Volunteer Information

NHGenWeb is a totally volunteer project. We greatly appreciate all our project volunteers.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a County Coordinator (CC) or Town Coordinator (TC). If there is an available county that you would like to adopt, please contact the NHGenWeb State Coordinator. Should you wish to adopt a town, please contact the county coordinator. If you want to adopt a town that is in an adoptable county, then please contact the State Coordinator.

County Coordinator Requirements

Project names and logos: The proper name of the projects are The NHGenWeb Project and The USGenWeb Project. Your main page must display The USGenWeb Project logo, which may be found here: http://www.usgenweb.org/volunteers/logos.html and the official logo of The NHGenWeb Project, which may be found here: logos.html.

Pointer to the State page: You must have a link back to the State page.

State Mail List: You must maintain a subscription to the list. We will be discussing issues that are important to the project.

County Resource Page and Look Ups: You are responsible for finding volunteers that will perform lookups of historical and genealogical materials for your county. Lookups should be offered if you or your volunteers have received permission to do so from the book's author or publisher or the reference books you have available meet the copyright policies of The USGenWeb Project.

Every page should provide some basic research help for their county. For instance, many of the county coordinators have provided a list of names, addresses and phone numbers for the county court clerk, library, and genealogical and/or historical societies. Many have also provided a bibliography page showing the reference books available for their county.

Recommended Links: The following are not mandatory, but would be convenient for your visitors:

A link to the The USGenWeb Project home page is recommended: http://www.usgenweb.org/
A link to the The USGenWeb Project Archives is also recommended. The New Hampshire Archives are located at http://usgwarchives.net/nh/nhfiles.htm
The archives search option would be another helpful link to include  http://usgwarchives.net/search/searcharchives.html
You may wish to link to The WorldGenWeb Project https://www.worldgenweb.org/

The USGenWeb Project policy on HTML Code, Graphics, etc.: It is the policy of The USGenWeb Project to obtain permission from the creator of the code, graphics, and backgrounds before using them on our pages unless they have been placed in the public domain. If you use backgrounds and graphics that require a link back to the web site that you obtained them from, then you must link back. If you find yourself having used someone's code without their permission, please either obtain that permission or remove that feature from your pages. This includes pages of links that others have put together.

Maintenance of Website: You must maintain your site and check for broken links every month.

Website Copyright: It is recommended that all websites within The USGenWeb Project use the following copyright notice: "Copyright XXXX (being the year) by (coordinators name). Please make sure that you update the year.

Town Coordinator Requirements

Project names and logos: The proper name of the projects are The NHGenWeb Project and The USGenWeb Project. Your main page must display The USGenWeb Project logo, which may be found here: http://www.usgenweb.org/volunteers/logos.html and the official logo of The NHGenWeb Project, which may be found here: logos.html .

Pointer to the State and County page: You must have a link back to the State page and the County page that your town is in.

Follow The USGenWeb Project Copyright Policy: You may view the copyright policy here.

The USGenWeb Project policy on HTML Code, Graphics, etc.: It is the policy of The USGenWeb Project to obtain permission from the creator of the code, graphics, and backgrounds before using them on our pages unless they have been placed in the public domain. If you use backgrounds and graphics that require a link back to the web site that you obtained them from, then you must link back. If you find yourself having used someone's code without their permission, please either obtain that permission or remove that feature from your pages. This includes pages of links that others have put together.

Maintenance of Website: You must maintain your site and check for broken links every month.

Website Copyright: It is recommended that all websites within The USGenWeb Project use the following copyright notice: "Copyright XXXX (being the year) by (coordinators name). Please make sure that you update the year.

State Coordinator Requirements

Oversees the State NHGenWeb Project.

Includes links on NHGenWeb State Page to all County pages, the USGenWeb Project website, USGenWeb Project Archives (both state and local level), USGenWeb Projects Guidelines/Standards, link to the USGenWeb logo page, USGenWeb project page, US copyright info page and WorldGenWeb Project.

Ensures the state organization is in compliance with the bylaws of the USGenWeb project.

Election to be held every two years for SC of NHGenWeb through the USGenWeb Election Committee by the active CCs and TCs within the state project.

Those eligible for SC position must have been a CC or TC in good standing with NHGenWeb for a minimum of the prior 6 months.

SC appoints an ASC or support team every two years. They shall work as a team so that the ASC will be able to take charge if necessary, in case of absence by the SC for vacation or illness of two weeks. ASC is kept aware of all rosters, passwords, etc. to insure a smooth temporary transition.

SC keeps list of CCs and TCs email, postal address and phone # in case they have become non active.

SC will supply email, postal address and phone # to NC in case SC becomes non active.

Be sure of open communication readily available through the state mail list and subscribes any new CCs and TCs to the state mail list.

Hold quarterly “check-in” through state mail list and keep spreadsheet of same to know if any CCs and TCs become non active. Non response is considered non-active.

Forwards communication from USGenWeb (NC, etc.) to the NHGenWeb list in a timely manner.

SC responds to all emails (public, TC or CC) within 4 days.

Provide a link to queries on the NHGenWeb state page.

List SC and ASC names and links to their email addresses on the state page.

Link to NHGenWeb logos.

Include a state page showing the counties on the NHGenWeb state page.

SC is responsible for keeping Election Committee roster of NHGenWeb members current (and remove those no longer active) so they can vote on national and regional elections.

Genealogy Web Templates
This page was last updated 03/04/2025