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                           NOTE A.
Tobacco was from the first the staple
crop of the colony. Over-production of
the weed has always been a source of
trouble to Maryland. W. H. Browne says
that the Colonial legislation is full of re-
strictions and regulating enactments.
Times of planting were shortened and other
expedients tried. But all to little purpose.
Tobacco was almost the sole currency of
the Province before the Revolution; all
dealings were founded upon it. "Debts,
rents, fines, salaried, levies, all were paid
in tobacco, and in tobacco all accounts
were kept. As the value of the staple
continued to decline this became a serious
grievance and endangered the welfare and
almost the existence of the colony." In
spite of all, however, Tobacco continued
to be King. Vessels went from plantation
to plantation along the water front, to load
with the favorite crop. "Planters who
lived back from the water brought down
their tobacco by "rolling roads" where the
cask with and axle through it, and an ox or
horse in a pair of pole shafts, was at once
the load and vehicle." In 1732 tobac
co was made legal tender in Maryland at
one penny a pound. The colonial tax for
the support of the Rector was "40 pounds
per poll." An extra levy of ten pounds
could be laid by the Vestries, when needed
for repairs. In 1742 the livings averag-
ed L50 sterling. Before the Revolu-
tion they were, doubtless, larger. The
Rector was expected to pay the Clerk and
the Register out of his own salary. Both
of these officials continued to be paid for
several years after dis-establishment. In
1780 John Elgin was allowed 800 lbs. of
tobacco as Register of Durham Parish,
and Edward Milstead, 800 lbs. as Clerk.

                       NOTE B.

CHURCH WARDENS, - The duties of the
Wardens seem to have been more distinct-
ly defined in the last century that at pres-
ent. They were always expected to fur-
nish the elements for the Holy Com-
munion, as directed by the cannons, and,
regularly each year, the Vestry ordered
the Church Wardens to be paid for three
bottles of wine which they had provided
for the "Communion Sundays." This
would seem to prove that the Eucharist
was celebrated, as a rule, only three times
a year - probably on Christmas Day, Easter
Day, and Whitsun day. It was also, the
duty of the Wardens to keep order at
church. Mr. Joseph Price says that, even
when he was a boy, it was still customary
for these officials to go around the church
during service, and he remembers how
their canes would clatter upon the floor as
they walked through the aisle. Mrs. C.
E. Cobey says that she has seen more than
one young person who had fallen asleep,
tapped on the head by one of the Wardens
to wake them up.

CLERKS - The Parish Clerks whose
names are given in the old Vestry book
were as follows, each of them serving a
number of years: Edward Milstead Jr.,
George Dunnington, Abraham Bowie,
Thomas Price, Burton Milstead. The
last named was elected in 1799; he seems
to have been the last Clerk of the Parish.
About that time the office fell into duesi-
tude, as Prayer Books had become more
numerous and the responses more general.

REGISTERS - When the records begin
in 1774 we find John Elgin acting as
Register of the Parish. How long he had
served, we have now no means of discover-
ing. The Registers from 1774 - 1824
were as follows; 1774 John Elgin (died
in office 1780).-1781 William Elgin (son
of John died in office 1787)-1787
Thomas Price (retired 1799; afterwards
served the parish many years as Vestry-
man and treasurer; his son, Thomas
Price Jr., is mentioned in the Vestry Book
about 1815).-1799 William Brawner,Jr.,
(died in office 1819).-1819 Joseph Gray,
Jr., (retired in 1821).-1821 Basil Brawner
(removed to Virginia 1822).-1822 James
Brawner (remained in office several years)

                          NOTE C.
                   CHURCH, 1791
I give the list complete. There are 271
names in all. Of these all but seventy
subscribed money. The heaviest con-
tributor in tobacco was William Small-
wood who promised 3000 lbs. of Crop
Tobacco. Six persons subscribed 1000
lbs. each. Of those who gave money
Francis Speake put down L10 sterling,
Catherine Strange L8, Jerimiah Grey L7,
John Coby and ten others L5 each. (See
page 9.) The subscribers were:

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