This index identifies each Holmes County name included in the WWI Service Cards collection at the Florida State Archives Florida Memory website.
Branch |
Rank |
Number |
Race |
Name |
City |
Army | Private | 3871742 | W | Jackson, Aaron | Ponce de Leon |
Army | PFC | 4183539 | C | James, Pleas | Caryville |
Army | Private | 3612812 | C | James, Willie | Caryville |
Army | Wagoner | 1358637 | W | Johnson, John R | Caryville |
Army | Private | 1080251 | W | Johnson, William A | Bonifay |
Army | Cook | 761446 | W | Jones, George C | Caryville |
Army | Private | 3206176 | W | Jones, Leonard K | Westville |
Army | Private | 4480341 | W | Jordan, Jacob E | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 4480340 | W | Justice, Alvin | Caryville |
Army | Sergeant | 218443 | W | Kates, Henry T | Bonifay |
Army | PFC | 1865943 | W | Kates, James W | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3033963 | W | Kates, Joseph F | Bonifay |
Navy | Boatswains Mate 2nd Class | 1017955 | W | Keith, John Dillard | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 732986 | W | Kennedy, Dewey W | Ponce De Leon |
Navy | Seaman | 1021228 | W | Kennington, Wash Hirriam | Ponce De Leon |
Army | PFC | 788719 | C | Key, Israel | Bonifay |
Army | Sergeant | 1851801 | W | King, Edd J | Noma |
Army | Private | 1689398 | C | Kinston, Burd | Caryville |
Army | Private | 4480342 | W | Kirkland, Hosey L | Noma |
Army | Corporal | 742058 | W | Laird, Fred M | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Corporal | 742058 | W | Laird, Fred M | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 4486058 | W | Land, Charles M | Caryville |
Army | Private | 3871744 | W | Land, Frank | Bonifay |
Army | PFC | 1351215 | W | Larence, Willie | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 174359 | W | Lawrence, James C | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | -none- | W | Leavins, Charlie | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3871746 | W | Leavins, Francis Clayborn | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 3213006 | W | Leddon, John A | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 4156817 | W | Leddon, Thomas | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | -none- | W | Lee, John W | Caryville |
Army | Private | 220123 | C | Lee, William | Caryville |
Army | Sergeant | -none- | W | Lesvin, Walter Carl | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 2908212 | C | Lewis, Tom | Caryville |
Army | Private | -none- | W | Lock, Marion C | Westville |
Army | Sergeant | 738900 | W | Long, Charlie D | Noma |
Army | Corporal | 745077 | W | Long, Fitzhugh F | Noma |
Navy | Water Tender | 1818579 | W | Loper, Ira Burtas | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 1689408 | C | Love, Linis | Caryville |
Army | Private | 789187 | C | Lovett, Harrison | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3871747 | W | Majors, James Allen | Caryville |
Army | Private | 3871750 | W | Majors, Perry Willis | Caryville |
Army | Private | -none- | W | Mallory, Arthur C | Bonifay |
Navy | Coxswain | 1419487 | W | Mason, Eric Hobart | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 4462843 | W | Masters, Robert M | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 4491834 | W | Mathews, Edward O | Esto |
Army | Private | 3871749 | W | Mattox, Bethel | Caryville |
Army | Private | 3871751 | W | Mayo, Alex | Westville |
Army | Private | 4480345 | W | Mayo, Curtis M | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 1340884 | W | Mayo, Zack | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 4779684 | C | McCaskill, Lewis | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 789678 | C | McCaskill, William | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 4480825 | W | McClellan, Walter S | Bonifay |
Army | Corporal | 220481 | C | McCollum, Andrew J | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3284253 | W | McDonald, Howard | Westville |
Army | Private | 1885310 | W | McDonald, James H | Westville |
Army | Sgt 1cl | 793769 | W | McDonald, John N | Ponce De Leon |
Army | PFC | 1689526 | C | McDuffie, Ben | Bonifay |
Army | PFC | 1874125 | C | McDuffie, Jesse | Caryville |
Army | PFC | 2953238 | C | McGee, Jefferson | Caryville |
Army | Private | 750310 | W | McKnight, Aarron F | Noma |
Army | Private | 1873694 | W | McKnight, James Hilleray | Noma |
Army | Private | 739317 | W | McKnight, Tom L | Noma |
Army | Sergeant | 788694 | C | McLain, Harrison | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3285057 | W | McLean, General Walthan | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 2953146 | C | McQuica, Dan | Bonifay |
Army | Private | -none- | C | McQuilla, Richard | Caryville |
Army | Private | 4463058 | W | Meeker, Robert Roy | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 805625 | W | Melvin, Clifton J | Bonifay |
Army | Private | -none- | W | Metcalf, Fox | Ponce de Leon |
Army | PFC | 1885306 | W | Miller, Cecil T | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3284263 | W | Miller, Charlie | Esto |
Army | Private | 1546144 | W | Miller, John | Caryville |
Army | Private | 3871754 | W | Miller, Willie | Caryville |
Army | Private | 1873692 | W | Mills, Ray | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 3871683 | W | Minger, Robert Lee | Westville |
Army | Private | 3284264 | W | Minger, William C | Westville |
Army | Private | 4484328 | W | Monk, Henry G | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 3284266 | W | Moody, Charles D | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 1357559 | W | Moody, William A | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 788724 | C | Moore, Fred | Caryville |
Army | PFC | 3871684 | W | Moore, George Franklin | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 1885115 | W | Moore, John E | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 1299298 | W | Morison, Miles D | Westville |
Army | Private | 3285064 | W | Morris, Dan Leon | Westville |
Army | Private | 2994456 | W | Morris, Perry | Esto |
Army | Private | 792937 | W | Morrison, Herbert M | Caryville |
Army | Bugler | 3588776 | W | Murphy, James Monroe | Westville |
Army | PFC | 98016 | W | Murphy, Purse | Caryville |
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