinson, esq. died seized, in trust for Philip Johnson, vested in trustees, 460. Lands to be sold, 462. Proceeds, how appropriated, 463.
      How to vote at elections, 306.
      Certain entailed lands whereof Lewellin Jones is seized, docked, 276.
      Certain lands of which Rice Jones is seized in fee tail, vested in Richard Corbin, esq. in fee simple, 159.





      Justices of the peace (unless they are officers) exempted from militia duty, 242. Exempts, except quakers, to provide arms, 242. Penalty for failure, 243.
      Provision for collecting the taxes in King George and Buckingham, and the public levy in Fauquier, 201. Commissioners appointed to strike a dividing line between the counties of Stafford and King George, 601. To report to the next assembly, 602.
      Court day of, altered, 23. Again altered, 265.
      Vestry of Elizabeth River parish authorised to purchase and improve lots in Norfolk borough, for their minister, instead of a glebe; and to pay his salary in money instead of tobacco, 14. Vestry of Bath parish, in Dinwiddie, authorised to sell their glebe, 24. Entail of certain lands whereof Charles Carter, esq. is seized, docked, 25. Sale of certain entailed lands whereof John Spotswood, esq. is seized, directed for payment of debt due from him and the estate of major-general Alexander Spotswood, 27. Certain entailed lands whereof, William Cary is seized, vested in Allen Jones, 34, 61. Certain entailed lands formerly of Nicholas Meriwether, vested in John Syme, 54. Entail of certain lands whereof Richard
Todd is seized, docked, 57. Certain entailed lands vested in Robert Lewis, 59. Absolute property in certain slaves vested in George Heale, and three tracts of land settled in lieu thereof, 63. Entail of certain lands in Albemarle parish, in county of Sussex, whereof Nathaniel Harrison, the younger, is seized, docked, and vested in trustees, in fee-simple, for certain purposes, 66. Parish of Elizabeth River entitled to hold the lands, of the donation of Matthew Godfrey, paying to the parishes of St. Bride's and Portsmouth their proportion of its value, 156. Certain lands of which Rice Jones is seized in fee tail, vested in Richard Corbin, in fee simple, 159. Entail of certain lands whereof Thomas Mann Randolph is seized, docked, 161. So, as to John Grigg, 163. So, as to Harry Beverley, 166. Certain lands vested in James Hubard, 168. Certain lots in Williamsburg, devised by Jonathan Druitt, vested in the purchasers, 171. Entail of certain lands whereof Nathaniel Harrison is seized, docked, 174. On what terms tenants in taille may make leases of their lands, 183. Restrictions, 183. No fine to be paid, 184. Vestry of parish of Truro, in Fairfax, authorised to sell their glebe and church plate, 202. Certain lands annexed to glebe of Lunenburg parish in county of Richmond, 204. Glebe





of Antrim parish to be sold, and proceeds divided between Antrim and Cambden, 207. Executors of Charles Carter, of King George, authorised to sell part of his lands and slaves, 214. Certain lands of George Carter vested in trustees to be sold, 215. Trustees authorised to sell certain lands whereof Charles Carter, the elder is seized in fee tail, 218. Nathaniel Littleton Savage authorised to dispose of certain entailed lands, 222. Certain entailed lands vested in Nathaniel West Dandridge, 224. Certain entailed lands whereof Robert Beverley is seized, docked, 227. Certain entailed lands whereof Ralph Wormeley, esq. is seized, vested in him in fee simple, 230. Titles to lands, held by descent or purchase, from aliens confirmed, 250. Certain lands sold by John Chiswell to John Robinson, vested in trustees, to confirm titles of purchasers, 270. Entail of certain lands whereof Lewellin Jones is seized, docked, 276. So, as to Kendall Lee, 278. So, as to John Aylett, 283. Certain entailed lands whereof Thomas Moore is seized, vested in trustees to be sold, 285. Entail of certain lands whereof William Starke is seized, docked, 289. So, as to Anne Hall, wife of John Hall, 291. Entail of certain lands whereof James Roscow is seized, docked, 301. Vestry of Meherrin parish, in Brunswick,
authorised to sell their glebe, 408. So, as to Dettingen, in Prince William, 409. So, as to St Mark's in Culpeper, 410. So, as to Frederick, in Frederick county, 427. So, as to Bristol, 431. Certain lands devised by Zachary Crips for a glebe, in parish of Ware, in Gloucester county to be sold, 435. Executors of Charles Carter, of Cleve, authorised to sell part of his lands, in Fauquier and Prince William, 436. Title of George Marshall, in certain lands purchased of vestry of Hanover, in King George county confirmed, 438. Entail of certain lands whereof Thomas Fisher jr. is seized, docked, 440. So, as to lands whereof David Garland is seized, and vested in Francis Eppes, 442. Entail of certain lands whereof John Page, esq. is sized, docked, 445. So, as to Robert Burwell, esq. 448. So, as to Francis Eppes, 450. So, as to John Wormeley, gent. 452. Agreement made by Thomas Talbutt with court of Norfolk county for a slipe of land, part of the court-house square, confirmed, 454. Entail of certain lands whereof Richard Johnson is seized, docked, 455. So, as to Armistead Lightfoot, 457. Certain lands whereof John Robinson, esq. died seized in trust for Philip Johnson, vested in other trustees, 460. Lands to be sold, 462. Proceeds, how appropriated, 463. Certain entailed lands vested





in Charles Carter, 464. Certain entailed lands vested in Nathaniel Littleton Savage, 468. Certain lands whereof David Meade and Sarah his wife are seized in her right in fee tail, vested in the said David Meade, in fee simple, 470. Certain entailed lands vested in George Brooke, 474. Certain lands whereof Bernard Moore is seized in fee tail vested in trustees to be sold, 476. Certain entailed lands whereof Charles Lewis is seized, vested in John Lewis in fee simple, 478. Entail of lands in Isle of Wight, whereof James Burwell is seized in fee tail, vested in trustees in fee simple, 481. Entail of lands in Glocester, whereof Sarah the wife of John Rootes is seized docked, and vested in trustees for certain purposes, 483. Certain entailed lands whereof William and John Armistead are seized, vested in trustees to be sold for payment of the debts due from their father, 487. In new surveys, plats to be laid down by the true, not artificial meridian, with the variation, 526. In re-surveys, the present mode by the magnetic meridian may be observed, but the variation shall be certified, 527. Penalty for neglect, 527. Glebes of Southam and Dale parishes to be valued, and proportions paid to parishes of Littleton and Manchester, 606. Vestry of parish of St. George, in Spotsylvania, authorised to sell part of the church yard, in
Fredericksburg, 609. Henrietta Marmillod authorised to dispose of lands devised to her by her brother Nathaniel Walthoe, notwithstanding her coverture, 627. Certain entailed lands whereof Philip Ludwell Grymes is seized, vested in William Roane, in fee simple, 630. Intail of certain lands whereof William Todd is seized docked, 631. So, as to John Hancock, 635. So, as to Ralph Wormeley, 637. So, as to Nathaniel West Dandridge, 638. Certain entailed lands whereof William Booth and Elizabeth his wife are seized, vested in trustees to be sold, 640. Entail of certain lands whereof James Blackwell, the younger, is seized, docked, 641. Certain entailed lands whereof Colwell Pettypool and Mary his wife are seized, vested in Joseph Mayo, 643. Entail of certain lands whereof Lewis Burwell, esq. is seized, docked, 663. So, as to John Tazewell, esq. 665. Certain entailed lands whereof Bowles Armistead, esq. is seized, vested in trustees to be sold for payment of the debts of his father William Armistead, esq. 667.
      Trustees of Richmond may establish public landings, &c. 656.
      Certain acts imposing land-tax and poll-tax repealed, 295.
      Governor and council may rule petitioners for lapsed land to find security for costs, 387.





      Parish, formed from Hamilton, 403. That act explained, 428. Commissioners to ascertain value of Elk run church, and vestry of Hamilton to pay a proportion to vestry of Leeds, 625.
      Entail of certain lands whereof Kendall Lee is seized, docked, 278.
      Hogs not to go at large, in town of Leesburg, 621.
      Act for laying public levy, 38. Public, county, and parish levies, allowances for, in tobacco, 102. When payable, 103. When sheriff to account for, 103. Act for raising a public levy, amended, 178. Tobacco levies payable in money at 12s. 6d. per hundred, 178. In what proportions in the different counties, 178. Sheriffs having received in money, for tobacco levies, more than at the above rate, to refund, 179. Sheriffs to account on oath, 179. Allowance for crop tobacco, 179. On what terms public tobacco to be sold, 180. Penalties on sheriffs for violations of this act, 180. For refusing to collect the public levy, 181. Proviso, if unable to give security, 181. When and where tobacco to be sold, 181. When sheriffs to account with treasurer, 182. Provision for collecting the public levy in Fauquier, 201. Act for raising a public levy, 273, 340, 533. Sheriffs to give bond, 273, 341.
Balances due from certain counties in tobacco, 273. Public tobacco how sold, 274. To constitute a fund for paying premiums on hemp, 274. Sheriff or Orange to pay the tobacco due from that county to Hampshire, to certain individuals, 275. New taxes levied on slaves, carriages, ordinary licenses, law process, &c. 343, 344, 345. County levies to be laid in money instead of tobacco, at 2d. per pound, 382. Various regulations to prevent exorbitant exactions of sheriffs and collectors, 381−384. Free negro, mulatto, and Indian women exempt from payment of levies, 393.
      Certain entailed lands whereof Charles Lewis is seized vested in John Lewis in fee simple, 478.
      Certain entailed lands whereof Charles Lewis is seized, vested in John Lewis in fee simple, 478.
      Certain entailed lands vested in, 59.
      Entail of certain lands whereof Armistead Lightfoot is seized, docked, 457.
      Act for erecting light-house at cape Henry, 539. In conjunction with Maryland, 539. Appropriation for, 540. Duty on vessels to defray the expense, 540. Keeper, his salary and duty, 541. Penalty for





neglect, 541. Manner of ascertaining tonnage of vessels, 541. Keeper to give security, 541. Taking away buoys, &c. felony, 541. Directions for purchasing materials, 562. Buoys to be placed in Chesapeake bay, 653. Extra duty on vessels to cease after expenses reimbursed, 653. Permanent duty then to commence, 653.
Limitation for proving deeds extended, in consequence of the confusion produced by the act of parliament, imposing the stamp duties in America, 199.
      Act laying duty on, further continued, 38, 190, 335, 529. Collectors to produce vouchers for liquors exported, 112.
      Parish, formed from Southam, in Cumberland county, 603. Glebe to be valued and a proportion paid to parish of Littleton, 606.
      Taken in execution, to be supported by officer, and expense taxed in bill of costs, 518.
      Private lotteries suppressed, 353. No person shall set up a lottery, under a penalty, 354.
      Court day of, altered 47, 519, 658.
      Court day of, altered, 47.
      Lunatic hospital established, 378. Trustees appointed, 378. Style of corporation, 378. To
choose a president, supply vacancies, &c. 378. To purchase ground, build houses, &c. 379. Provide keeper, employ physician, &c. 379. Who to be received into the hospital, 379. How sent there, 379. How received and registered, 379. Insane, may be committed to a friend, on giving security, 380. Allowance to officer for removing, 380. Appropriation for ground and buildings, 380. Insane, having estate, may be received, 380. His estate, how chargeable, 381. Trustees to lay their accounts before the Assembly, 381. When a lunatic may be discharged, 381. Further appropriation for lunatic hospital, 594.
      County, divided, and Charlotte and Mecklenburg formed, 41. Boundaries, 41. Court days, 42. Certain public claims to be equally divided between Lunenburg, Charlotte and Mecklenburg, 141. Certain lands annexed to glebe of Lunenburg parish, in county of Richmond, 204.
      Military stores in magazine, at Williamsburg to be sold, 146. Corporation of Norfolk authorised to assess a tax on the inhabitants for the purpose of erecting a magazine, 611.
      Town of Maidstone, in Fauquier, established, 621.
      In actions for maiming defendant may be ruled to bail, 520.





If convicted must pay, or give security to pay the damages, or be whipped, 520. Person wounded not suing, any other person may, 521. Defendant acquitted shall recover costs, 521. Upon what affidavit, bail required, 521. Remedy against sheriff and bail, 521. Defendant surrendered, how disposed of, 521. Clerk to endorse on execution, for what damages recovered, 522. Remedy on bonds taken in pursuance of this act, 522.
      Town of, at Rocky ridge in Chesterfield established, 421. Certain tenements in, may be laid off into lots, 423. But not so as to obstruct the prospect of streets, 423. Parish of Manchester, formed from Dale, 604. Glebe to be valued and a proportion to be paid to parish of Manchester, 606. Boundaries of parishes of Dale and Manchester altered, 655.
      By a slave, how punishable, 139.
      Henrietta Marmillod authorised to dispose of lands devised to her by her brother Nathaniel Walthoe, notwithstanding her coverture, 627.
      Title of George Marshall, in certain lands purchased of vestry of Hanover, in King George county, confirmed, 438.
      Act for clearing Mattapony river, amended, 579.
      Certain entailed lands, whereof Colwell Pettypool and Mary his wife are seized, vested in Joseph Mayo, 643.
      Certain lands whereof David Meade and Sarah his wife are seized, in her right in fee tail, vested in the said David Meade, in fee simple, 470.
      County, formed from Lunenburg, 41. Court days, 42. Certain public claims to be equally divided between Lunenburg, Charlotte and Mecklenburg, 141. Fairs in town of Mecklenburg, (called Shepherds town,) established, 255. Certain inhabitants of Mecklenburg exempted from ferriage over Roanoke, 257. That act repealed, 392.
      Vestry of Meherrin parish and Brunswick, authorised to sell their glebe, 408. Owners of mills on Meherrin river to make slopes for passage of fish, 583. Description of slopes, 583.
      Plats to be laid down by true, not artificial, with the variation, 526. Except in old surveys, 527.
      Court day of, altered, 400.
      In magazine at Williamsburg, to be sold, 146.
      Commissioners to state accounts of militia, lately called into





actual service, 9, 124. Bounty to militia, 11. Repealed, 151. Duty of officers of militia in relation to patrollers, 195. Surplus of money, after paying expenses of militia, applied to general fund, 239. Act for better regulating and disciplining the militia, further continued, 241, 503. Justices of the peace, (except officers) physicians, quakers, and inspectors of tobacco exempted from militia duty, 242. Exempts, except quakers, to provide arms, 242. Quakers to be enrolled, and on a call of the militia to furnish a substitute, 242. Penalty for neglect, 243. Quakers to produce testimonials, 243. Penalty on exempts, except quakers, failing to provide arms, 243. General musters, when, 244. Punishment for disobedience, 244. Sheriff of York and James City, or sergeant of Williamsburg, to collect fines, 244.
      Owners of mills on Rivanna and Hedgman rivers to make slopes for passage of fish, 361, 581. Of what dimensions, 361, 582. Penalty for neglect, 361. Owners of mills on Meherrin to make slopes for passage of fish, 583. Description of slopes, 583. Trustees appointed to regulate the making of slopes, for the passage of fish in the county of Bedford, 585.
      Vestry of Elizabeth River parish authorised to purchase
and improve lots in Norfolk borough, for their minister, instead of a glebe; and to pay his salary in money instead of tobacco, 14. Salary of minister of Frederick parish, in county of Frederick, encreased, 267. That at repealed, 430. Ministers may agree with vestry to receive money instead of tobacco, 384. Salary of minister of Antrim parish, in Halifax, made equal to other ministers, 610.
      See Treasury Notes.
      Copper to be imported, 343, 535. At what rates payable, 343. Currency of copper coin regulated, 534.
      Certain lands whereof Bernard Moore, esq. is seized in fee tail, vested in trustees to be sold, 476.
      Certain entailed lands whereof Thomas Moore is seized vested in trustees to be sold, 285.
      Bastards of women servants, or free white women, by negroes and mulattoes, how long to serve, 134. Children of mulatto women, born during their servitude, how long to serve, 135. Mulatto women exempted from payment of levies, 393.
      Part of Nansemond county added to Isle of Wight, 405. Another addition, 602. Bridge over western branch of Nansemond river authorised by subscription. 552.


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