Charlotte County, Florida

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Charlotte High School 1963-1964

Seventh Grade

A Name Photo
Adams, Kathy
Adams, Terry
Adams, Timothy
Adkins, Sharon
Aho, Vivian
Akins, Rick
Albus, Linda
Amberg, Paulette
Anderson, Charles
Apple, Robert
Armstrong, Jeff
Arnold, Scott
B Name Photo
Bagby, Thomas
Baker, Sharon
Barley, Mike
Becker, Claudia
Benning, Joni
Beveridge, Bill
Birchenough, James
Bosman, Blair
Bradshaw, Roseanna
Brady, Marcia
Breeden, Frank
Brewer, Debra
Brown, Joylene
Brown, Rodney
Bryant, Evie
Bules, Nancy
C Name Photo
Capen, Sue
Carle, Cathy
Chaney, Linda
Chapman, Wally
Clark, Melynda
Claunch, Donald
Coker, Mike
Coleman, Johnnie
Collins, Linda
Cope, Trixie
Correll, Larry
Cox, Sherry
Crawford, Marie
Crenshaw, Glen
Crider, Alice
Crosland, Cecelia
Crump, Earl
D Name Photo
Davis, Diane
Davis, Kenneth
Davison, Jack
Day, Verna
Desquin, Frank
Douglas, Mary
Doyle, Jim
Drew, Jay
Duffany, Sheila
Dye, Virginia
E Name Photo
Eaton, Charlotte
Elrod, John
Engel, Christine
Esparzqa, Saul
Estes, Edward
F Name Photo
Fiedler, Norman
Fitzpatrick, Bobby
Frizzell, Alan
Futch, Otis
G Name Photo
Gaskill, Nancy
Gentry, Phyllis
Gilliam, Larry
Goff, Larry
Graves, Gregory
Griffis, Barbara
Gudbaur, Mardel
Guzman, Maggie
H Name Photo
Hagan, Richard
Hale, Johnny
Hall, Jewell
Hankinson, Daniel
hardesty, David
Harris, Linda
Hartt, Margaret
Heysel, Donald
Hill, Robert
Hindman, Kathy
Hitchcock, Diane
Hurst, Patty
I Name Photo
J Name Photo
Jeffries, Frances
Johns, Kelley
Johnson, Tom
Jones, Ben 
Jones, Bob
Jones, John
Jones, John G.
K Name Photo
Kaye, Patty
Kersey, Marjorie
Klum, James
Koon, Rose Mary
Kuykendall, Bobby
L Name Photo
Langford, Dennis
Langford, Terry
Lavine, Mike
Lawlor, Karen
Leach, Johnny
Leith, Harry
Logan, Laura
Lowe, Allen
Lowe, Stanley
M Name Photo
Mantle, Debby
Martin, Lane
Maxwell, Doug
McCaleb, Ray
McCloskey, Betty
McConnell, Harold
Menzer, Hans
Merrill, Duane
Miller, Bruce
Mitchell, Terry
Moody, Dyann
Mooney, Gary
Moore, Suzanne
Myrick, Molly
N Name Photo
Naylor, Donald
Niswander, Steve
Noguera, Ruben
O Name Photo
Opsahl, John
Osborne, Janet
Owens, James
P Name Photo
Peters, Donald
Peterson, Jay
Pinet, Linda
Pipkins, Mike
Price, Roger
Purvis, Sylvia
Q Name Photo
Quednau, Patti
R Name Photo
Reilly, Steve
Richardson, Brenda
Riggs, Don
Roadman, Charlene
Robbins, Debby
Robinson, Billy
Robinson, Phillip
Ross, Doug
S Name Photo
Sawn, Richard
Schwenk, Daniel
Sebastian, Shirley
Seidl, Rosemary
Seitz, Kevin
Setliffe, Becky
Seward, Carol
Shakeshaft, Bob
Sikula, Robert
Silcox, Alice
Simmons, Terri
Simpson, Sandra
Sindledecker, Dixie
Smith, Brenda
Smith, Craig
Smith, Philip
Speer, Marianne
Stanks, Janet
Summerall, Mary
T Name Photo
Taft, Larry
Taylor, Chris
Taylor, Dianna
Thompson, Peggy
Tinline, Dale
Tisdall, Tim
Trefz, Vinton
Tuman, Bob
U Name Photo
V Name Photo
W Name Photo
Wade, Gregory
Warren, Kelly
Warren, Michael
Westphal, Bob
White, Joan
Wilhelm, Kathryn
Wilkie, Harold
Williams, Patricia
Wilson, Sherrill
Windt, Louis
Wingate, Lynn
Wolf, Minnie
Wolfram, Sheryl
Worley, Ralph
Wright, Bruce
X Name Photo
Y Name Photo
Yeomans, Debbie
Yeomans, Marion
Yeomans, Wanda
Z Name Photo
Zimmerman, Jeff
Zipperer, Debbie
FLGenWeb - Charlotte County Contact
If you have comments or suggestions, contact the county coordinator.
All featured documentation displayed on this site belong to the named submitter. 
They have provided the documentation for the personal benefit of all individuals who want to know more about their families past.

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