Holmes County

1999 Heart and History

Green Family

William Frederick Green, who father was born in Delaware and his mother Virginia, married Sarah Douglass (1843 - 1915). She was the oldest of 12 children born to Angus C and Mary Douglass, William (Bill) and Sarah settled in Holmes County in the Leonia Community where they carried on a large farm. (Leonia was then called Dady.) Bill acquired much land raised cattle.

He served as a Private in Company B, 8th Florida Regiment, during the War Between the States. He was wounded in the Battle of Gettysburg, and lay on the battlefield three days before he received aid. Later on he served in the State Militia and was commissioned as a Colonel, commanding the 4th Regiment in 1883. He was one of the signers of the Florida State Constitution of 1885. He was a member of the State Legislature from Holmes County, 1871 - 74 and 1881 - 85.

He became active in local politics. He served as Tax Assessor and Tax Collector, 1874 - 76 and 1876 - 78. He was the county treasurer in 1886 and served in this office until the time of his death.

Bill and Sarah were the parents of the following:

1. Walker, a prominent farmer and businessman, naval stores operator, Elder in Valley Church, married Nannie Bell;

2. Douglass, farmer, banker in Bonifay, Elder in Bonifay Church, married Julia Williams;

3. Malcom, farmer, cattleman, married Floy McCreary;

4. Hurdis, farmer, single;

5. Mary, married Millard Owens, banker, U S Marshal;

6. Anna, married Bryan Hammonds, also connected with the bank;

7. Angus, farmer, cattleman, merchant, Elder in the Glendale Church, married Ruth Merritt.

Walker, the oldest son, became known as a champion speller during his school days. My father said that he could spell all the words in the Old Blue Back Speller, and that it was hard to "stump: him with a dictionary. When his son, W F Green, entered the University of Florida to train to be a lawyer, his father challenged him to find an error in spelling in his letters and told him that he would pay him $5 for every word that he found misspelled.

One day W F was in luck. His father had spelled bilious with two l's. When he presented the misspelled word to his father, he asked for $10. He father laughingly told the story and commented, "When he raised the price from $5 to $10 I knew he had chosen the right profession that of being a lawyer."

Excerpts used with permission of publisher, Sue Cronkite, from Heart and History of Holmes County, by Anna Paget Wells. This 347-page book is full of info, stories, and pictures. It can be ordered from the Holmes County Advertiser, 112 E Virginia Avenue, Bonifay, FL 32425; phone 850-547-2270.

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This page was last updated 03/06/2024