Charlotte County, Florida

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Charlotte High School 1963-1964

Eighth grade

A Name Photo
Adkins, Louise
Akins, George
Allard, Nancy
Allen, Roger
Allender, Bill
Allender, Ed
Aucompaugh, Gail
B Name Photo
Bachmann, Timmy
Barnes, Helen
Bashaw, Linda
Bauder, Joann
Bennett, Wayne
Benning, Jamie
Billow, Joyce
Blackburn, Debby
Bodwell, John
Branch, Mary
Broderick, Brian
Brumback, Karen
Bullard, Carol
Butler, Joe
Buxton, Vicki
C Name Photo
Carlone, Gail
Chapman, Linda
Chezem, Linda
Christian, Donna
Clement, Bill
Clyatt, Larry
Clyatt, Theresa
Connolly, John
Conway, Bucky
Corwin, Rebecca
Crawford, Kenneth
Crosland, Kim
Cummings, Albert
Curry, Beverly
Curtis, Lynn
D Name Photo
Davis, Ronald
Davison, Tom
Dodge, Cynthia
Dombro, Beverly
Doran, Nancy
Dreisbach, Beverly
Duffany, Carol
Dwyer, Michael
Dye, Donna
E Name Photo
Ehrenfeld, Linda
Ehrenfeld, Pat
Erland, Brian
F Name Photo
Farabee, Gary
Feindel, Susan
Field, Gary
Fluriach, Deisy
Fry, Jean
Fry, Jerry
G Name Photo
Garrett, Valerie
Gaskill, Harry
Godwin, Paul
Gray, Johnny
Greer, John
H Name Photo
Haas, Danny
Haas, Gerald
Hadley, Dale
Hall, Carmen
Hamilton, Gerald
Hardman, Mike
Harris, Kristina
hatcher, Ronald
Heinauer, Joy
Hencher, Charmaine
Hendrix, Robin
Heppner, Bernice
Hilenski, Roda
Hill, Dixie
Hindman, Steve
Hogan, Timothy
Horton, Charles
Humphrey, Christine
Hunter, Linda
I Name Photo
Irons, Greg
J Name Photo
Johnson, Mary
Johnson, Sidney
Jones, Linda
Jones, Wesley
K Name Photo
Keeler, Edward
Keene, Darlene
Keithley, Mary
King, Sarah
L Name Photo
Laine, Marc
Lawhorne, Richard
Lemire, Debbie
Lemmons, Mike
Lewis, Vernon
Livingston, David
Locke, Bernadette
Long, Daniel
Lowe, Frank
Lowe, Katherine
Lyons, Dianne
M Name Photo
Martin, James
Mason, Debby
Maukonen, Christopher
Mayes, Terry
McConnell, Sheila
McLaughlin, Bill
McLeod, Warren
McNulty, Anita
McQuillen, Connie
Miller, Janet
Milliken, Margaret
Millikin, Larry
Miservitch, Christine
Moody, Donald
Mooney, Carolyn
Moore, Charles
Moore, Pamela
Moran, Gary
N Name Photo
Naskale, Karen
Newell, Susan
Nolan, Randy
O Name Photo
P Name Photo
Pavone, Victor
Perry, Jeffory
Persons, Steve
Petten, Harry Van
Pettengill, Richard
Pipkins, Donna
Polk, John
Porter, Martha
Post, Keith
Q Name Photo
Quetchenbach, Frank
R Name Photo
Ramsey, Jeff
Rawls, Dorothy
Raybuck, Darlene
Richardson, Lon
Ries, Marianne
Riggs, John
Roadman, Charlotte
Robbins, Roylea
Rood, Robert
Russell, Larry
Ryan, Ruth
Rzad, Edward
S Name Photo
Sargeant, Melissa
Savasuk, Jim
Schebel, Mike
Segal, Sherry
Shillingburg, Linda
Sieglitz, Minnie
Singletary, Britt
Smith, Debbie
Snyder, Nancy
Sohn, Louis
Spann, Jeannie
Steadley, Edna
Stephens, Margaret
Stewart, Marilyn
T Name Photo
Tenk, Steve
Tenker, Gregory
Thompson, Karen
Travers, Shelley
Tyner, Carolyn
U Name Photo
V Name Photo
Vickers, Nerle
Vittoria, Sammie
W Name Photo
Wainwright, Patty
Walker, Cynthia
Walter, Linda
Waltke, Steve
Warren, Freddie
Washburn, Earl
Weber, Dale
Wedell, Mike
Wehrman, David
Westphal, Cynthia
Wilkes, Betty
Wilkes, Nancy
Wingate, Laura
Winsett, Eli
Wright, Leslie
X Name Photo
Y Name Photo
Z Name Photo
FLGenWeb - Charlotte County Contact
If you have comments or suggestions, contact the county coordinator.
All featured documentation displayed on this site belong to the named submitter. 
They have provided the documentation for the personal benefit of all individuals who want to know more about their families past.

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