Holmes County

1999 Heart and History

Curry Family

The country of origin of the Curry family is the British Isles, Scotland. The period of migration to America was before 1750. William Curry on May 30, 1689, witnessed a will in North Carolina. The 1790 Census listed Currys in Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

Many Currys fought in the Continental Army during the American Revolution. Others reportedly were Loyalists. Currys not only settled along the eastern seaboard but throughout the United States.

Direct descendants of the Holmes County Currys go back to James Curry and Nancy Lassiter who were born in North Carolina. They migrated through South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and on to Florida. The period of migration to Georgia began before 1820. Whitmill Curry was born in Georgia in 1826. He moved to Alabama about 1856. Marcus Curry was born in Georgia in 185?. Titus Curry was born in Alabama in 1856.

Whitmill Curry, an early settler of Holmes County, settled in Florida in Isagora. Its population in 1885 was 42. The place was first settled in 1872. Mail was sent semi-weekly by stagecoach. Whitmill Curry was listed under County officers as county surveyor, and Superintendent of Schools, holding both positions for many years, being the first County School Superintendent after the office was separated from the Judge’s office.

He was a minister, postmaster, and Mason. Her served as an officer in a Florida Unit of the Confederate Army serving in Virginia. He was a man of many talents and set a good example for us to follow.

Tribute to Will Curry

By Iris Clark Ellenburg

The Isagora community was settled in the early 1800s by Whitmill Curry, Will Curry’s grandfather, and was named after his uncle, Isagora Marse Curry. His father was Fletcher Curry.

George William Curry (known as Uncle Willie) was born June 24, 1888. He died in his 90th year of life. He was married to Miss Nancy Elizabeth Scott on Sept 27, 1914. Seven children were born to Will and Lizzie Curry. They were Aubra, Irene, Marie, Wilmer, Ray, Sue, and Merle, who died at the age of three and a half years.

Around 1920 Uncle Willie opened a ferry, a way of transportation from the west side of the Choctawhatchee River to the east side, known as Curry’s Landing. This was a contribution to a better way of life. A person could load their horse and wagon, ox and cart or car, anyway they were traveling, onto the ferry and Uncle Willie could pull them to the other side. The ferry was stabilized with a cable and "tackle".

One of the first post offices was founded there. There was also a school house where many children went to school. It was later converted into a church building.

This created many memories for families in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Many families went from New Hope to Isagora to church and many from the Isagora and East Pittman communities went to Mt Ida to Church.

Some of the families that have cherished memories of Uncle Willie Curry’s Landing and Curry’s Store are from New Hope: The Rev John Thomas family, the Rev Bedsole family, the Dancys, the Scotts, the Motleys, the Trammells, and the Bakers. From Isagora and East Pittman, the Rev Lee Mixon family, the Majors, the Keiths, the Retherfords, the Darleys, the Sowells, the Clemmonses, the Sanders, the Clarks, the Currys, and many more.

This was a period of time, especially on Sunday afternoon, that Curry’s landing was a nice social gathering place; one could swim, go to the store, to "spark". "Spark" was the term given to courting. This was where very much of the "sparking" took place. If there was someone special one cared for, come Sunday afternoon they could bet that person would probably see them around the ferry, the store, or the church. Many memories were spun there.

Mr Curry also had an old cable hanging from a tree where one could swing out over the driver, drop in and go for a swim. Families had picnics and fish fry's. The could also fish, camp, spend the night, and fight mosquitoes.

Uncle Willie’s store dates back to 1920s, before the flood in 1929. There is where people did their trading. People would could from miles around. Jim Evans of Bonifay made his run through this territory on a covered wagon pulled by an ox. He and Uncle Willie were good friends and big fishing buddies. All this was during the time of ice men, rolling stores, coffee grinders, wash pots, and no electricity.

Things one could purchase from Uncle Willie’s store where coffee and sugar that had to be weighed. Potatoes came in 100-pound bags, hoop cheese came in 15- to 20-pound rounds. Cooking oil was 55 cents a gallon. The feed that was purchased was in cloth bags and the material was used so the girls had beautiful feed sack dresses. Cold drinks were five cents. He carried a soft drink that was very good, called a punch drink. Domino cigarettes were 10 cents pack. Gas was 15 cents a gallon, and this was during the time gas rationing stamps were used, also.

The Retherford Reunion began at Curry’s Landing in 1929, and in the ‘50s was moved to East Pittman Church so the Retherfords could sing Sacred Harp songs, which they are noted for and which is a dying art.

In his early years Mr Curry worked a logging crew and a railroad crew. From 1943 – 50 he was a school board member. Clyde Brown stated that he was a very good board member, worked hard, and made the people happy.

He was also on the Selective Service Board for several years. His son, Ray Curry, says he knows he drafted three young men to serve their country, because he was one of them.

In 1957 – 58, the Holmes County Hospital was erected, and Mr Curry was elected chairman of the board, along with J T Evans, secretary, E P Spears, John W Clark, and L H Winkler, administrator. H B Douglas was State Senator, Harvey J Belser, Representative, and Clyde R Brown, Attorney. Mr Curry came off the board in 1968.

Excerpts used with permission of publisher, Sue Cronkite, from Heart and History of Holmes County, by Anna Paget Wells. This 347-page book is full of info, stories, and pictures. It can be ordered from the Holmes County Advertiser, 112 E Virginia Avenue, Bonifay, FL 32425; phone 850-547-2270.

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This page was last updated 03/06/2024