Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Fidelity Degree of Honor Lodge No. 56

This page is about the various fraternals, organizations and societies of Hall County, Nebraska.

Fidelity Degree of Honor Lodge No. 56, Grand Island

Information furnished by Mrs. Alice Taylor

This lodge was chartered April 5, 1893, and met in the A. O. U. W. hall. It has enjoyed a steady growth to a present membership of 170.

The charter members and first officers, those who held the honorable post of C. of Honer (PCofH), recorders (Rcdr.), and the present officers (1919) of the lodge (see list below).

Adams, Myrtle (Rcdr.) Ferguson, S. H. Metcalf, I. .J. Powers, Mrs. M. V. (Rcdr.)
Andrews, Eliza Ferguson, S. M. Metcalf, Susan Raphael, Maria J. (1st Rcdr.)
Andrews, Geo. H. Guhl, Lizzie (PCofH) Nichols, Luella (Rcdr.) Raphael, Marie (Rcdr.)
Barr, Alex (LH) Hanchett, Cora (PCofH) Owens, A. D. Roush, Rose (PCofH)
Barr, Eliza J. Helling, Mary (PCofH) Owens, Annie (PCofH & Rcdr.)
Birk, Housine (PCofH) Hirschburg, Etta (PCofH) Owens, S. B. (1st LofH) Sayre, Lizzie (Rcdr.)
Brewster, Emma (PCofH & Rcdr.) Hollowell, Cynthia (1st CofH) Searson, Ed.
Cosh, A. Hollowell, J. F. Pence, John W. Searson, Ed. (Rcdr.)
Cosh, M. Kent, S. F. (Rcdr.) Pence. Mary Searson, Jennie (1st PCofH)
Dean, E. A. Petersen, C. L. Searson, Minnie (PCofH)
Dean, Geo. P. Lahann, Minnie (PCofH) Petersen, S. P. Sproul, Polly (PCofH)
Dunlap, Marry (PCofH) McAllister, Mary (PCofH) Powers, Annie Taylor, Alice (PCofH & Rcdr.)
Feeney, Mary (PCofH) McDermott, Melissa (PCofH) Powers, M. V. Turner, Mollie (PCofH)

Past C. of Honor
Mary Feeney,
C. of H
Minnie Lahann.
L of H
Rose Roush,
C. of Cerm
Elizabeth Salyer,
Cora Hanchett,
Millie Rousey,
Alice Taylor,
Myrtle Salyer
Margaret Salyer
Inside Warden
Elizabeth Stegeman
Outside Warden
Lucy Haney
1st to C. of H.
Alice Hunt
2 st to C. of H.
Polly Sproul
1st M. of H.
Edna Miller
1st M. of H.
Mae Emmons
Grace Corl
Ella Broawell
H. B. Rousey
Hausine Birk
Drill Team Captain
Hausine Birk

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Cited Source:

A. F. Buechler and R. J. Barr, editors. "Fraternals and Social Organziations of Hall Cuonty, Fidelity Degree of Honors," History of Hall County Nebraska (Lincoln, NE: Western Publishing and Engraving Company, 1920): 377. Provided by the Prairie Pioneer Genealogical Society, Grand Island, Nebraska.


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