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A number of people are working on the history of the Pegram families that migrated from Virginia and perhaps North Carolina, to Davidson County, Tennessee. Because of this, this branch of the family will be deferred to a study of greater depth by others, and treated here only briefly.

In checking census indexes of Tennessee, no Pegrams were noted in the 1820 listing. The only Pegrams noted in the 1830 index was Edward in Hardeman County, and Benjamin and William in Montgomery County. We do know, however, that there were Pegrams in Davidson County in the 1820s. Marriage records for the county during that decade, show a number of Pegrams, indicating a population of several families. There is some difference of opinion as to the first Pegram to settle in the County, and no attempt will be made to clarify this question. The first Pegrams of Davidson County did establish a long line of substantial and prosperous citizens, many of whom migrated to various parts of the country.

We do know that an early settler, perhaps the first, was George S. Pegram from Dinwiddie County, Virginia. Since there is some information available on him and a few of his descendants, and because he was one of the first settlers, he will be treated in some detail. Unfortunately, the specific ancestors of George S. Pegram have not been established. There are a number of possibilities, but none have been substantiated. Because of this, this chapter is positioned at this juncture, and does not indicate a specific relationship of George S. Pegram, or other early settlers in Davidson County, to a particular line of Virginia Pegrams, although this was their source of origin, and. apparently Dinwiddie County was the principal locale.

George S. Pegram is shown in the 1810 census records of Dinwiddie County, Virginia. He is listed in the age bracket of 26 to 45, and to have had four males under 10 years of age, three females under 10 and one, undoubtedly his wife, in the bracket 26 to 45. One female is shown in the household as being over 45, and there were four slaves. The 1820 Dinwiddie census shows George S. as being over 45. His wife is in the 26 to 45 bracket, and there are three males under 10, two 10 to 16, one 16 to 18 and one 16 to 26. There are two females under 10, two 10 to 16, and five slaves. Three persons are listed as engaged in agriculture.

Since George S. was listed as between 26 and 45 in 1810, he would have been born between 1765 and 1784, but since he was listed as over 45 in the 1820 census, he would have to have been 35 years of age in 1810, which would have made his birth in the period 1765 to 1775.

George S. paid taxes on one parcel of land of 5 9 acres in Dinwiddie County during the period 1804-1820. This was conveyed by George Pegram Jr. In 1820 George S. would have been between 45 and 55 years of age. He purchased land in Tennessee in 1823 (48), probably soon after his arrival, at which time he would have been 48 to 58 years of age.

George S. married Frances Traylor, daughter of Humphrey Traylor Jr. and Sarah Cousins, prior to moving to Tennessee.

A history of the Traylor family states that Frances Traylor married George Scott Pegram (48). George's middle name being Scott might indicate that he was in the line of Edward Pegram3 and Mary Scott Baker, but no record has been found to substantiate this. If in the line of Edward' he would have to


have been a grandson. There were many marriages between the Pegrams and the Scotts, thus a number of possibilities as to parentage. George S. is listed in the 1840 census of Davidson County, Tennessee, and a Frances S. Pegram is listed in the 1850 census. This was undoubtedly George's wife. He died in 1848.

The portion of Davidson County where George S. settled became Cheatham County in 1856. There were a number of Pegrams from Virginia that settled in the area, and the town of Pegram, in Cheatham County was established, and still thrives.

Mr. Robert L. Pegram of Dallas, Texas, a descendant of George S. Pegram, has worked on this branch of the family for a number of years, and has much information and documentation concerning it. Since this is to be made available at a later date, only a brief resume of the descendants of George Scott Pegram, as furnished by Mr. Pegram, will be included.

George S. Pegram was most likely of the fifth generation, with George Pegram of York County, Virginia as the first. He is assigned that generation here, in order that his descendants could be given generation designations, to facilitate their identity. This is chronologically compatible with his age and that of the various generations of his descendants, when compared with like generations of parallel lines.

George Scott Pegram and Frances Traylor had nine children as follows:

GEORGE W.6, b. 1803.
ROGER, b. 1806.
EDWARD, b. 1816.
JOHN PETER, b. 1818.

GEORGE W. PEGRAM6 first married Sallie Burnett, and then Mary Bell. He died in 1877. Children by his first wife:

CAROLINE7, b. 1830. LOUISA, b. 1833.
GEORGIA ANN, b. 1841.

Children by his second wife, Mary Bell:

JANE7, b. 1845.
JAMES THOMAS, b. 1847.
WILLIAM MALIBAR, b. 1849; d. 1882.
ADELINE, b. 1860.
JOHN HENRY, b. 1864.

WILLIAM MALIBAR PEGRAM7, the son of George W. Pegram and Mary Bell, married Amanda E. Sharp, and they had the following issue:

IDA C., b. 1874.
MATTIE MAURY, b. 1879.
EUGENE HUSE, b. 1882; d. 14 Nov. 1975.


EUGENE HUSE PEGRAM8, son of William Malibar and Amanda E. Sharp, married Ann Taylor, and they had the following children:

STELLA MAE9, b. 15 Oct. 1911.
MILTON HUSE, b. 4 Sept. 1914.
ROBERT E. LEE, b. 10 Jan. 1918.
JOE BILLIE, b. 7 Oct. 1923.

STELLA MAE PEGRAM9 married William Henry Spearman on 17 May 1929, and they had issue:

PEGGIE JUNE10, b. 26 Sept. 1932; m. Ramon Western.
DANNIE EUGENE, b. 17 Oct. 1950; m. Cheryl Elizabeth Tilton; and they had issue:

SCOTT DANIEL11, b. 6 March 1971.

MILTON HUSE PEGRAM9 married Roma Jeline Allen on 22 November 1936, and had issue:

MELISSA JANE10 who married Newel Sink, and was divorced.

ROBERT E. LEE PEGRAM9, the son of Eugene Huse Pegram and Mary Ann Taylor, married Celia Geraldine Lasater, 14 July 1941. He served for three years in the United States Army, during World War II, 29 months of which were overseas, mostly in Africa and Italy, in the 5th. Army. Robert had a career with the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, from which he is retired. He devotes his time to researching the history of the Pegram family, and has made substantial contributions to its explication. He and Geraldine had the following children:

ROBERT BRUCE10, who was born 28 January 1947, and who married Cheryl Alice Tarwater, and is now divorced. They had issue:

ROBIN DIANE11, b. 14 Nov. 1971.

CAROLE JANIS10, who was born 24 July 1950. She first married Jack Brundrett, and then Marvin Ray Fletcher, on 21 May 1977. They had issue:

COLLIN RAY11, b. 20 August 1983.

JOE BILLIE PEGRAM9, son of Eugene Huse Pegram and Mary Ann Taylor, married Audra Lorene Manning, 21 January 1945, and had issue:

LINDA KAY10, who was born 12 May 1950. She married Ronald Joe Golden, and they had issue:

JULIA ANN11, b. 7 Dec. 1974. BRYAN KEITH, b. 17 May 1976.

RONALD JOE PEGRAM10, son of Joe Billie Pegram and Audra Manning, married Rebecca Ann Davidson, and had issue:



Source: Samuel W. Simmons, The Pegrams Of Virginia And Their Descendants (Atlanta Georgia, 1984) All rights reserved
©2006 Nola Duffy, Winona Solomon or individual contributors.  No portion of any material on this site is to be used for other than personal research.  Copying or reposting in any format is specifically denied. 

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