Holmes County

1850 Census - V Surnames

Dwellings/Houses Number in Order of Visitation Families Numbered in Order of Visitation Name of Every Person Whose Usual Place of Abode on the First Day of June 1850 was in this family (SURNAME) Name of Every Person Whose Usual Place of Abode on the First Day of June 1850 was in this family (GIVEN) AgeSexColor (White, Black, or Mulatto) Profession, Occupation or Trade of each male person over 15 years of ageValue of Real Estate Owned Place of Birth, Naming the State, Territory, or Country Status (Married, Attend School within the year; persons over 20 years of age who cannot read and write, whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict
7576VAUGHNAbner10MaleFloridaAttended School within the past year
7576VAUGHNJohn18MaleFloridaAttended School within the past year
7576VAUGHNMargaret45FemaleNorth Carolina
7576VAUGHNMichael54MaleFarmerSouth Carolina
7576VAUGHNNancy13FemaleFloridaAttended School within the past year
7576VAUGHNRachael15FemaleFloridaAttended School within the past year
7576VAUGHNWilliam20MaleFloridaAttended School within the past year

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This page was last updated 03/02/2025