This index identifies each Holmes County name included in the WWI Service Cards collection at the Florida State Archives Florida Memory website.
Branch |
Rank |
Number |
Race |
Name |
City |
Army | Private | 3871706 | W | Taylor, William | Caryville |
Army | PFC | 1913866 | W | Terry, John Lee | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 4758607 | C | Terry, Richard | Caryville |
Army | Private | 1873691 | W | Terry, Wilmer H | Bonifay |
Army | PFC | 2953148 | C | Thomas, Amos F | Westville |
Army | PFC | 1551960 | W | Thomas, Herman | Westville |
Army | Sergeant | 1368989 | W | Thompson, Glen D | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 789299 | C | Tillman, Willie | Bonifay |
Army | PFC | 760498 | W | Toole, Earnest T | Caryville |
Army | PFC | 760496 | W | Toole, Wylie C | Noma |
Army | Private | 3830752 | W | Trant, William C | Bonifay |
Army | Mechanic | 1351033 | W | Vann, Arthur | Bonifay |
Army | PFC | 1689390 | C | Wade, Roy | Caryville |
Army | Private | 2953243 | C | Wade, Straten | Caryville |
Army | Private | 1358990 | W | Walker, Ben G | Nomah |
Army | Private | 153117 | W | Walker, Harvey C | Caryville |
Army | Sergeant | 1542351 | W | Waller, Charles B | Bonifay |
Army | Clerk | 1357995 | W | Waller, George S | Bonifay |
Navy | Fireman 2nd Class | 1973755 | W | Walls, Lonnie J | Bonifay |
Army | Private | -none- | W | Ward, Ander J | Westville |
Army | Corporal | 1358239 | W | Ward, Carl C | Ponce De Leon |
Army | PFC | 1351185 | W | Ward, Emanuel L | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3284342 | W | Ward, Fletcher | Westville |
Army | Private | 2902482 | W | Ward, Tom L | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 2903265 | W | Warren, Troy | Noma |
Army | Private | 4480361 | W | Watford, Jesse D | Noma |
Army | Private | 788737 | C | Watson, Elisha | Caryville |
Army | Private | 3871709 | W | Watson, Joel Clipton | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 3871713 | W | Watson, Marion S | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 3871711 | W | Webb, William Albert | Caryville |
Army | Private | 3284333 | W | Weeks, Kent | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 1357595 | W | Weimorts, John | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 1355240 | W | Wells, Andrew | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3023621 | W | West, Lawrence L | Esto |
Army | PFC | 1264918 | W | Whipple, Allen R | Bonifay |
Army | PFC | 3284344 | W | Whirley, Eldridge | Bonifay |
Army | PFC | 1350994 | W | Whirley, Robert E. | Bonifay |
Army | Clerk | 1856906 | W | Whitehead, Ivan I | Caryville |
Army | PFC | 814819 | W | Whitton, Frank C | Ponce de Leon |
Navy | Machinist Mate 1st Class | 1641290 | W | Wiggins, Perry Lee | Bonifay |
Navy | Seaman 2nd Class | 1641603 | W | Wilcox, Jerome Bonaparte | Caryville |
Army | Private | 4480359 | W | Wilcox, Marcus M | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3418227 | W | Wilcox, Sumpter A | Bonifay |
Army | Corporal | 1355629 | W | Williams, Clifford | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 54779 | W | Williams, Frank B | Bonifay |
Army | PFC | 1689406 | C | Williams, Gus | Caryville |
Army | Private | 3871712 | W | Williams, James Benjamin | Bonifay |
Army | Sergeant | 1349465 | W | Williams, Lon | Noma |
Army | Private | 1352075 | W | Williams, Newton W | Ponce de Leon |
Army | PFC | 1358729 | W | Williams, Robert L | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3034047 | W | Williams, Thomas R | Noma |
Army | Private | 3871714 | W | Williams, William Sanford | Noma |
Army | Private | 2910526 | C | Wilson, Sanford | Caryville |
Army | Private | 4480360 | W | Woodham, Dot M | Noma |
Army | Private | 4183048 | C | Wright, Lore | Caryville |
Army | Private | 3280666 | W | Yates, Neal | Caryville |
Army | Private | 2908216 | C | Young, Joshua | Caryville |
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