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1877, having become too feeble for active
service, he subscribed liberally towards
the salary of the assistant minister and the
Rev. Jesse C. Taylor, Deacon came to the
Parish and remained until October, 1880,
when he resigned. It was largely through
his influence that the Ladies' Mite Society,
which has proven such a faithful ally to
every minister since, was organized.
In the Autumn of 1880 the venerable
Rector was stricken down and gradually
failed until the last night of the Old Year
when he quietly "fell asleep." He was
buried from his beloved Parish Church the
3rd of January, 1881. Rev. G. F. Wil-
liams, rector of Port Tobacco Parish, of-
ficiated. The weather was bitterly cold,
but an immense congregation of all ranks
and conditions of life assembled to pay the
last tribute to the memory of him who was,
by universal consent, the foremost citizen
of the community. His dying gifts to the
Parish were a new Communion service
and a legacy of $1,000, the interest from
which, he wisely directed, should be de-
voted to keeping the Church property in
repair. A handsome marble monument
marks the grave of the Rev. Robert Prout,
on the left side of the walk leading from
the gate of the Churchyard to the front

"For all the Saints who from their labors rest,
Who Thee, by faith, before the world confessed,
Thy Name, O Jesus, be forever blessed.

During the twelve years that have
elapsed since 1880 three clergymen have
held the rectorship: - The Rev. William
Locke Braddock who was here from 1882
to 1884, the Rev Thomas O. Tongue,
from 1885 to 1888, (the last year of his
service being noted for the very successful
repairing and decorating of the Parish
Church), and the Rev. William P. Painter,
who entered upon his duties on the 6th of
October, 1889, and remains in charge,
being the Twenty-second Rector of Dur-
ham Parish.

Already I have kept you too long, but
you must bear with me today, for this is
our BI-Centennial Celebration - our 200th
Anniversary - one of the High Festivals
of our Parish Calendar. As we pause,
look backward, and see how mercifully
God has led this Parish in the past; as we
turn over the ancient records and find there
"with honorable mention" the names of
Adams, Brawner, Cobey, Dunnington,
Gray, Haslip, Hanson, Nally, Perry, Posey,
Price, Speake, Williams and many others
- all of which names are familiar to us
now - some of whose descendants, alas!
have found it in their hearts to desert the
old Mother Church, but only for a genera-
tion or two, let us hope; - as, I say, we
see these familiar names on every page of
our Parish Register, how should our zeal
be quickened and our hearts inflamed with
still deeper love for the Church of our
forefathers and the Parish in which our
lot is cast. This very structure, around
which cluster so many associations, ought
to be the Parishioners of Durham the
holiest spot in all the land, and preserved
with most loving care. It ought to be a
source of pride to you that, in a country
where almost every building is of wood,
this strong brick church has stood, almost
one hundred and sixty years, the most
conspicuous edifice in your midst. God
be merciful unto you, and bless you, and
may the comfortable Gospel of Christ be
truly preached, and His Sacraments duly
administered, in this Church, so long as
there are immortal souls within the limits
of Durham Parish to be brought into the
glorious Kingdom of Our Lord.



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