This Dawson County, Nebraska 1919 Atlas is presented as part of the
Dawson County NEGenWeb Project
and the MARDOS Memorial Library Collection.

Rhode_Island | South_Carolina | South_Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia

Town,Pop.          Town,Pop.
Bristol8565 Fort Worth73312
Burrillville*7878 Gainesville7624
Central Falls*22754 Galveston36981
Coventry5848 Georgetown3096
Cranston*21107 Gonzales3139
Cumberland*10107 Greenville8850
E. Greenwich3420 Haskell2436
E. Providence*15808 Hearne2352
Johnston*5935 Henrietta2104
Lincoln*9825 Hillsboro6115
Newport27149 Honeygrove2360
N. Kingston*4048 Houston78800
N. Providence*5407 Houston Heights    6984
N. Smithfield*2699 Huntsville2072
Pawtucket51622 Jacksonville2875
Portsmouth*2681 Jefferson2515
Providence224326 Lampasas2119
Scituate*3493 Laredo14855
Smithfield*2739 Lockhart2945
S. Kingston*5176 Longview5155
Tiverton*4032 Lufkin2749
Warren6585 McKinney4714
Warwick26629 Marlin3878
Westerly8696 Marshall11452
Woonsocket38125 Mart2939
Abbeville4459 Mexia2694
Aiken3911 Midland2192
Anderson9654 Mineral Wells3950
Beaufort2486 Mt. Pleasant3137
Bennettville2646 Nacogdoches3369
Camden3569 Navasota3284
Charleston58833 New Braunfils3165
Cheraw2873 Orange5527
Chester4754 Palestine10482
Clinton3272 Paris11269
Columbia26319 Plainview2829
Darlington3789 Port Arthur7663
Easley2983 Quanah3127
Florence7057 Rockdale2073
Gaftney4767 San Angelo10321
Georgetown5530 San Antonio96614
Greenville15741 San Marcos4071
Greenwood6614 Seguin3116
Hartsville2365 Seymour2029
Lancaster2098 Sherman12412
Laurens4818 Smithville3161
Marion3844 Snyder2514
Newberry5028 Stamford3902
Orangeburg5906 Stephenville2561
Rockhill7215 Sulphur Sprs5151
Spartanburg17517 Sweetwater4176
Summerville2355 Taylor5314
Sumter8109 Teague3288
Union5623 Temple10993
Yorkville2326 Terrell7050
SOUTH DAKOTA. Texarkana9790
Aberdeen10753 Tyler10400
Brookings2971 Uvalde3998
Canton2103 Vernon3195
Deadwood3653 Victoria3673
Huron5791 Waco26425
Lead8392 Waxahachie6205
Madison3137 Weatherford5074
Milbank2015 Wichita Falls8200
Mitchell6515 Yoakum4657
Pierre3656 UTAH.
Rapid City3854 American Fork2797
Redfield3060 Bingham Canyon2881
Sioux Falls14094 Brigham3685
Vermilion2187 Ephraim2296
Watertown7010 Eureka3416
Yankton3787 Heber2031
Athens2264 Logan7522
Bristol7148 Manti2423
Brownsville2882 Mt. Pleasant2280
Chattanooga44604 Murray4057
Clarksville8548 Nephi2759
Cleveland5549 Ogden25580
Columbia5754 Park City3439
Covington2990 Payson2397
Dayton1991 Provo8925
Dyersburg4149 Richfield2559
Elizabethton2478 Salt Lake City92777
Fayetteville3439 Spanish Fork3464
Franklin2924 Springville3356
Gallatin2399 Tooele2753
Harriman3061 VERMONT.
Humboldt3446 Barre10734
Jackson15779 Barton3346
Johnson City8502 Bennington8698
Knoxville36346 Brandon2712
Lebanon3659 Brattleboro7541
Lenoir City3392 Burlington20488
La Follette2816 Colchester6450
Lonsdale*2391 Derby3639
McMinnville2299 Essex*2714
Martin2228 Fair Haven3095
Maryville2381 Hardwick3201
Memphis131105 Hartford4179
Morristown4007 Lyndon3204
Murfreesboro4679 Middlebury2848
Nashville110364 Montpelier7856
Newport2003 Morristown2652
Paris3881 Newport3684
Park City*5126 Northfield3226
Pulaski2928 Poultney3644
Ripley2011 Proctor2871
Rockwood3660 Randolph3191
Saint Elmo*2426 Richford2907
Shelbyville2869 Rockingham6207
South Pittsburg2106 Rutland13546
Springfield2085 St. Albans6381
Trenton2402 St. Johnsbury8098
Tullahoma3049 Springfield4784
Union City4389 Swanton3628
TEXAS. Waterbury3273
Abilene9204 W. Rutland3427
Alice2136 Woodstock2545
Amarillo9957 VIRGINIA.
Arlington9714 Alexandria15329
Athens2261 Bedford City2508
Austin29680 Bigstone Gap2590
Ballinger3536 Bristol6247
Bay City3156 Buena Vista3245
Beaumont20640 Charlottesville6765
Beeville3269 Clifton Forge5748
Belton4164 Covington4234
Bigspring4844 Danville19020
Bonham4844 Emporia2018
Bowie2874 Farmville2971
Brady2669 Franklin2271
Brenham4718 Fredericksburg5874
Bridgeport2000 Hampton5565
Brownsville10517 Harrisonburg4879
Brownwood6967 Lexington2931
Bryan4132 Lynchburg29494
Calvert2579 Marion2727
Cameron3263 Martinsville3368
Childress3818 Newport News20205
Cisco2410 Norfolk67452
Clarksville2065 Petersburg24127
Cleburne10364 Phoebus2394
Coleman3046 Pocahontas2452
Comanche2756 Portsmouth83190
Commerce2818 Pulaski4807
Corpus Christi8222 Radford4202
Corsicana9749 Richmond127628
Crockett3947 Roanoke34874
Cuero3109 Salem3849
Dalhart2580 South Boston3516
Dallas92104 Staunton10604
Denison13632 Suffolk7008
Denton4732 Williamsburg2714
Dublin2551 Winchester5864
El Paso39279 Wytheville3954
Eagle Pass3536   

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