Holmes County

1850 Census - R Surnames

Dwellings/Houses Number in Order of VisitationFamilies Numbered in Order of Visitation Name of Every Person Whose Usual Place of Abode on the First Day of June 1850 was in this family (SURNAME) Name of Every Person Whose Usual Place of Abode on the First Day of June 1850 was in this family (GIVEN) AgeSex Profession, Occupation or Trade of each male person over 15 years of ageValue of Real Estate Owned Place of Birth, Naming the State, Territory, or CountryStatus (Married, Attend School within the year; persons over 20 years of age who cannot read and write, whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict
185187PRENNOLMary60Female South Carolina
185187PRENNOLPaul24Male Farmer Alabama
5858REDICKEllen2Female Florida
5858REDICKJames6Male Florida
5858REDICKJames D37Male Farmer300South CarolinaPerson Over 20 Who Can't Read or Write
5858REDICKMary16Female Florida
5858REDICKMary1Female Florida
160162REGISTERAllen39Male Farmer North Carolina
160162REGISTERBurrel7Male Florida
161163REGISTERCharles3Male Florida
160162REGISTERChristian33Female GeorgiaPerson Over 20 Who Can't Read or Write
161163REGISTERDaniella37Female North CarolinaPerson Over 20 Who Can't Read or Write
161163REGISTEREzekiel11Male Florida
161163REGISTEREzra42Male Farmer North CarolinaPerson Over 20 Who Can't Read or Write
160162REGISTERGeorge8Male Florida
161163REGISTERHenry17Male FloridaAttended School within the past year
160162REGISTERJane10Female Florida
160162REGISTERJohn13Male Florida
160162REGISTERMartha2Female Florida
160162REGISTERNancy5Female Florida
161163REGISTERNancy13Female Florida
161163REGISTERRebecca5Female Florida
161163REGISTERRosannah2Female Florida
160162REGISTERThomas15Male Florida
160162REGISTERWilliam4Male Florida
4040ROBBHezekia64Male North Carolina
9495ROBINSONAnna1Female Florida
9495ROBINSONEliza1Female Florida
9495ROBINSONJane18Female Georgia
9495ROBINSONNell27Male Farmer South CarolinaPerson Over 20 Who Can't Read or Write
9495ROBINSONRobert46Male Farmer South Carolina
9697ROWELLAndrew14Male Georgia
9697ROWELLEmily18Female Georgia
9697ROWELLJames77Male Farmer South Carolina
9697ROWELLJohn10Male Georgia
9697ROWELLMarthy16Female Georgia
9697ROWELLSarah45Female GeorgiaPerson Over 20 Who Can't Read or Write
9192RUTHERFORDElizabeth2Female Florida
9192RUTHERFORDGoerge W6Male Alabama
9192RUTHERFORDJohn W4Male Alabama
9192RUTHERFORDJoseph28Male Farmer Indianna
9192RUTHERFORDSarah22Female GeorgiaPerson Over 20 Who Can't Read or Write
9192RUTHERFORDWilliam2Male Florida

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This page was last updated 03/02/2025