The following index is arranged in alphabetical order and includes the application file number, the veteran's name, his unit of service, state of service if other than Florida, widow's first and maiden name, and the earliest year of application. All of these files were filed from Holmes County FL.
A B C D E F G H I (none) J K L M N O (none) P Q R S T U V W XYZ
The first Confederate pension in Florida were authorized in 1885 and granted to
veterans the sum of $5.00 per month. The next three decades saw a new
Confederate pension bill introduced at nearly every session of the Legislature.
Residence requirements were added and adjusted, militia members and widows were
declared eligible various financial qualifications were added and changed, and
the amount and method of distribution were changed many times.
A Board of
Commissioners consisting of three members was appointed under the first pension
law and it remained essentially the same, despite changes in name and the
inability of the legislature to settle on the identify of the third member. The
Governor and Comptroller were members of the board from the beginning, although
the third seat was passed at various times from the Adjutant General to the
Secretary of State to the Attorney General to the Treasurer, back to the
Attorney General, and again back to the Treasurer before finally stabilizing in
1915 at the Governor, Comptroller, and Treasurer. The clerical and day-to-day
operations of administering the pension laws were carried out under the
supervision of the Comptroller.
The pension application files include
both veterans' and widows' applications interfiled, although approved and denied
claims are filed separately. The veteran's application generally includes his
full name, date and place of birth, unit of service, date and place of
enlistment, date and place of discharge, brief description of service and/or
wounds, proof of service, place and length of residence in Florida, as well as
other miscellaneous documentation.
The widow's application is field with
that of her husband includes here full name, date and place of marriage, date
and place of her husband's death, her place and length of residence in Florida,
and proof of her husband's service. Some early application also include the
widow's date and place of birth.
Confederation pensions were awarded to
residents of Florida regardless of the state in which their service was
Copies of these files are available from the Florida State
Achieves for a flat fee of $7.50 per file (veteran and widow are filed
together.) and be sure to include the application file number. Checks should be
payable to the Department of State, and mailed to:
The Florida State
R A Gray Building
Tallahassee FL 32399-0250
You may call
850-487-2073 to verify and obtain further information.
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