Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks of Hall County

This page is about the various fraternals, organizations and societies of Hall County, Nebraska.

Elks Lodge No. 604, Grand Island

Grand Island Lodge No. 604, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks was chartered on July 12, 1900, meeting at G. A. R. hall, with the charter granted upon the application of Brothers (see list below). . . . H. H. Glover and F. J. Coates, as trustees. Those members who have served as exalted rulers (see liste below).

In June, 1918, the Grand Lodge entertained the state meetings of the Nebraska lodges. This lodge has furnished one state president who has achieved a widespread reputation for work in Elkdom, Fred L. Harrison, 1915-1916. The lodge has had two district deputies to the grand exalted ruler, Ralph R. Horth and Fred L. Harrison.

A Building Association was incorporated in 1916, which handled the financial affairs and other responsibilities for the building of the Elks Building, Grand Island magnificent temple at First and Locust. This is considered practically the finest lodge build ing in the state, with no rival except the new Masonic Temple in Omaha. It is one of the finest arranged lodge buildings in the country. This splendid home was dedicated on Jan-

uary 1. 1918. C. H. Menck has been president, and Geo. Cowton and Fred L. Harrison, secretaries of this association.

The present officers (see lsit below), . . . [and] [t]his lodge now has a membership well in excess of 500. A large body of Elks attended the state convention in 1919 at York, and they sent Fred L. Harrison on to Atlantic City, N. J., with a big Nebraska delegation which accomplished its purpose of securing the election of Frank L. Rain, of Fairbury, Nebraska, as grand exalted ruler of the Elks of the United States. This is probably the only order in which an absolute requirement of membership is American citizenship. Its patriotic and charitable purposes stand in brilliant position in" recent years, its social activities are not less ened, and one of its notable features is the respect shown to the memory of absent brothers.

During the war the lodge carried as high as eighty-five service stars on its flag at one time, and only one of these became a gold star — Walter B. Eckles. Between 20% and 25% of the membership was in service at one time.

Ray L. Harrison
Exalted Ruler
Chas E. Davis

Abbott, O. A. Jr., Alexander, John Barr, R. J. Bartenbach, Henry J. Brininger, Chas. W. Buchheit, A. W.
Carr, C. A. Colpetzer, M. G. Connor, Thomas Cunningham, J. H. J. Davis, Sumner Friend, Gus M.
Graham, H. C. Gregg, B. R. Hargis, A. M. Harley, J. T. Hoge, W. B. Horth, R. R.
McDonough, J. L. Pearne, W. S. Roeder, Geo. Roeser, A. H. Wasmer, Charles P.

Allen, Leo G. (sec.) Buchheit, A. W. (E.R.) Harrison, Guy L. (E.R.) Ross, S. D. (E.R.)
Alter, I. R. (sec.) Geary, Frank J. (E.R.) Harrison, W. H. (E.R.) Schourup, W. E. (sec.)
Barr, R. J. (sec.) Geary, J. L. (E.R.) Horth, Ralph R. (E.R.) Smith, G. M. (sec.)
Bell, Geo. B. (E.R.) Guendel, A. J. (E.R.) Menck, C. H. (E.R.) Thompson, W. H. (E.R.)
Brininger, Chas. W. (E.R.) Hainline, Walker (E.R.) Meyer, Robert A. (E.R.) Willard, Carl V. (E.R.)
Brown, E. L. (E.R.) Harrison, Fred L. (E.R.) Nietfeldt, Win. (E.R.) Woelz, John (E.R.)

Exalted Ruler
Ray L. Harrison
Leading Knight
H. P. Zeig
Lecturing Knight
Thos. V. McGowan
Loyal Knight
Wm. H. Meacham
Walter H. Rauert
L. T. Cox
Wm. Suhr
Oscar H. Mayer
C. E. Davis
Walker Hainline Fred L. Harrison Robert Meyer

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Cited Source:

A. F. Buechler and R. J. Barr, editors. "Fraternals and Social Organziations of Hall Cuonty: B. P. of Elks," History of Hall County Nebraska (Lincoln, NE: Western Publishing and Engraving Company, 1920): 378-379. Provided by the Prairie Pioneer Genealogical Society, Grand Island, Nebraska.


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