SWEM Historical Index

Dr Earl Gregg Swem

About the Virginia Historical Index or Swem Index Library of Virginia


Virginia Historical Index in Two Volumes, by E. G. Swem, Librarian of the College of William and Mary, Designed, printed and bound by The Stone Printing and Manufacturing Company, Edward L. Stone President, Roanoke, Virginia, U.S.A. - MDCCCCXXXIV (1934)

E.G.Swem or Earl Gregg Swem was a great Virginia Historian. This was a MONUMENTAL PROJECT. Mr SWEM had roots in Fauquier County, Virginia.

The reader will want to refer to the original index if information cannot be found. These books are available in most major libraries. They are very large collections with several volumes in each collection. They often have very great information. Do not let this work overwhelm you. Perhaps we will find a lot of answers in these old Virgina volumes. The rewards will be worth the effort as always. Good luck. Jim Burgess

  • C=Calendar of Virginia State Papers
  • H=Hening's Statues
  • N=Lower Norfolk County Antiquary
  • R=Virginia Historical Register
  • T=Tyler's Quarterly
  • V=Virginia Magazine of History
  • W(1)=William and Mary Quarterly, 1st Series
  • W(2)=William and Mary Quarterly, 2nd Series

    Understanding the codes - Example Eustace Family, 34V347

  • Find subject or family
  • 34V347 34 Volume V is Virginia Magine of History 347 is the page number. Page numbers that may follow are in that volume until a semi colon is found ;.Eustace Family, 34V347

    Fauquier County, Virginia Records in the Virginia Historical Index

    Fauquier county, 22V59
    act establishing 1759, 7H311,312 act for altering court days of 8H47 act for collection of taxes in 8H201,202 act for destroying crows and squirrels 8H389, 390, 596, 597 act for division of parish in 8H403, 404, 428, 429, 625 act to establish town in, 8H621, 622, 12H217, 218 act to furnish supplies, 1780, 10H338 act to incorporate academy in, 1788, 12H685, 1789, 13H92, 93 Adams Family, 19W(1)108, 109 agent for arrears in taxes, 1807, 9C503 Allen Family, 9T277-280 Ambler Family, 23V186-192 Armistead Family, 2V231 arms for, 1800, 9C123 1856, 11C50 arms shipped through, 1751, 2C364; 27W(1)171 Arnold Family, 4T264 arrears in taxes, 1794, 7C3, 7, 17 Ashby Family, 13W(1)284; 23W(1)70 Ashton Family, 7W(1)118
    Ball Family, 5C506; 23V308; 10W(1)278; 15W(1)272 Baptist in, 2T329,330; 35V390-392 battalion of 1781, 2C29 Berkeley Family, 3W(2)190 Beverly Family, 21V306, 421 Billingsley Family, 9C286 Blackwell Family, 20V94; 23V101, 102, 103, 217, 326, 330, 331, 437, 24V101, 205, 206, 312; 35V445, 8W(1)200; 9W(1)246; 15W(1) 92, 273; 19W(1)294;20W(1)297 Bolton Family, 2W(2) 150 boundary of, 8H426 Bowden Family, 6T202; 9V101; 23V308, Bower Family, 10W(2)311 Boyhood memories of (book)34V389 Bradford Family, 9W(2)237 Brent town in, 5T182 Bronaugh Family, 17W(1)237; 19W(1)127 F.Brooke Clerk of, 6C313 Brooke Family, 1C575; 5C53, 9V316, 317; 10V89, 90, 197, 11V93, 203; 12V218; 13V103; 14327; 14V201, 202, 335, 16V214; 17V89, 201, 202, 20V100, 215, 216, 435; 24V99; 11W(1)147 Brown Family, 5C280 Brunskill Family, 14W(1)262 Bullitt Family, 6C378, 2W(2) 89, 91 burgesses, 1742, 37V159 1760, 23V332 1766-1775, 4V381, 382, 384, 1768, 3V427, 428, allowances to, 7H527; 8H315
    Carter Family, 8H220, 436-438; 22V381; 23V217; 31V42, 43, 52, 53, 54, 55, 255; 38V365; 18W(1)90, 100; 19W(1), 123, 124 cases in, 1784, 11H423 cattle in, census of 1850, 5R172 cavalry in, 1808, 10C39 Cave Family, 6C273 cheese made in, census of 1850, 5R173 Chilton Family, 7C116; 23V330; 24V312, 313; 15W(1)90, 91, 92 , 192; 10W(2)56, 58, 59, 60, 62 Chunn Family, 8V325 Churchill Family, 31V57; 9W(1)246 Clark Family, 23V310 Cochrane Family, 11W(1)283 collection of debts in, 1794, 7C296 collectors in, 1794, 7C313 commissioner for, 1782, 3C169 commissioner for, to examine militia accounts, 1764, 8H10, 1765, 8H124 Congressional district, 12H654; 13H332 Conway Family, 17W(1)31; 20W(1)299, 300 Copland's travels in, 1813, 14W(1)224 Coppidge Family, 11W(1)138 Corbin Family, 7H458; 30V312; 17W(1)194 court of, act to keep road in repair, 1786 12H294 court minutes of, 5W(2)75 court proceedings in, 1766, 4T250-253 court proclamation regarding 1789, 5C53 Crockett Family, 35V392
    delegates, 1782, 5V217; 1850, 3R237 Digges Family, 29V106; 1W(1)145, 146, 212 Diggs Family, 8C464 district court for, 9C321, 397; 12H533, 731; 13H428 district jail for 1789, 4C634 districted, 1776, 9H129 Dixon Family, 2W(1)88 Downing Family, 25W(1)98 draft for Continental service, 2C19 Duncan Family, 38V305 during the proprietorship, 9T144; 36V108; 8W(2)66, 67
    Earle Family, 37V159 Eastham Family, 5C520 William Edmonds in 7V305 Colonel E. Edmunds in, 2C331 Edmunds Family 13W(1)178 Edwards Family, 12W(1)195 election commissioners 1800, 9C124 elections in 1769, 6W(1)10 electoral district 12H649; 13H536 Elliston Family 6W(2)247, 248 escheator of 1794, 7C4, 130, 159, 352 Eustace Family, 34V347 express to, 6C169, 397, 619
    Fairfax Family, 34V37, 56 Fairfax Grant in 28V298 Ficklin Family 20W(1)299 Fielding Family 12V215; 18W(1)247, 248 first exploration in 2T314-319 fish in rivers of 8H361 Fishback Family, 34V156 Fisher Family, 23V309 Fitzhugh Family, 3T184, 185; 10T155; 8V210, 432; 29V106; 37V344; 1W(1)148; 5W(1)60, 142; 6W1(1) 112 Fitzhugh land in 7V425, 9V103 Foote Family 5T181; 2V270; 7V73, 75, 201, 202, 203; 38V176, 177, 189; 10W(1)180; 11W(1)63; 12W194; 22W(1)185; 9W(2)184 formation of 4T234; 6T216; 2V91 Foster Family 11W(1)283 Fredericksburg quartermaster district 2C158
    Germans in 7V448; 11V231, 376, 12V350; 13V368; 23V109; 34V155 Gibson Family, 23V326; 28V70, 71, 72 Glasscock Family, 1W(2)295, 296 Glassell Family, 7T250 Grant Family, 4T263 Grayson Family, 5T207; 8T124, 125 Green Family, 23V217, 24V99, 6W(1)208, 211; 8W(2)207 Griffin Family, 23V432
    H Hammond Family, 11V224 Hampton Family, 20W(1)48; 10W(2)93 Hansford Family, 10W(1)278 Hardin Family, 26V334, 31V349 Hardwick Family, 2W(2)179; 3W(2)107, 108, 110, 112 Harrison Family, 2T284; 23Vxxxiii, 215, 216, 332; 24V99, 211; 25Vx; 28V90; 30V33; 31Vvii(Jan 23); 38Vv(July 30) Heale Family, 8H64; 17W(1)298, 299, Helm Family, 10V47 Henry Family, 41Vvi(July 23); 33Vvii; 4W(2)258 Hereford Family, 10W(2)89 Herndon Family, 10V441 history of, 5W(2)73-75 Hogains Family, 21W(1)41 Hogan Family, 34V273 Holtzclaw Family, 11V234 Hooe Family, 9T204; 23V103 Horner Family, 10Vix; 11V185, 23V217; 8W(1)217 Huguenots in, 34V293 Hume Family, 38V346; 13W(1)291, 292, Humston Family, 35V191 Hunton Family, 9C466
    improved land in, 1852, 5R172 inspector's receipts payable in, 1765, 8H100
    James Family, 33V328; 38V305;20W(1)300 Jeffries Family, 24V204 Jones Family, 22V178; 37V358; 8W(1)49 justices 1759, 1T181; 4T234, 237, 238 1763, 4T248 1764, 16V149 1768-1772, 10W(2)58 1778, 21W(1)117 1787, 24V99; 1W(1)212 1789, 22W(1)77 1793, 6C273; 23V102 1804, 2V231
    Keith Family, 6V421; 19V443; 24V205, 313; 32V327; 10W(2)62 Kelly Family, 17W(1)29, 30, 31, 32 Kemper Family, 9C466; 14V90 Kenner Family, 9W(1)187; 14W(1)176, 177 Kerfoot Family, 13W(1)284 Kincheloe Family, 22W(1)184; 1W(2)296
    land tax in, 1782, 11H141 latitude and longitude taken, 1816, 10C461 lawyers, 1850, 3R56 Robert E. Lee, Junior, at school in, 23Vxxxix Lee Family, 13V430; 23Vxxxvii, xlix; 30V69; 6W(1)206 Leeds manor, 8C310, 311; 4W(2)12 levies, 1765, 8H179 libraries, early, in 7V300 John Love in, 9C492 Ludwell Grant in, 30V335
    McCarthy Family, 22W(1)184, 185; 2W(2)175-177 McCarty Family, 22W(1)183 McClanahan Family, 1W(2)209 McCormick Family, 2W(2)155 map of, 1821, 10C498 1914, 31V350 marriage bonds in, 35V87 marriages in, 1T180, 182; 13W(1)292; 21W(1)29 Marshall Family, 6C362; 3T185; 10T148; 24V99, 204; 30V106; 36V264; 38V176; 4W(1)16, 52; 5W(1)163; 6W(1)27, 113, 169; 7W(1)54; 10W(1)140; 15W61; 25W(1)289, 6W(2)222 Massie Family, 4T77 memorial of Sheriff, 1794, 7C410-412 men of military age, 1776, 18V35 Metcalf Family, 11V81; 19V444; 26V334, 335 military supplies provided by, 2C309, 358; 3C197 militia, 1T184; 9V191, 11V420; 15V88; 23V101, 438; 24V313 1775, 2C331; 9H13, 16, 77, 82; ST197; 9T234; 22W(1)177; 10W(2)58, 60 1776, 8C136, 140; 9H181 1777, 9H339 1778, 9H446 1780, 10H327 1781, 2C162, 257, 357, 418, 480, 657 1783, 3C465, 473 1789, 5C56 1790, 5C161 1792, 13H340 1793, 6C394 1794, 7C78, 164, 166, 370 1797, 8C442 1804, 9C405, 409 1806, 9C466 1812, 31V352 1813, 37V7 1814, 10C299, 345, 381 1859, 11C90 militia accounts in 1759, 8H129 militia order book, 1773-80, 19W(1)293 minute men, Revolutionary War, 13V18 Moffett Family, 11W(1)286 Morgan Family, 7C191, 274; 17W(1)57 Myers Family, 2W(2)187
    Neal Family, 34V182 Neale Family, 20V94 Neilson Family, 32V196 Nelson Family, 10V212; 33V191; 34V272, 273 Nevill Family, 16V53 nominations for officers in, 1781, 2C418 Norris Family, 13V429
    Obanion Family, 9H576 ordinaries in 5T184
    parishes in, 5W(1)201 Payne Family, 10T151; 29V498; 2W(1)88 personal property list, 1782, 4T240 petition for pardon of negro slave from, 1790, 5C208 petitions for pardon of negro tried for arson, 1791, 5C333-339 Peyton Family, 8C351 physicians, 1850, 3R56 pianos, 1850, 3R56 Pickett Family, 13V433, 23V213, 437, 438; 24V100; 1W(1)25; 20W(1)64 Piscataway Indians, 30V339 Pope Family, 24W(1)196 Powell Family, 4W(1)278 prisoner in, 1776, 8C194, 219, 221
    Quarles Family, 38V134
    Randolph Family, 13V229; 21V212, 421; 35V455; 6W(1)17; 7W(1)271, 272, 273 Ransdell Family, 21V429; 15W(1)271, 272, 273 recruiting in, 1783, 3C540 warrants for pay officers for, 1776, 8C82, 139 taxes for, due, 1784, 3C600 Republican committe in, 1800, 9C78, 81, 84 resolutions concerning ship Chesapeake, 1807, 9C522 revenue commissioner, 1786, 12H244 reward for wolves in 8H148, 200, 388, 389, 395, 596; 11H64; 13H33, 561 Richards Family, 13V430 Riley Family, 34V175 roads in, 1787, 12H525 Robinson Family, 4T221 Ross Family, 10W(1)68, 69 Rust Family, 13W(1)284, 287
    sale of tobacco collected in 1764, 8H40 Sanders Family, 6T202 schools in 1766, 6W(1)186 Scott Family, 11C140; 7H630, 632, 633; 12H382; 5V349; 20V427; 23V445; 25V83; 7W(1)118; 21W(1)42 settlers in, 3W(2)145 sheriffs, 22V439 1766, 23V102 1782, 6C284 1783, 24V312 1784-87, 5C146 1785, 4C77; 23V438 1790, 5C116; 6C285 1791, 5C646, 6C260 1792, 6C135 1793, 6C620 1796, 8C397 1811, 10C109, 110 site of Brenton in, 5T179 Slaughter family, 22V99 slaves in, 1850, 3R56 Smith Family, 19V444, 24V102, 204; 10W(1)179; 15W(1)272; 16W(1)291; 21W(1)41; 10W(2)310, 311 source material for World War history in, 29V77 specific tax in, 1782, 3C203 Stewart Family, 7W(2)273 Stone Family, 10V211 Strother Family, 20W(1)299 students at William and Mary College from, 5W(2)43, 45, 46, 50, 114 Suddeth family, 6T202 surveyor of, 1771, 4T258, 259
    Tanxnitania Indians in, 2T318 Taylor Family, 35V309, 310, 311, 312; 6W(2)331-334 Richard Taylor of, 13W(1)207 Tidball Family, 30V72, 73 tithables, 1759, 4T238, 239 1773, 28V81 tobacco duties in, 1765, 8H101 tobacco notes in, 1776, 9H159 tobacco revenue, 1786, 4C279 Triplett Family, 3C15; 21W(1)39, 116, 117, 118, 122, 123, 133; 22W(1)177 Turley Family, 22W(1)185l; 1W(2)296 Turner Family, 21V212; 7W(1)124 Tyler Family, 5T254; 21W(1)24
    vote in, 1769, 7W(2)144 vouchers in, 1790, 5C97
    Wallace Family, 23V216; 9W(1)131; warehouse notes in, 1762, 7H533 1778, 9H513 warehouse receipts in, 1783, 11H238 Washington Family, 11V82 Wayne's army in, 1V3 Wheatley Family, 2W(2)151 Whiting Family, 32V132 Whonkentia Indians, in 3T318 Winn Family, 4T218; 12V434 Withers Family, 6V309-313, 425-427; 7V87, 88, 89, 90 World World History of, 29V456 Wright Family, 1T127, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185; 4T210, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225 241-243, 345, 254, 259, 262, 264, 277, 278, 282; 8T195 Wyatt Family, 7V48 Wynne Family, 6V203 Fauquier County-Continued (See Also) Belvoir, Elk marsh; Elk run; Elk run church; Germantown; Gordondale; Granville, Green meadows; Hamilton parish; Happy creek; Hereford; Kenlock; Kinloch; Leeds manor; Leeds parish; Locust grove; Lodge: Ludwell Park; Maidstone; Manor of Leeds; Marsh; Marsh Run; Meadows; Moreland; Morven; Oak Hill; Paradise; Plains; Poplar Hill; Prince William County; Prospect Hill; Rappahannock river; Rector town; Rock Spring; Round Hill; Spring hill; Taylor's Church; View mount; Warrenton; Woodbourne Fauquier court house, arms at, 1781 2C208; 370, 376, 384, 385, 414, 507 military supplies at, 1781, 2C233; 258, 263, 308, 326, 357, 409, 447, 529 Thomas Turner at, 1807, 9C582 Fauquier democrat(newpaper) 6W(2)267 Fauquier Historical Society 9T144; 5W(2)75 bulletins, 3T220, 29V528; 33V425;

  • Last Updated: April 2020