the southeast. Later he had his shop where the Battle Creek Hardware store is now located and his dwelling was the residence just south of the Willie Brandt home which is now the Walter Tegeler home. Hansen still later built a blacksmith shop on the corner west of the Battle Creek Co-op Creamery after having sold his building to Howard Miller when the Battle Creek Hardware was then established.

William Bates came to Madison County in 1870 to homestead but the urge to get into business prevailed and caused him to go into business with George S. Hurford. Then Mr. Bates established a "grocery and Provisions" store where Esther's Store is now located in the old Koester Building. At one time the post office was located in the Bates Store. There is still evidence of a "mail slot" in the front door. We are not sure who was postmaster at this time. The Bates home was situated where Mary Tegeler now lives. He later sold his business to W. B. "Billy" Fuerst, whose first job was with Mr. Bates. Later Mr. Bates was elected County Judge and served for a number of years until his health failed. Later Billy Fuerst had a store across the alley to the north of the Vie Klein service shop and still later, about 1900, Mr. Fuerst was instrumental in starting the first telephone company.

Again referring to Mr. Bates and his campaign for the office of County Judge: In those early days it was customary for a candidate to go out in the country to shake hands and introduce himself to the voters, sealing his hand shake with a drink of liquor out of a jug. In company with Otto Maas, one of many of his Battle Creek supporters, Mr. Bates made a trip to the far south end of the county. They did not keep track of the miles they had travelled nor did they ask any questions as all contacts seemed quite willing to support his candidacy. Came evening, they found that they had spent must of the afternoon campaigning in Platte County.

In about 1876, Herman Claus came from Norfolk, following George Hurford, to open a show shop in the building east of the Steffen building. In those days, a shoe and boot shop meant also on the spot manufacturing of such foot wear, not only repair. The Claus home was in the north part of town where Mrs. Alfred Henseleit and her family now live. When Mr. Claus passed away, Mr. T. C. Osborn bought the residence and make his home there until he passed away.

In the early days (about 1882), a mercantile establishment was owned by Thomas Dugher and Pat O'Neill which was located where the Paul Clemens building, now occupied by the Battle Creek Manufacturing Co. is located. Mr. Dugher, a Scottsman, established his residence on lots where the Louis Praeuner and Alvin Koopman residences now stand. In the early days, every well organized family had a stable, and the Dugher family kept their pony and milk cow in the stable across the alley to the west where the county highway sheds are now located.

Though the original townsite was surveyed in 1873, it was not officially acknowledged and recorded until 1878 by which


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