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      Treasury notes, felony 347, 348, 650. So, to counterfeit the paper money of other British colonies, or tender it known to be counterfeit, 651.
      Lunenburg county divided, and Charlotte and Mecklenburg formed, 41. Boundaries, 41. Court days, 42. Halifax divided, and Pittsylvania formed, 205. Boundaries, 205. Court days,205. Part of James City county added to New Kent, and part of New Kent to James City, 208. Augusta county divided and Botetourt formed, 395. Boundaries, 396. Court days, 396. Part of Nansemond added to Isle of Wight, 405. Line between James City and York, as it runs through Williamsburg ascertained, 405. Part of county of York, in Williamsburg added to James City, for the purpose of erecting a court house, 419. Frederick county divided, and Berkeley and Dunmore formed, 597. Boundaries, 598. Court days, 598. Court days, 598. Botetourt county divided, and Fincastle formed, 600. Boundaries, 600. Court days, 600. Commissioners to strike a dividing line between counties of Stafford and King George, 601. Part of county of Nansemond added to Isle of Wight, 602.
      Certain lands devised by Zachary Crips for a glebe, in parish of Ware, in Gloucester county, to be sold, 435.
      Act for destroying crows and squirrels in certain counties, 389. Continued and amended, 596.
      Arrears of land tax in Culpeper county, how collected, 139. Court day of, altered, 400.
      Parish of Dale, in Chesterfield county, divided, and Manchester formed, 604. Glebe to be valued, and a proportion paid to parish of Manchester, 606. Boundaries of parishes of Dale and Manchester altered, 655.
      Certain entailed lands vested in Nathaniel West Dandridge, 224. Entail of certain lands whereof Nathaniel West Dandridge is seized, docked, 638.
      Limitation for proving deeds extended in consequence of the confusion produced by the act of parliament, imposing stamp duties in America, 199.
      Additional penalties for killing deer at unseasonable periods, 591. Charge to grand jury, 592. Oath of grand jury, 592. No deer to be killed, until the first of August, 1776; exceptions, 593. Penalty for killing tame deer of another, 593. Penalties how enforced, 593. Penalty for killing deer and leaving carcases in woods, 595.
      Vestry of Dettingen parish, in





Prince William, authorised to sell their glebe, 409.
      A company of adventurers authorised to drain the Great Dismal Swamp, 18.
      Fees to sheriff for serving distringas. 327.
      Collectors to produce vouchers for liquors exported, 112. No drawback on liquors purchased for use of vessel, 112.
      County, formed from Frederick, 597. Boundaries, 598. Court days, 598. Tobacco fees, how payable, 599. Boundaries of Dunmore parish, 599.
      Act imposing duties on liquors, further continued, 38, 190, 335, 529. Collectors to produce vouchers for liquors exported, 112. No drawback on liquors purchased for use of vessel, 112. Exporters of dressed hides and skins exempted from duties on such as had before been imported, 142. Act reviving duties upon slaves further continued,190, 191, 336, 530. Additional duty on slaves, 237, 337. The penny per gallon, upon rum, to be paid to visitors of William and Mary college,335.
      See Assembly, &c. pa. 305−317. Of burgesses, by whom, 305. Qualifications of electors, 306. Who may, or may not vote, and who be elected, 307. Writs of election, how issued, delivered and published, 307.
Mode of taking the poll, 308. Who to be returned burgesses, 309. Oaths of voters, as to quantity of land, 310. Perjury what, and how punishable, 311. Forms of returns, 312. Vacancies, how supplied, 312. Bribery what, and how punishable, 313. Privileges of members, 314. Allowances to members, 314. How paid, 315. Courts for receiving propositions and grievances, and public claims, how constituted, 316. Sheriff, or inspector, disqualified, 316. Penalty on inspectors interfering at elections, 316. Member of house of burgesses exempted from being sheriff, and accepting office of profit, disqualified, but may be re-elected, 317. Williamsburg, Norfolk and William and Mary college to elect under their charter, 317.
      Inhabitants of Elizabeth City county on eath side of Hampton river exempted from payment of ferriage to, and from town of Hampton, 52. Court to appoint ferry-keepers, and contract for ferriage, 52. Act repealed, 371. Court day of, altered, 265.
      Parish, vestry of, authorised to purchase and improve lots in Norfolk borough, for their minister, instead of a glebe; and to pay his salary in money instead of tobacco, 14. Donation of Matthew Godfrey divided between parishes of Elizabeth river, St. Bride's, and Portsmouth, 155. Slaves





divided between the three parishes, 156. Lands to be held by Elizabeth river, paying to the other parishes an equal proportion of the value, 156. Provision for opening a canal from the head of the southern or eastern branch of Elizabeth river to the head of the North river, 570.
      See Fee tail.−Lands.
      Entail of certain lands whereof David Garland is seized, docked, and vested in Francis Eppes, 442. Entail of certain lands, whereof Francis Eppes is seized, docked, 450.
      Escapes from prison rules, proceedings on, 118. Penalty for aiding prisoners for debt to escape, 240.
ESTRAYS.−See Strays.
      To have the management of the Vineyard, to be purchased by trustees, on public account, 365. Which is to be conveyed to him, on certain conditions, 365.
      Names of slaves taken in execution to be endorsed, 121. Clerks of county courts to keep execution books, and carry them to court, 123. Forthcoming bonds, when & how taken, 326. Proceedings, on such bonds, 327. Execution how awarded, 327. No security, 327. Fees for serving distringas, or attachment in chancery, 327. Coroner to give bond, 327. Remedy against him, 328.
Estate of sheriff, taken in execution not repleviable, 328. Insolvent debtors, how discharged, 329. His after acquired property, how liable, 329. His estate in hands of others, how recovered, 330. Not barred by judgment against garnishee for part, 331. Allowance to sheriff out of the estate, 331. If that not sufficient, to be paid by the creditors, 331. Creditors not residing in the county, to appoint an agent, 331. Failing to appoint, not to recover of sheriff; without previous demand, 332. Nor to have notice, before discharge of debtor, for want of security for prison fees, 332. Executions and attachments in chancery may be issued by clerk of one county to sheriff of another, 516. Live stock taken in execution to be supported by officer, and expense taxed in bill of costs, 518.
      Clerks of county courts to keep execution books, and carry them to court, 123.
      Fees of attornies not to be taxed against, 185.
      Indian factory established, 115. Trustees appointed, 115.
      Parish, formed from Truro, in Fairfax county, 43. Act repealed and new division made, 157. Court day of county of, altered, 47. Parish of, entitled to proportion of proceeds





of sale of glebe and church plate of Truro parish, 203.
      Fairs in town of Mecklenburg, (called Shepherd's town,) established, 255.
      Purchasers of lots in towns of Alexandria and Falmouth, not compellable to improve them within any limited time, 49. Trustees of Falmouth, authorised to reduce width of King's street, and sell part of the ground, 50. Wooden chimnies not to be built, nor hogs suffered to run at large in, 51.
      Court day of, altered, 47. Provision for collecting public levy in, 201.
      When sheriffs to account for officers fees, 103. Penalty for neglect, 103. Fees of attornies to be taxed in bill of costs, except against executors or administrators, 185. Part of former act concerning attornies fees repealed, 186. Collectors and naval officers to give receipts for their fees, 251. Act for regulating and collecting officers fees continued and amended, 266, 299, 338, 515. No fee for a search, if a copy taken, 267. Witnesses attendance, in tobacco, may be discharged, in money at 16s, 8d. per hundred, 299. Sheriffs fees for serving distringas or attachment in chancery, 327. Tobacco fees due to officers of sundry counties, payable in money, at certain
rates, 340. Fees of clerk and sergeant of Williams burg settled, 402. Officers fees payable in tobacco, may be discharged in money at 12s. 6d. per cent, 515. Certain counties excepted, 516. Sheriff, in collecting fees, &c. to furnish distinct account, 525. Penalty for neglect, 525. Tobacco fees, in Fincastle, how discharged, 526. So much of former act as directs prison fees of insolvent debtors to be paid by county repealed, 528. Party liable for such fees, refusing to pay, sheriff or jailor may discharge prisoner, 528. Allowance for poor prisoners, in public jail, 529. For first 20 days to be paid by public, and levied on creditor, 529. Fees for dietting runaways, 529. Salary of public jailor, 529. Tobacco fees in counties of Frederick, Berkeley and Dunmore, how payable, 599.
      Entail of certain lands, whereof Charles Carter, esq. is seised, docked, 25. Sale of certain entailed lands, whereof John Spotswood, esq. is seized directed, for payment of debts due from him, and the estate of Major-General Alexander Spotswood, 27. Certain entailed lands whereof William Cary is seized, vested in Allen Jones, 34. Certain entailed lands, formerly of Nicholas Meriwether, vested in John Syme, 54. Entail of certain lands whereof Richard Todd, is seized, docked, 57.





Certain entailed lands vested in Robert Lewis, 59. Absolute property of certain slaves vested in George Heale, and three tracts of land settled in lieu thereof, 63. Entail of certain lands in Albemarle parish, in county of Sussex, whereof Nathaniel Harrison the younger is seized, docked, and vested in trustees, in fee simple, for certain purposes, 66. Entail of certain lands, whereof Thomas Mann Randolph is seized, docked, 162. So, as to John Grigg, 163. So, as to Harry Beverley, 166. So, as to Nathaniel Harrison, 174. On what terms tenants in taille may make leases of their lands, 183. Restrictions 183. No fine to be paid, 184. Trustees authorised to sell certain lands whereof Charles Carter, the elder, is seized in fee tail, 218. Nathaniel Littleton Savage, authorised to dispose of certain entailed lands, 222. Certain entailed lands vested in Nathaniel West Dandridge, 224. Certain entailed lands whereof Robert Beverley is seized, docked, 227. Certain entailed lands whereof Ralph Wormeley, esq. is seized, vested in him in fee simple, 230. Entail of certain lands whereof Lewellin Jones is seized, docked, 276. So, as to Kendall Lee, 278. So, as to Harry Beverley, 280. So, as to John Aylett, 283. Certain entailed lands whereof Thomas Moore is seized, vested in trustees to be sold, 285. Entail of certain lands whereof
William Starke is seized, docked, 289. So, as to Anne Hall, wife of John Hall, 291. Entail of certain lands whereof James Roscow is seized, docked, 301. So, as to Thomas Fisher, jr. 440. So, as to lands whereof David Garland is seized, and vested in Francis Eppes, 442. Intail of certain lands whereof John Page, esq. is seized, docked, 445. So, as to Robert Burwell, esq. 448. So, as to Francis Eppes, 450. So, as to John Wormeley, gent. 452. Intail of certain lands whereof Richard Johnson is seized, docked, 455. So, as to Armistead Lightfoot, 457. Certain entailed lands vested in Charles Carter, 464. Certain entailed lands vested in Nathaniel Lyttleton Savage 468. Certain lands whereof David Meade and Sarah his wife are seized, in her right, in fee-tail, vested in the said David Meade, in fee simple, 470. Certain entailed lands vested in George Brooke, 474. Certain lands whereof Bernard Moore is seized in fee tail vested in trustees to be sold, 476. Certain entailed lands whereof Charles Lewis is seized, vested in John Lewis in fee simple, 478. Intail of land in Isle of Wight, whereof James Burwell is seized, docked, and vested in trustees in fee simple, 481. Intail of lands in Gloucester, whereof Sarah the wife of John Rootes is seized, docked, and vested in trustees for certain purposes, 483. Certain entailed lands whereof





William and John Armistead are seized, vested in trustees to be sold for payment of the debts due from their father, 487. Certain entailed lands whereof Philip Ludwell Grymes is sized, vested in William Roane, in fee simple, 630. Intail of certain lands whereof William Todd is seized, docked, 631. So, as to John Hancock, 631. So, as to Ralph Wormeley, 637. So, as to Nathaniel West Dandridge 638. Certain entailed lands whereof William Booth and Elizabeth his wife are seized, vested in trustees to be sold, 640. Intail of certain lands whereof James Blackwell, the younger, is seized, docked, 641. Certain entailed lands whereof Colwell Pettypool & Mary his wife are seized, vested in Joseph Mayo, 643. Intail of certain lands whereof Lewis Burwell, esq. is seized, docked, 663. So, as to John Tazewell, esq. 665. Certain entailed lands whereof Bowles Armistead, esq. is seized, vested in trustees, to be sold, for payment of the debts of his father William Armistead, esq. 667.
      To forge inspector's receipts, or to pack tobacco, in a stamped cask, 107. To counterfeit treasury notes, 347, 348. To take up buoys, &c. near lighthouse, 541.
      Casson's ferry, over Rappahannock river established, 19. Rates, 20. New ferries
established, 44. Landing at Frazer's established, 49. Ministers and parishioners of certain parishes exempted from ferriage, over certain rivers, 52, 53. At Mecklenburg (now called Shepherd's town) established, 146. New ferries established, 194. Penalty for setting over persons, for reward, where ferries are established, 195. Inhabitants of Mecklenburg county, and minister and parishioners of St. James's parish exempted from ferriage over Roanoke, on certain occasions, 257. That act repealed, 392. Act authorising justices of Norfolk county to agree with persons to keep certain ferries, repealed, 261. But inhabitants to be put over, to attend court, general musters and church, at public expense, 262. Rates of ferriage at Swan's point, James town, and Crouche's encreased, 263. Ferry at Mecklenburg (called Shepherd's town) discontinued, 263. Penalty for interfering with owner of ferry over the Chesapeake, 263. Ferry across the Fluvanna river from William Cabell's to the lower point of Wood's island discontinued, 300. New ferries established, 368. Rates, 369. Penalty for exceeding legal rates, 369. County courts may appoint opposite ferries, 370. Ferry keepers to enter into bond, 370. Ferries discontinued, 370. Part of former act for exempting inhabitants of Elizabeth City, and minister and parishioners of Suffolk,





in Nansemond, and of Antrim in Halifax, from payment of ferriages repealed, 171. Ferry keeper may bring passengers from opposite shore and receive ferriage, 171. Several new ferries established, 554. Others discontinued, 555. New ferries established, and others discontinued, 658.
      County formed from Botetourt, 600. Boundaries, 600. Court days, 600. Tobacco fees due in, how paid in money, 526. Town of Fincastle, in Botetourt, established, 616.
      No fine to be paid, in order to obtain lease of entailed land, 184.
      Owners of mills, &c. on Rivanna and Hedgman rivers to make slopes, for passage of fish, 581, 361. Of what dimensions, 361. Amended, 582. When to be kept open, 361. Penalty for neglect, 361. Fish dams to be abated, 362. And not after erected, under a penalty, 362. Owners of mills on Meherrin to make slopes, for passage of fish, 583. Description of slopes, 583. Obstructions in Nomony to be removed, 584. Trustees to regulate slopes for passage of fish in mill dams in Bedford, 585.
      Entail of certain lands whereof Thomas Fisher, jr. is seized, docked, 440.
      Act of inspection of, amended, 143. Oath of manufacturer, 143.
Barrels, how branded, 143. No miller to be inspector, 144. Oath of master of vessel, 144. Fees of inspector reduced, 198. Casks of flour to be branded, 511. Brand to be recorded, 511. Clerk's fee, 512. Penalty, 512. Flour to be pure, of equal fineness and well packed, 512. Penalty for false tare, 512. Manifests to be delivered by miller or baker, 512. To be inspected and stamped, 512. Search for uninspected flour, when and how authorised, 513. Owner of merchant mill not to be an inspector, 513. Inspector not to deal in flour, 513. Penalty for counterfeiting brand, 513. Penalties, how recovered and appropriated, 513.
      Certain islands in Fluvanna river annexed to counties of Albemarle and Amherst, 398.
      To forge inspector's receipts for tobacco, felony, 107.
      When and how taken on executions, 326. Proceedings thereon, 327. Executions how awarded, 327. No security thereon, 327.
      Road to be opened from the north branch of Potowmac to Fort Pitt, 252.
      Landing at, established, 49.
      Salary of minister of Frederick parish, in county of Frederick





encreased, 267. That act repealed, 430. Vestry of parish of, reimbursed the amount of a judgment recovered by the Rev. William Meldrum, 415. Parish of Norborne and Beckford formed, 425. Glebe of Frederick to be sold, 427. Proceeds, how appropriated, 427. Frederick county divided, and Berkeley and Dunmore formed, 597. Boundaries & court days, 598. Tobacco fees how payable, 598. Boundaries of Frederick parish, 599. Commissioners to ascertain value of certain churches and chapels in parishes of Frederick, Norborne and Beckford, 624.
Qualified to vote for members of assembly, 306.
      Women exempted from paying levies, 393.
      An act allowing fairs to be kept in town of, continued & amended, 418. Lower boundary line of, extended, 418. Vestry of parish of St. George authorised to sell part of the church yard, in Fredericksburg, 609.
      Recital of the destruction of large quantities of tobacco, in the great freshet of 1771, by the overflowing of several rivers, 493. Commissioners appointed to ascertain the loss; new taxes imposed; and treasury notes emitted to indemnify the suffers, 494−502.
      Vessels importing convicts, or
servants infected with gaol fever or small-pox to perform quarantine, 260, 537.
      Entail of certain lands whereof David Garland is seized, docked, and vested in Francis Eppes, 442.
      Part of lands of Gingaskin tribe of Indians, in Northampton, to be leased out, 414. Rents how appropriated, 414. Trustees appointed for, 662. Their powers, 662.
      Vestry of Elizabeth River parish authorised to purchase and improve lots in borough of Norfolk, for their minister, instead of a glebe; and to pay his salary in tobacco, instead of money, 14. Vestry of Bath parish, in Dinwiddie, authorised to sell their glebe, 24. Vestry of parish of Truro, in Fairfax, authorised to sell their glebe and church plate, 202. Proceeds apportioned between parishes of Truro, Cameron and Fairfax, 203. Certain lands annexed to glebe of Lunenburg parish in county of Richmond, 204. Glebe of Antrim parish to be sold and proceeds divided between Antrim and Cambden, 207. Vestry of Meherrin parish, in Brunswick, authorised to sell their glebe, 408. So, as to Dettingen, in Prince William, 409. So, as to St. Mark's in Culpeper, 410. So, as to Frederick in Frederick county, 427. So, as to Cameron, 427. So, as to Bristol





parish, 431. Certain lands devised by Zachary Crips, for a glebe, in parish of Ware, in Gloucester county to be sold, 435. Glebes of Southam and Dale parishes to be valued and proportions to be paid to parishes of Littleton and Manchester, 606.
      Court day of, altered, 23.
      Donation of, to poor of Norfolk county, equally divided between the parishes in that county, 155. Slaves divided between the three parishes of Elizabeth River, Portsmouth, and St. Bride's, 156. Lands to beheld by parish of Elizabeth River, on paying equal proportion to parishes of St. Bride's and Portsmouth, 156.
      Court day of, altered, 300.
      Entail of certain lands, whereof John Gregg is seized, docked, 163.
      Certain entailed lands whereof Philip Ludwell Grymes is seized, vested in William Roane in fee simple, 630.
      County divided, and Pittsylvania formed, 205. Boundaries, 205. Court days, 205.
      Entail of certain lands whereof Anne Hall wife of John Hall, is seized, docked, 291.
      Parish, in Fauquier and Prince William divided, and Leeds
formed, 403. That act explained, 428. Commissioners to value Elk Run church, and vestry of Hamilton to pay a proportion to vestry of Leeds, 625.
      Inhabitants on east side of Hampton river, in Elizabeth City county, exempted from payment of ferriage to, and from town of Hampton, 52. Court to appoint ferry keepers, and contract for ferriage, 52. Act repealed, 371.
      Intail of certain lands, whereof John Hancock is seized, docked, 635.
      Title of George Marshall, in certain lands purchased of vestry of Hanover, in King George county, confirmed, 438.
      Entail of certain lands, in Albemarle parish, in county of Sussex, whereof Nathaniel Harrison, the younger, is seized, docked, and vested in trustees, in fee simple, for certain purposes, 66. Entail of certain other lands whereof Nathaniel Harrison is seized, docked, 174.
      Absolute property of certain slaves vested in George Heale, and three tracts of land settled in lieu thereof, 63.
      Owners of mills, &c. on Rivanna and Hedgman rivers to make slope for passage of fish, 361, 581. Of what dimensions, 361. Amended, 562.





When to be kept open, 361. penalty for neglect, 361. Fish dams to be abated, 362. And not afterwards erected, under a penalty, 362.
      Warehouses for the reception of hemp to be erected, 253. Keepers how appointed, 254. Bond and oath, 254. Penalty for breach of duty, 254. Rates of storage, 254. Scales and weights to be provided, 254. Salt or liquors not to be received in warehouse, 255. Bounties, for hemp, 363. How to be obtained, 363. By whom paid, 364. Not to exceed a certain sum, 364.
      Exporters of dressed hides and skins exempted from duties on such as had before been imported, 142.
      In prosecutions for hog-stealing defendant may be held to bail, 385.
      Slave convicted of house-breaking in the night, not to be excluded from clergy, unless a free man in the like case would be, 522.
      Certain lands vested in James Hubard, 168.
      Vestry of Hungars parish, in Northampton, dissolved, 432.
      See Deer.
      Act amended for the better preservation of breed of deer and preventing unlawful hunting, 591.
IDIOTS.−See Lunatics.
      Act for establishing trade with Indians, revived and amended, 114. Various regulations concerning, 115, 118. Expenses of negotiating with, for establishing a boundary line, to be paid by treasurer, 342. Commissioners appointed to confer with commissioners from the neighbouring colonies, and agree on a plan for regulating the Indian trade, 367. Indian women exempted from payment of levies, 393. Part of lands of Gingaskin tribe, in Northampton, to be leased out, 414. Rents, how appropriated, 414. New trustees for Pamunkey Indians appointed, 433. Their powers in settling controversies respecting boundaries of land, 434. Nottoway Indians authorised to sell certain parcels of their land on the north side of Nottoway river, 588. And to lease certain lands on the south side, 589. Trustees to account, 590. Trustees of Gingaskin Indians appointed, 661.
      Act to regulate inoculation of small pox, 371. Penalty for importing matter to inoculate, 372. Under what regulations and restrictions it may be introduced, 372. Penalty for inoculating without license, 373. Expences of checking small pox, how defrayed, 373. Penalty on magistrates, &c. for breach of duty, 373.


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