Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

History of Lodges & Organizations: 1870s

This page is about the various fraternals, organizations and societies of Hall County, Nebraska.

Lodges in the Seventies

There are many other lodges, in addition to those of which a somewhat detailed history has been recited, which should be remembered, even though very detailed facts cannot be given at this point.

In 1876 when the community of Grand Island was ten years old the following lodges were thriving within its borders : Ashlar Lodge No. 33, A. F. & A. M.; Deuel Chap. No. 11, R. A. Masons ; Odd Fellows ; Patrons of Hus bandry, which are treated in the chapter on Agriculture; Sons of Temperance, an organ ization started on October 2, 1873, with fifteen members, and the following officers : Horatio Thomas, W. P., Alice Odell, W. A., J. J. Cash, B. S., B. F. Odell, A. R. S., Byron Beal, F. S., Jas. H. Jenkins, C, Flora Thomas, A. C, Ella Warner, I. S., John Shoemaker, O. S., Liederkranz Society, organized by John WalHchs, in 1870, and given the name meaning "Song Society."

The U. P. Railroad Company gave this society two lots upon which a frame

home was erected in 1871. Kilwinning Lodge No. 1, A. & A. S. R. (Scottish Rite) organized in 1871, with G. W. Thummel as T. P. G. M., and B. B. Kelley, grand secre tary, and which flourished until the 'nineties. Lyon Post No. 11, G. A. R., department of Ne braska, organized August 29, 1877, is treated more fully in another section of this work.

The Temple of Honor was organized May 4, 1878, by A. H. Bowen, with Jas. H. Burlison, Robert S. Buchanan, George F. Ryan, William T. Hamilton, I. L. Meseraul, Giles H. Bush, Harry Buchanan, W. P. Foutz, Amaziah D. Owens, D. M. Buchanan and Aaron B. Veeder, officers. The Eintacht (Concordia) was formed September 26, 1875, with Prof. Carl C. Zeus, director. The Plattsdeutche Verein, still an existing organization, flourished as a very early date. The Old Turnerverein was organized in October, 1874, and incorporated January 15, 1878, but it had ceased from active work before 1881.

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Cited Source:

A. F. Buechler and R. J. Barr, editors. "Fraternals and Social Organziations of Hall Cuonty: In Lodges in the Seventies," History of Hall County Nebraska (Lincoln, NE: Western Publishing and Engraving Company, 1920): 381. Provided by the Prairie Pioneer Genealogical Society, Grand Island, Nebraska.


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