This Dawson County, Nebraska 1919 Atlas is presented as part of the
Dawson County NEGenWeb Project
and the MARDOS Memorial Library Collection.


N - O

   The letters and numerals signify the location of the town on the map. Corresponding letters and numerals will be found in the margins of the map. To locate a given town on the map, trace a line between the given letter on opposite sides of the map and one between the given numeral on opposite sides of the map and at or very near the junction of these lines will be found the town desired.

*--Denotes M. O. Postoffice, B--Denotes banking town.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Nacora46 F16
Nantasket33 R23
Naper31 B * 3 B300
Naponee31 Z * 1 B157
Natick28 B....
Neboville43 M....
Nebraska Cy52 T 4 B 5,488
Nebraska City Jc52 V....
Negunda37 Z....
Nehawka51 S * 1 B289
Neligh44 L * 2 B1,566
Neligh33 H....
Nelson38 Y * 2 B978
NemahaW * 1 B325
Nenzel19 B *....
Nesbit21 O12
Newark32 U52
Newboro35 J....
Newcastle45 D * 2 B436
New Helena27 N *25
Newman Grove40 L * 2 B850
Newport30 E * 2 B268
Newton18 E19
Nichols20 Q....
Nickerson48 N * 1 B210
Nimburg45 O26
Niobrara38 C * 1 B822
Nora19 Y *210
Norden25 B * 1 B157
Norfolk42 J * 3 B6,025
Normal47 T210
Norman33 W *63
Norris20 X....
Northbend46 N * 3 B1,105
North Loup33 N * 1 B519
North Platte21 Q * 2 B4,793
Northport Jc or
6 M....
Northport or
Northport Jc
6 M....
North Star38 O19
Norway21 J19
Number One Siding43 J 
Nysted35 Q *68

Oak39 X * 1 B237
Oakdale38 J * 2 B631
Oakland48 K * 3 B1,073
Oasis21 E26
Oconee41 N105
O'Connor35 N....
Oconto27 Q * 1 B245
Octavia44 O * 1 B210
Odell46 Z * 1 B427
Odell Jc46 Z....
Odessa31 U63
O'Fallons19 Q....
Ogallala14 Q * 2 B643
Ohiowa42 W * 1 B373
Old Camp Sheridan8 B....
Oldenbusch42 M18
Olean33 N....
Oleyen45 L....
Oliver2 P....
Olnes39 L11
Olson53 U....
Omaha51 O * 1 B 124,096
Omaha Agency48 H26
Omaha Heights51 O....
Omaha Indian Reservation47 H....
Omega20 M24
O'Neill34 F * 2 B2,089
Ong40 W * 1 B75
Ong 285
Ono36 L....
Optic33 T....
Orafino24 W13
Orchard37 G * 1 B532
Ord32 M * 2 B1,960
Oreopolis52 Q....
Orlando10 L....
Orleans29 Z * 2 B942
Ormsby28 O....
Ortello26 N12
Orum49 N15
Osburn21 W9
Osceola41 Q * 3 B1,105
Oshkosh11 O * 1 B26
Osmond41 F * 2 B567
Otto34 Y....
Ough16 X11
Over25 Q *....
Overton29 T * 2 B574
Oxford28 X * 2 B593
Oxford Jc28 Y....

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