Useful Contacts |
Donald G. Stauffenberg State Inspector of Mines P.O. Box 1094 Rock Springs 82902 |
Ph. (307) 362-5222 Fax (307) 362-5233 |
Wyoming State Archives Barrett Building Cheyenne, WY 82002 |
307-777-7826 Fax: 307-777-7044 |
wyarchive@state.wy.us Website: http://spacr.state.wy.us/CR/Archives |
WYLD Cat, Wyoming Libraries Database Catalog | Website: http://www-wsl.state.wy.us/wyld/index.html | |
Wyoming State Geological Survey, Historical Wyoming Coal Mine Information | Website: http://www.wsgsweb.uwyo.edu/Coal/HistMineInfo.asp | |
Wyoming Mining Association 1720 West Lincolnway Cheyenne, Wyoming 82007 P.O. Box 866 Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003 |
307-635-0331 Fax: 307-778-6240 |
Website: http://www.wma-minelife.com/ |
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