This index identifies each Holmes County name included in the WWI Service Cards collection at the Florida State Archives Florida Memory website.
Branch |
Rank |
Number |
Race |
Name |
City |
Army | Private | 4776200 | W | Nelson, Lee H | Dady |
Army | Private | 4136374 | W | Nelson, Nix D | Bonifay |
Army | PFC | 788698 | C | Newkirk, Louis T | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 2963239 | C | Newman, Jacob | Caryville |
Army | Private | 876695 | W | Newton, George W | Westville |
Army | Private | 4480346 | W | Newton, John T | Westville |
Army | Private | 1873696 | W | Noles, G M | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 794016 | W | Noles, John O | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3871686 | W | Norris, William Oakley | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 3871148 | W | Norton, Guy W | Bonifay |
Army | PFC | 2347166 | C | Ord, Mannie | Caryville |
Army | Private | 3282068 | W | Owens, Ernest Makome | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 4480348 | W | Padgett, John B | Ponce de Leon |
Army | PFC | 2385145 | W | Padgett, John H | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 3871688 | W | Parish, Luther Washington | Esto |
Army | Sergeant | 727095 | W | Parish, Nielse B | Caryville |
Army | Private | 4136376 | W | Parish, William | Caryville |
Army | Private | 779517 | W | Pate, Douglas M | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3871150 | W | Paul, John J | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 3871690 | W | Paul, Walton L | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 1861756 | W | Peacock, George W | Westville |
Army | Private | 3216867 | W | Peterson, Angus J | Westville |
Army | Private | 1546135 | C | Peterson, George | Caryville |
Army | Private | 1351225 | W | Pippin, Steben G | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3871691 | W | Pitman, Marcus D | Westville |
Army | Cook | 740035 | W | Pittman, Cassie E | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 3284301 | W | Pitts, Warren | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 1885313 | W | Plair, Thomas | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 1885767 | W | Porter, James I | Caryville |
Army | Private | 4183383 | C | Porter, Leroy | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 219745 | C | Porter, Nathan | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 2908222 | C | Potter, Jacob | Caryville |
Army | Private | 3871693 | W | Preist, William D | Westville |
Army | Private | 3871692 | W | Prescott, Oliver | Westville |
Army | Private | 3209992 | W | Prescott, William H | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | -none- | W | Price, Solomon N | Esto |
Army | Corporal | 1689527 | C | Price, William | Esto |
Army | Private | 814738 | W | Purvis, Edwin W | Bonifay |
Army | PFC | 626576 | W | Purvis, Gordon | Caryville |
Army | Private | 3871153 | W | Quattlebaum, Alto | Caryville |
Army | Private | 3871695 | W | Redmon, William Claud | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3871689 | W | Register, Alto | Noma |
Army | Private | 1339236 | W | Reynolds, Frederick | Westville |
Army | Cook | 1100274 | W | Rhodes, Oscar | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 4301731 | C | Richardson, Horace | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 2909155 | C | Richardson, Walter | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 788716 | C | Roan, Will | Caryville |
Army | Corporal | 1885309 | W | Roberts, Willie J | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3871154 | W | Robinson, John Edward | Caryville |
Army | Private | 1546136 | C | Robinson, Selon | Caryville |
Army | Private | 301821 | W | Rowden, Wyette M | Noma |
Army | Private | 748128 | W | Rushing, Charlie D | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Corporal | 738302 | W | Rushing, Lewis D | Esto |
Army | PFC | 1347015 | W | Sanders, Dalton | Caryville |
Army | Private | 814762 | W | Sanders, Hezekiah | Bonifay |
Army | Private | -none- | W | Sapp, Ivey | Noma |
Army | Private | -none- | W | Sapp, Lee | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 4480353 | W | Sapp, Paul | Westville |
Army | Private | 4480356 | W | Sapp, William H | Bonifay |
Navy | Fireman 1st Class | 1904585 | W | Sapp, William Jefferson | Westville |
Army | PFC | 4431710 | W | Savell, Frank H | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 1351675 | W | Savell, Simeon H | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 2592530 | W | Sawyer, George | Westville |
Army | Private | 4136379 | W | Scott, Freeman | Caryville |
Army | PFC | 1346992 | W | Scott, Watson W | Bonifay |
Army | Cook | 1055153 | W | Sears, Johnie S | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 259790 | W | Sellars, Homer | Caryville |
Navy | Boatswains Mate 1st Class | 1915359 | W | Sellers, Arthur | Westville |
Army | Sergeant | 814641 | W | Sellers, Lucious R | Westville |
Army | Private | 3871701 | W | Sikes, General | Noma |
Army | PFC | 1861754 | W | Sikes, John C | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3871047 | W | Simmons, Elijah | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Sergeant | 1787365 | W | Singletary, Robert W | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 3490172 | W | Skinner, Floyd W | Westville |
Army | PFC | 128609 | W | Skinner, James A | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 4480351 | W | Slay, William L | Caryville |
Army | Private | 97290 | W | Sledge, Melton | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 4480355 | W | Smith, Fred A | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 220133 | C | Smith, Hubert | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 1885319 | W | Smith, Joseph | Noma |
Army | Private | 3270386 | W | Smith, Ronendoff | Esto |
Army | Private | 3871704 | W | Smith, Thomas | Westville |
Army | Private | 3871703 | W | Spears, James Monroe | Dady |
Army | Private | 4480354 | W | Spears, Nathan | Dady |
Army | PFC | 788703 | C | Stallworth, Wade | Noma |
Army | Private | 1861753 | W | Stanley, Daniel G | Ponce de Leon |
Army | PFC | 725541 | W | Stanley, Joseph A | Westville |
Army | PFC | 1351162 | W | Stanley, Walker A | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 1358231 | W | Stanley, William M | Ponce de Leon |
Navy | Carpenters Mate 2nd Class Aviation | 1936396 | W | Stanton, Alma Lee | Westville |
Army | PFC | 114848 | W | Stephens, Edward | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 1725910 | C | Stephens, Lewis | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 1725910 | C | Stephens, Lewis | Bonifay |
Army | PFC | 1689404 | C | Stone, Rentel | Caryville |
Army | Private | 2908245 | C | Stonom, John | Ponce de Leon |
Navy | Landsman for Quartermaster Aviation | 1945348 | W | Stott, Alta Lurie | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 4136382 | W | Stricklen, Alex H | Caryville |
Army | Sergeant | 1861779 | W | Sutton, Benjamin F | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Wagoner | 158587 | W | Sutton, Edward L | Ponce de Leon |
Army | PFC | 794063 | W | Sutton, George T | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 3871161 | W | Swindle, Benjamin | Caryville |
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