Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

The Young Men's Christian Association

This page is about the various fraternals, organizations and societies of Hall County, Nebraska.

History of the Young Men's Christian Association

A Young Men's Christian Association was organized in Grand Island on February 28, 1885, with C. W. Scarff, president, J. W. Bartholomew, secretary.

In 1891 G. W. Weeter was president, L. S. Moore, recording secretary, J. B. Carruthers, general secretary.

In 1893 G. W. Weeter was president of the city division, and J. P. Kernohan president of the railroad division, J. T. Miller, recording secretary, and J. S. Miller, general secretary. The association's headquarters were on Sycamore street between Front and Third. The directors then were: Geo. W. Weeter, W. H. Jones, A. M. Wilson, Thos. Robinson, Ira T. Paine, D. C. Hall and W. A. Heimberger. In 1896 Mr. Heimberger was president, A. M. Hargis, treasurer, and M. O. Lewis, general secretary. In 1900 L. E. Smith was general secretary. The headquarters were removed to 105 East Front street.

In 1904 M. A. Wolfe was general secretary. Chas. H. Tully served as president of the association for seventeen years.

In 1908 the officers were : President, C. H. Tully, vice-president, Frank Perdue, recording secretary, D. H. Fishburn, treasurer, Allan Craig, general secretary, W. L. Stockinger. The same officers were in charge of its aflairs in 1910.

In 1912 J. W. Rose was president and Bayard H. Paine, secretary. The directors then serving were: A. F. Buechler, C. H. Tully, L. M. Talmage, J. V.

Anderson, E. Williams, J. W. Rose, E. W. Augustine, B. H. Paine, A. M. Hargis, T. J. Hansen, A. U. Hannan, D. E. Ryder, O. C. Bundy, E. F. Starr, E. R. Farmer. The Y. M. C. A. Building Associa tion was incorporated with the same fifteen directors.

The officers for that year were J. W. Rose, president, A. F. Buechler, vice-president, Elmer Williams, treasurer, and Bayard H. Paine, secretary. H. L. Rowe was general secretary. It was during this administration that the determination was reached to build a new home for the City and Railroad Y. M. C. A. Association of Grand Island.

October 21, 1912, a building committee of 107 members was formed to assist in the building campaign.

The campaign began in November, 1912, and $75,000 was subscribed in three days', campaign, whereas ten days had been alloted to the task.

From the stockholders of the new Y. M. C. A. Building Association the following directors were chosen on December 2, 1912: John Reimers, L. M. Talmage, J. D. Whitmore, Jack Donald, J. V. Anderson, S. D. Ross, Frank E. Slusser, C. H. Tully, Chas. G. Ryan, T. J. Hansen, A. M. Hargis, Elmer Williams, E. W. Augustine, J. W. Rose and Bayard H. Paine. The erection of a four story building, across the street north from the court house, at First and Locust streets was commenced shortly thereafter.

Cited Source:

A. F. Buechler and R. J. Barr, editors. "Fraternals and Social Organziations of Hall Cuonty: The Young Men's Christian Association," History of Hall County Nebraska (Lincoln, NE: Western Publishing and Engraving Company, 1920): 387-388. Provided by the Prairie Pioneer Genealogical Society, Grand Island, Nebraska.


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