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DANIEL PEGRAM3 (Daniel2, George1) was born in York County, Virginia about 1720. He died after 15 November 1776 and before the November Court 1777. From the data available there is every indication that he married into the Macon family, a prominent York County family descending from Gideon Macon, the Burgess and French Huguenot (30, 136). John Macon, son of Gideon and Martha Woodward Macon, was born 17 December 1695. He married Ann Hunt, daughter of William Hunt Jr., and sister of Robert Hunt (30, 31). This is confirmed by a deed recorded in Surry County, dated 1 April 1714, wherein William Hunt and Thabitha, his wife, of Charles City County, (conveyed land on the Nottaway to William Hamlin) stated that they had two daughters, Mary who married Robert Minge, and the wife of John Macon (31). John Macon and Ann Hunt had six children, one of whom was Frances, who it is stated, married Daniel Pegram (30, 136).

Daniel's grandmother was a Hunt. As stated previously, when Daniell, his father, was apprenticed in 1703/04, it was with the consent of his uncle Robert Hunt. It is also widely stated that Sarah his mother, was a Hunt. At any rate Daniel' and his brothers and sisters descended from the Hunts. It may be that William Hunt Jr., father of Ann Hunt Macon, who lived in Charles City County, or some other member of the Hunt family carried the Pegram children to that county to be with their kin, after the death of their parents. The Hunts were said to be "numerous and respectable."

Prince George County was formed from Charles City County in 1702/03; and, Dinwiddie County was formed from Prince George in 1752. Dinwiddie County was the locale of the Pegram family. It is likely that when they went to Charles City County that they actually settled in what was later Dinwiddie County.

The Register of Bristol Parish lists Sarah, daughter of Daniel and Frances Pegram, born 29 September 1741, and baptized 28 February 1741/42 (33).

The Journal of the Council of Virginia in Executive Session held 10 June 1742; showed Daniel Pegram Vs. Abraham Micheau continued to December next for a preemptory hearing. These Councils were held at the Capitol in Williamsburg (34).
A Council was held at the Governor's House 15 December 1742: The case of Pegram Vs. Micheau was recorded for land granted the defendant to have an order for the land paying the plaintiff 50 schillings (35).

The fact that Daniel and Frances had a child, Sarah, born 29 December 1741, and baptized in Bristol Parish 28 February 1741/42 (6, 33), indicates that they moved to the Parish in which Prince George, and later Dinwiddie, was situated, at about the time of the Council meetings. It will be recalled that Daniel's brother Edward was apprenticed in Charles City County in 1737, probably prior to Daniel's move from York County.

Daniel and Frances moved to North Carolina sometime between 1741, when their daughter was baptized, and October 1754, when Daniel was shown in the Granville County, North Carolina Militia, in Captain Richard Coleman's Company. On 4 September 1758 Daniel was granted 733 acres of land in Granville County, later Bute, now Warren, on Hobb Quarter Creek. Gideon Hunt Macon, son of John Macon, and thus a brother of Frances, also settled on Hobb Quarter Creek. Gideon Macon sold land on Hobb Quarter Creek to Thomas Harton on 12 May 1753 (witnesses: Daniel Pegram and Marmaduke Perry), and land on Little Creek to William Reed on 23 May 1753 (witnesses: Thomas Harton and William Blalock). Deed Book D., pp. 217, 218, 219 and 220. It was also here that the Honorable Nathaniel Macon later resided (30, 36).


There was kinship between the Hunts, the Macons and the Pegrams of Charles City County, Virginia. Daniel Pegram3 and the Macons moved to the same locality in North Carolina, where Daniel had invested in land, at about the same time. Daniel and Frances Pegram named a son Gideon. John Macon, son of Gideon, had a son named Gideon (brother of Frances), who moved to Granville County; North Carolina. These things and the close association of the two families over a long period, in two states, seems sufficient evidence to say that Daniel Pegram's wife was indeed Frances Macon, daughter of John Macon and Ann Hunt. Furthermore Alethea Jane Macon, who compiled and published a treatise entitled "Gideon Macon of Virginia and Some of his descendants", stated without reservation that Frances Macon married Daniel Pegram (136). Their children were SARAH4, DANIEL, GEORGE, EDWARD, GIDEON, MARTHA (PATTY) and MARY.

Note that the names, with the exception of Gideon, which is from the maternal side, and Martha, are the same as Daniel's brothers and sisters. He had brothers Edward and George, and sisters Sarah and Mary.

Daniel Pegram's will was dated 15 November 1776, and was probated at the November Court of Bute County, North Carolina in 1777. He divided a number of parcels of land between his various children and his wife Frances. This was mostly on Hobb Quarter Creek.

Warren County, North Carolina (formerly Bute). WB-2, page 170
15 November 1776
Will of Daniel Pegram3.

In the name of God Amen, I Daniel Pegram of the Province of North Carolina and County of Bute being weak in body, but of sound sence and memory, and knowing the frailty of this life, and that it is appointed for all men once to die have thought proper to make this my last Will and Testament as to my body I desire it may be decently buried when carried out of the house, my soul I trust in the hands of my Dear redemer and as to my Temporal affairs after my debts being paid which debts are to be paid out of the money due to me for schooling, and the Tobacco as soon as my Exrs. can get a market for the same, Thomas Miller and Allan Love & Co. being all the debts I owe, the rest of my Estate that God has blest me with I give and bequeath in manner and form following.

Impre. I give to my son Daniel Pegram a tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being on the West side of Hobb Quarter Creek bounded by Francis Riggins line and my original line between Charles Johnston's deed and being by Estimation one hundred & forty acres more or less and whatever was given at his marriage I now confirm, and do appoint him and my son George Pegram my Executors, to this my Will and to settle and discharge my debts with the two above creditors.

Item. I give and bequeath to my son George Pegram one tract or parcel of land lying on both sides of Hobb Quarter Creek, bounded by Francis Riggins's line from the Hico road to the creek, down the Creek to a branch called the mirey branch, up the said branch to the head, thence by a line of marked trees to the original line, thence along the old line to the Hico road thence up the road to the first station being by Estimation 140 acres more or less, and what was given to him at his marriage I now confirm.

Item. I give and bequeath to my son Edward Pegram a tract or parcel of land on the South side the Hico road bounded by the lines of Robert Harris, James Nicholson, Francis Riggin & George Pegram being by Estimation 140 acres more or less as also a sorrell mare and fold, six head of cattle as also one feather bed and a pair of sheets, and forty shilings. V. money due for his part of Tobacco.

Item. I give and bequeath to my son Gedion Pegram the land I now live, bounded by George Pegram's line, Sarah Johnston's line and Hobb Quarter Creek, being by Estimation 140 acres more or less, as also one black mare three years old, 4 head of cattle, 2 sows and shoats, and all the tools (Except the cross cut saw which I leave for the use of all my son's,) as also the fold the sorrell mare is with fold or, as also one feather bed and a pair of sheets.

As to my Daughter Mary Riggin having given heron her marriage what I intended, but fearing the Deed should not prove authentic it is my desire that she keep everything given at that time, without mollestation or controuse.

Item. I leave in the possession of my wife all the rest of my estate (Except a sorrell horse Colt two years


old which Colt I give to my Daughter Sally Pegram, and the fold the sorrell mare is now with fold off, which fold is already given to my son Gedion), which Estate of stock and household furniture I desire she may not be mollested in during her life, and I likewise desire she may Iive and have this place for her place of abode during her life, and her Daughters Salley and Pattey Pegram to live with her while married, the land that I join'd in taking up and surveying with Joseph Riggin I give to my daughters Salley and Pattey Pegram, to be equally divided between them by my Exrs. the part adjoyning to Thomas Bell to Salley Pegram the part on Little Creek to Patty Pegram, and at the death of my wife, it is my desire that the stock and house hold furniture be equally divided between my two daughters Salley & Pattey Pegram (Except the Sorrell mare) which mare and her increase I give to my daughter Pattey Pegram, and I revoke & disanul all other gifts heretofore made, and do acknowledge this to be my last Will and Testament, Given and acknowledged under my hand and seal this 15th day of November 1776.

Daniel Pegram (Seal)

Test John Baxter
Thos Harton
John X Rodwell

Bute County November Court 1777

This Last Will and Testament of Daniel Pegram deced. was presented in Court and proved by the oaths of Thomas Harton John Baxter and John Rodwell the witnesses thereto, and the same was ordered to be recorded and Letters Testamentary was granted to George Pegram one of the Exrs. who was Qualified &c.

Test Thos. Machen C.C.

North Carolina
Warren County

A true copy.
N. H. Newell
Dpy. Clerk Superior Court

Daniel Pegram3 was a school teacher and planter. He was a brother of Edward Pegram of Dinwiddie County, Virginia, the ancestor of the principal line being followed in this treatise. Daniel Pegram and Frances have many illustrious descendants in North Carolina and elsewhere, and some information on them has been published (7, 30). Mrs. Bertha Alice Pegram Daniels of Ontario, California and Mrs. Nola Pegram Duffy of Houston, Texas, descendants of Daniel Pegram3 are preparing documents on this branch of the Pegram family, which they intend to publish. In view of this, the present compilation will not continue to follow this line, which itself deserves a separate publication.

MARY PEGRAM3 (Daniell, George') evidently went to Prince George County, now Dinwiddie, along with her brothers.

The book "Relics of the Rives" (38) by James Rives Childs includes the following:

It has been stated that William Rives married a Miss Pegram, and to this I am disposed to give some credence on the strength of the unusual authentic testimony preserved by his descendants of the family relationships, and which whenever tested has disclosed none of the customary chaff of the untrustworthy tradition.

Records in Amelia County show William Rives patented some land. When he sold the land his wife signed with him, and her given name was Mary (38). In the 1782 personalty tax list of Dinwiddie County the only titheable of William Rives was a man by the name of Thomas Parham. In Hughes' book on Dinwiddie County (39), Thomas Parham is listed in the records of a doctor in Dinwiddie, as a son-in-law of E. Pegram. This was in the 1780s. Edward Pegram4 married Ann Harper Parham, after his first wife, Mary Lyle, died. Actually Thomas Parham was not a son-in-law of E. Pegram, but was


the son of Edward's wife, who had previously been married to a Parham (19). This is additional information of the relationship between William Rives and the Pegram family.

Was this Mary Pegram the daughter of Daniel'? The evidence indicates that she was. There was simply no other Mary Pegram of record that would have been old enough to have had children in the 1740s. This fact places her in the same age bracket as Daniel3 and Edward3, her brothers, sons of Daniel2.
William and Mary3 had three children:

THOMAS HENRY4, b. ca. 1740. ROBERT, b. ca. 1750. A SON, b. ca. 1752 (38).

Based on the foregoing, it appears that Mary Pegram, the daughter of Daniel', married William Rives, and lived in the Dinwiddie-Amelia County area, as did her brother Edward, and her brother Daniel. It is also likely, that her brother George and sister Sarah lived there. Mr. Laurence B. Gardiner (19) of Memphis, Tennessee is a descendant of William Rives and Mary Pegram, and has collected considerable information on the family.

SARAH PEGRAM3 (Daniel2, George1), was born in York County Virginia, or environs. The date of her birth is not known. Her brother Edward was born in 1722, and her younger brother George, evidently in 1727. Sarah's sister Mary was probably older than she. Mary was mentioned first in the will of her mother Sarah in 1727, and to her she gave her best bed, furniture and chest of drawers. Sarah received the second best bed and furniture. It has been stated that she married James Scott.

James Scott came to Virginia about 1746 (40). He was a Scotsman of the Clan Buecleuch. James had taken part in the field of Culloden in 1746, on behalf of the pretender to the British throne. After defeat he escaped to Bristol and was smuggled aboard a ship bound for Virginia (40). James settled in what is now Dinwiddie County. He was said to have been a teacher and to have stayed with the Winfield family, which indicates his presence in the Dinwiddie County area. Tradition is that Sarah Pegram married a Scott, and in "A Record of the Pegram Family" by Mary Elizabeth Lumpkin (41), it is stated that James Scott married a sister of Edward Pegram3. If this is true, her name would have been Sarah, although Mrs. Lumpkin gave her name as Elizabeth. It is possible that her name was Sarah Elizabeth, a common combination, although two given names for an individual was rare in the early eighteenth century, and there is no indication that this was the case. There simply was not a known Elizabeth Pegram of marriageable age at the time in question, and certainly not a sister of Edward Pegram3. Due to the very early and close association of the Pegram and Scott families, the marriage of James Scott and Sarah Pegram appears plausible. It may be that James Scott and Sarah Pegram3 initiated the numeorus marriages between these two prominent families. The basis of Mrs. Lumpkin's information is not known, and documentary evidence on this point is still being sought.

CAPT. WILLIAM SCOTT4 was born in 1747, which was the year following the reported arrival of his father James Scott in Virginia. William served in the Revolutionary War. He married Ann Mason, daughter of Daniel Mason and Elizabeth Winfield. Their home was known as Laurel Branch. They had seven children, as follows:

ELIZABETH WINFIELD SCOTT5, daughter of William Scott and Ann Mason, was born in 1767 and died in 1836. She married Joseph Wells Harper in Dinwiddie County, Virginia.

REBECCA SCOTT5, daughter of William Scott and Ann Mason, was born in 1770. She married Capt. EDWARD HENRY PEGRAM5, son of George Pegram4 and Elizabeth Williamson, and grandson of Edward Pegram3 and Mary Scott Baker.

MARY MANSON SCOTT5, daughter of William Scott and Ann Mason, was born in 1772 and died in 1838. She married Theodoric Scott.

ANN SCOTT5, daughter of William Scott and Ann Mason, was born in 1775 and died in 1872. She married Maj. Theodoric Walker in 1802.


COL. JAMES SCOTT5, son of William Scott and Ann Mason, was born 24 February 1777 and died in 1841. He married MARTHA PEGRAM5, daughter of Capt. Edward Pegram4 and Ann Harper Parham.

MARTHA SCOTT5, daughter of William Scott and Ann Mason, was born in 1783. She married Thomas Field.

GENERAL WINFIELD SCOTT5, son of William Scott and Ann Mason, was born 13 June 1786, in Dinwiddie County, near Petersburg, Virginia. He died 29 May 1866 at West Point, New York. The grandfather of Winfield's mother was John Winfield, a man of great wealth, for whom Winfield was named (40). Winfield was a lawyer and had an office in Dinwiddie, Virginia. He became head of the United States Armies, and was the Whig Party candidate for President of the United States both in 1848 and 1852. There is probably more information available on Gen. Winfield Scott than on any other individual treated in this book. For this reason I am including only this very abbreviated paragraph regarding his life. His biography is published in many places. It can be found in brief form in the Encyclopedia Britannica.

GEORGE PEGRAM3 (Daniel2, George1), was not mentioned in his father's will of 1726, in York County, Virginia. His brothers and sisters, Daniel, Edward, Mary and Sarah were named. George's mother died in 1727; and in her will she named her son George, in addition to the other four children. Since George was not named by his father and was included in his mother's will, less than a year after her husband's death, it seems evident that George was not born until after his father had died. George3 being the youngest child of Daniel and Sarah Pegram would logically follow his brother Edward3 in sequence in this book, but since Edward has a lengthy list of descendants, and none are known for George, he is treated first.

Several competent workers on the Pegram family believe that George went to Dinwiddie County, as did his brothers Daniel and Edward, and probably also his sisters Mary and Sarah. There is some evidence to substantiate this contention. In the land records of Dinwiddie County (42) there are several George Pegrams listed as having paid taxes on land holdings. Tax records date from 1782 in Virginia, but may not be complete as of that date in all counties.

There is a Major George Pegram who paid taxes on land in Dinwiddie County during the Period 1787-1797, and there is a Colonel George Pegram who paid taxes on several large parcels of land during the period 1796-1815. It is believed by some investigators that Major George and Colonel George is the same person, that he was the son of Daniel Pegram2 of York County, and the brother of Edward Pegram3 of Dinwiddie. A search of the records of the children of all Pegrams known to the compiler, to the dates of these tax records did not reveal another George Pegram compatible with the situation, other than the son of Daniel2. George must have died about 1815, since the 1816-18 taxes were levied on his estate. He was born in 1727 and therefore would have been 88 years of age at his death.

A GEORGE PEGRAM JR. paid taxes on considerable land holding during the period 1782-1803 (42, 137). He was married to Elizabeth Holden on 7 March 1786, and to Elizabeth McNabb on 8 December 1804 (138). The parents of George Jr. are not known. He could possibly be the son of Colonel George3, but this is mere speculation. A George Jr. would not have had to have a father that was named George provided that there was an older George Pegram in the same community.



© Samuel W. Simmons. No portion of this material may be used except for personal information.  No portion of the material is to be used, copied or reposted in any form or any media without specific written consent of the author or his successors and assigns.

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