This index identifies each Holmes County name included in the WWI Service Cards collection at the Florida State Archives Florida Memory website.
Branch |
Rank |
Number |
Race |
Name |
City |
Army | 1st Lt Med Corp | -none- | W | Gable, John David | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 2910381 | C | Gainer, Will | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 788718 | C | Gaines, Lewis | Caryville |
Army | PFC | 220250 | C | Gainor, Thomas | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 1351203 | W | Garner, Ed | Caryville |
Navy | Quartermaster 1st Class | 1604120 | W | Gavin, William Forest | Ponce de Leon |
Navy | Chief Yeoman | 1604558 | W | Geddie, Daniel Maxwell | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 1689393 | C | Gibson, Joseph | Caryville |
Navy | Yeoman 3rd Class | 1608512 | W | Gillis, Alexander Angus | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Sgt 1cl | 295231 | W | Gillis, John A | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 4480334 | W | Gillis, John A | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 3871735 | W | Gillman, John A | Dady |
Army | Private | 4136363 | W | Gipson, Jim L | Bonifay |
Army | Private | -none- | W | Gipson, Willie | Caryville |
Army | PFC | 783741 | W | Gomillion, Monroe L | Caryville |
Army | Sgt 1cl | 1006402 | W | Goodman, Gillis A | Bonifay |
Army | PFC | 219643 | C | Gray, Paul | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 2908221 | C | Green, Zet | Caryville |
Army | Cook | 1870251 | C | Guilford, William | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 4480339 | W | Hall, Charlie C | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 5671737 | W | Hall, Washington | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 4480338 | W | Hammack, King W | Noma |
Army | Private | 1346402 | W | Hand, Walter L | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 1861757 | W | Harcus, Grafton S | Bonifay |
Navy | Fireman 3rd Class | 1708973 | W | Harrell, William Alto | Caryville |
Army | Clerk | 3270390 | W | Harrell, William J | Noma |
Army | Private | 787008 | W | Harris, Easen A | Esto |
Army | Private | 4301039 | C | Harris, Jonas | Caryville |
Army | Private | 3418132 | W | Harrison, Joseph Lee | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 725028 | W | Harrison, Thomas L | Noma |
Army | Private | 4925361 | C | Harvell, Willie | Noma |
Army | Private | 3280512 | W | Hasty, Orastus | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 4480337 | W | Hathaway, Joseph J | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 1339507 | W | Hayes, Frank | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 4136367 | W | Henderson, Tom Jeff | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3280517 | W | Hendrix, William Chester | Caryville |
Army | Private | 2909154 | C | Hestle, Harvey | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 3490073 | W | Hewett, Coss W | Westville |
Army | Private | 3871738 | W | Hewett, David Jeptie | Westville |
Army | Private | 4480937 | W | Hewett, Ira G | Caryville |
Army | Private | 2592527 | W | Hewett, John Robert | Westville |
Army | Private | 3871741 | W | Hewett, William Monroe | Westville |
Army | Private | 4484781 | W | Hickman, Jim | Caryville |
Army | Sergeant | 1860004 | W | Hickman, Lucius F | Bonifay |
Army | Private | -none- | W | Hicks, Clifton R | Caryville |
Army | PFC | 106357 | W | Hicks, Tink | Bonifay |
Army | Corporal | 738961 | W | Hinote, Thomas H | Noma |
Army | Cook | 1357852 | W | Hinson, Bob | Caryville |
Army | PFC | 1346778 | W | Hinson, Fred E | Caryville |
Army | Master Hosp Sgt | 760175 | W | Hobbs, George W | Bonifay |
Army | PFC | 775180 | W | Hobbs, Thomas J | Dady |
Army | Private | 788773 | C | Hogans, Flowers | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 3871740 | W | Holiday, John William | Westville |
Army | Private | 4156801 | W | Holland, Dock F | Esto |
Army | Private | 1874740 | C | Holland, E F | Ponce de Leon |
Army | Private | 1358172 | W | Hollis, Henry D | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Private | 4776201 | W | Hood, Wayne K | Westville |
Army | PFC | 814804 | W | Hornsby, John | Noma |
Army | Private | 789185 | C | Howard, Calvin J | Caryville |
Army | Private | 4136368 | W | Howard, Neal | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 2954493 | C | Howard, Willie Z | Caryville |
Army | Private | 1350707 | W | Howell, Homer V | Esto |
Army | Private | 1350711 | W | Howell, Houston D | Esto |
Army | PFC | 793971 | W | Howerton, Oran C | Bonifay |
Army | Private | 4480336 | W | Hudson, James I | Westville |
Army | Private | 4462834 | W | Hughes, Randall H | Ponce De Leon |
Army | Cook | 3280527 | W | Hurley, Alonzo L | Caryville |
Army | Private | 2910772 | C | Ingram, Sam | Caryville |
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