Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Cement Lodge No. 211, Wood River

This page is about the various fraternals, organizations and societies of Hall County, Nebraska.

Cement Lodge No. 211, Wood River

A Masonic lodge was formed at Wood River on September 21, 1891, dispensation granted on November 27, and the lodge chartered on December 21, 1891, as Cement Lodge No. 211. The masters . . . [and] secretaries . . . of this lodge (see list below).

Rosecreans R. Root, U. D. 1891, 1892-1893, 1904-06, 1911-12

Geo. B. McGleason, 1893-94, 1906-1911
Marcus R. Abbott, 1894-1896
William B. Kern, 1896-1898
Sam'l MacMurray, 1898-99;
Joseph P. Riddle, 1899-1900
Frank E. Slusser, 1900-1902
Sam'l A. Sherrerd, 1902-1903
E. S. Leavenworth, 1903-1904
A. S. Wiseman, 1912-14, 1915-16
R. R. Ellis, 1914-15

Arthur E. Hauke, 1916-19
Mr. Jones, secetary, 1 yr
C. E. Towne, secretary, 12 yrs
W. W. Mitchell, secetary
T. W. Faught, secretary
C. E. Towne, secretary
Ed McKee, secetary
Arthur E. Hauke, secretary, 1919
Chas. E. Towne, S. W., 1919
M. Luther Wiseman, 1919

Wood River's Cement Lodge Photograph

Source Cited:

A. F. Buechler and R. J. Barr, editors. "Fraternals and Social Organziations of Hall Cuonty," History of Hall County Nebraska (Lincoln, NE: Western Publishing and Engraving Company, 1920): 368-371. Provided by the Prairie Pioneer Genealogical Society, Grand Island, Nebraska.


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