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Voting Precincts

Deed Book 1 ~ Pages 11-15
Subdivision of DeSoto County into Voting Districts
By Co. Commissioners - Sec 10 - Chap 3704 Acts of 1887 -
Aug 25, 1887

     Precinct No. 1 shall be Fort Greene Precinct; and place of voting shall be Hendry's Store, and bounded thus: Commencing on the western boundary line of DeSoto County at a point where said boundary line is intersected by the southern boundary line of township 34 and running east on said township line to the section line dividing sections 33 & 34 in range 24 east; thence north on section lines to the northern boundary line of DeSoto County; thence west on said county boundary line to the N. W. corner of said county; thence south on said county line to finish of beginning. 
     Precinct No. 2 is Hartsuff Precinct; and voting place is Sparkman's Store, bounded as follows: Commencing at Southeast corner of Precinct No. 1 on southern boundary line of Township 34 at a section line dividing sections 33 and 34 in Range 24, and running east on said township line to where it intersects Peace River; thence up said river to the northern boundary line of DeSoto County; thence west on said boundary line to section line dividing Sections 3 and 4 in Range 24; thence south on section lines to the southern boundary line of Township 34, the place of beginning. 
     Precinct No. 3 is Coker Precinct; and the voting place is thus Albritton's school house, and bounded thus: Commencing at a point where the southern boundary line of Township 34 intersects the western boundary line of DeSoto County; thence south on said county boundary line to the section line dividing sections 19 and 30 Township 36 and 23; thence east on section lines to Peace River; thence up said river to the southern boundary line of Township 34; thence west to point of beginning. 
     Precinct No. 4 is Pine Level Precinct; and the place of voting is the Court House, bounded thus: Commencing on western boundary line of DeSoto County at a point intersected by the section line dividing sections 19 and 30 in Township 36, and running south on said county boundary line to the southern boundary line of Township 38; thence east on said township line to Horse Creek; thence down said creek to the confluence of Horse Creek and Peace River; thence up said river to a point intersected by the section line dividing sections 20 and 29 in Township 36; thence west on section lines to point of beginning. 
     Precinct No. 5 is Charlotte Harbor Precinct, and the place of voting is Knight's Store, and bounded thus: Commencing at a point on the western boundary line of DeSoto County at a point intersected by the southern boundary line of Township 38, and running south on said county boundary line to the southern boundary line of Township 39; thence west on said township line to the western boundary line of Range 21; thence south on said range line to the middle of the waters of Charlotte Harbor; thence in a north-easterly direction up the middle of said Harbor to the mouth of Peace River; thence up said river to the confluence of Horse Creek and Peace River; thence up Horse Creek to the southern boundary line of Township 38, point of beginning. 
     Precinct No. 6 is Grove City Precinct, and the place of voting shall be Hafn's Store, bounded thus: All of DeSoto County west of Miakka River and Charlotte Harbor. 
     Precinct No. 7 is Trabue Precinct, and place of voting shall be Carlton and Simmons' Store bounded thus: On the west by the waters of Peace River and Charlotte Harbor; on the south by Lee Co.; on the east by the eastern boundary line of range 26; on the north by a section line intersecting the eastern boundary line of range 26 between sections 13 & 24 in township 40 and running west on section lines to Peace River, the place of beginning. 
     Precinct No. 8 is Fort Ogden Precinct and place of voting shall be Carr's Hall; bounded thus: On the west by Peace River; on the south by a line commencing on Peace River at the point intersected by section lines dividing sections 14 and 23 in township 40 and running east on section lines to the eastern boundary line of range 26; thence north on said range line to the southern boundary line of township 38; thence west on said township line to the eastern boundary line of range 24; thence north on said range line to where it intersects Josh's Creek; thence down said creek to it's confluence with Peace River, the finish of beginning. 
     Precinct No. 9 is Arcadia Precinct, and place of voting shall be Carlton's Hall; and bounded thus: On the west by Peace River; on the south by Josh's Creek from its mouth to a point on said creek intersected by the eastern boundary line of range 24, thence south on said range line to the south boundary line of township 38, thence east on said township line to the eastern boundary line of range 26; thence north on said range line to the southern boundary line of township 36; thence west on said township line to Peace River, the point of beginning. 
     Precinct No. 10 is Locklar Precinct, and the place of voting shall be Crew's Store; bounded as follows: On the west by Big Charlie Apopka and Peace River; and south by the southern boundary line of Township 36, commencing where the same intersects Peace River, and running east to the eastern boundary line of Range 26; thence south on said range line to the southern boundary line of Range 30; thence north on said range line to the southern boundary line of Township 34; thence west on said township line to Big Charlie Apopka, the place of beginning. 
     Precinct No. 11 is Popash Precinct, and the place of voting is Boney's Store, bounded thus: On the west by Peace River, south by Big Charlie Apopka from its junction with Peace River to where it is intersected by the southern boundary line of Township 34; thence east on said township line to the eastern boundary line of Range 29; thence north on said range line to the northern boundary line of DeSoto County and bounded north by Polk County. 
     Precinct No. 12 is Fish-eating Creek Precinct, and voting place shall be Hull's? Store; bounded thus: On the west by the eastern boundary line of Range 26; on the north by the southern boundary line of Township 37; east by Lake Okeechobee; south by Lee County. 
     Precinct No. 13 is Fort Bassinger Precinct, and the place of voting shall be Pearce's Store, bounded thus: North by Polk County; east by Kissimmee River; south by southern boundary line of Township 37; west by a range line commencing on said township line and running north between ranges 30 and 31 to the southern boundary line of Township 34; thence west on said township line to the eastern boundary line of Range 29; thence north on said range line to the northern boundary line of DeSoto County. 

     Examined and approved 
     Peter Brown   Chairman 
     C. W. Carlton   Clerk