Mining in Wyoming

Hello! My name is Rebecca Maloney, and I am the coordinator for the Mining in Wyoming Website. We need your contributions to the Mining in Wyoming Project!  If you have information to contribute to these pages please contact me. We are especially interested in the people and the conditions under which they worked and lived.   We want to thank Suzanne Leonard for all the work she has done on this site!

Mining in Wyoming GenWeb Site
Photo Gallery - Some photos of the mining operations, the miners, and some images of Stock Certificates. 
Active Coal Mines in 1898 - from the Coal Mine Inspector's Reports
Progress in the Wyoming Mines, 1907 - A summary of the conditions and progress in the copper, gold, placer, iron, asbestos, sulphur, stone, plastic materials, gravel, oil, natural gas, and coal industries, by Henry C. Beeler, State Geologist
Cambria and the Cambria Fuel Company - full text an article in “The Black Hills Illustrated” edited and published under the Auspices of The Black Hills Mining Men’s Association (1904) 
The Coal Mine Camps of Sheridan
- a recollection by Stanley Kuzara, author of "Black Diamonds of Sheridan"
Index to Black Diamonds of Sheridan - this index contains all the surnames, place names, organizations and business names included in Mr. Kuzara’s book on Sheridan area coal mines, mining communities, and related topics. [located at Sheridan County WYGenWeb]
Coal Mining Accidents, 1898 - from the State Coal Mine Inspector's Reports, includes results of investigations of fatal and non-fatal accidents.
Casualties of the Mine Explosion at Hanna June 30th, 1903 -  from the State Coal Mine Inspector's Reports, includes all fatalities 
1870 Carbon, Carbon County, WY Territory Census [located at Census Online]
 Sweetwater County, WY 1920 Federal Census, Partial [located at Census Online]
Contacts - State Inspector of Mines, Wyoming State Archives, Wyoming Libraries Database Catalog
Research Resources at the Wyoming State Archives

Wyoming  Links
Powder River Coal Company - in Gillette, Wyoming. The second largest coal producing company in the United States (Closed in 2024)
Wyoming Museums - An index the the museums in Wyoming

USGenWeb Project Links
WYMINING-L -- A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in All Types of Mining in Wyoming
WYOMING-L -- A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the State of Wyoming
WYSHERID-L-- A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Sheridan County
COALMINERS-L -- A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Coal Mining
WyGenWeb State Page - Get to the other WY counties from here
WYGenWeb County Archives - If you have genealogical data that you would like to contribute to the archive pages, please go here
Census Online - Search the US Census for Wyoming
USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project
USGenWeb Page - Get to the other states here
WorldGenWeb Page - Get to the other countries here

About The USGenWeb Project

In March and April of 1996, a group of genealogists organized the Kentucky Comprehensive Genealogy Database Project. The idea was to provide a single entry point for all counties in Kentucky, where collected databases would be stored. In addition, the databases would be indexed and cross-linked, so that even if an individual were found in more than one county, they could be located in the index.

At the same time, volunteers were found who were willing to coordinate the collection of databases and generally oversee the contents of the web page.

In June, as the Kentucky project was nearing completion, it was decided to start a page for each of the remaining states, and as with the Kentucky project, volunteers were found to host the state pages.

I am very much open to any and all suggestions & comments about the website, and I encourage all those doing research in Mining in Wyoming to become involved in the program. Your help will be most welcome. Please e-mail me at

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