1941 to 1957 Index of Obituaries, Albany County, Wyoming

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The following index of Albany County obituaries that have appeared in Laramie newspapers have been abstracted by members of the Albany County Genealogical Society. Obituaries are of present or past Albany County residents, those who died in Albany County, or those who have been buried in Albany County. These have been compiled by the Albany County Genealogical Society and abstracted from the Laramie newspapers found in the Albany County Library. The listings are alphabetical by surname. Whenever possible, the maiden name of the wife is included and is listed in the surname index (see below). Normally all obituary notices of an individual are listed.

For listing of obituaries and burials for records from 1870 to 1900, the reader may wish to reference "Laramie, Wyoming Burials 1867 to 1900" by Ellen (Crago) Mueller, [WYO 929.1 M887a] in the Albany County Library. The dates given by Mueller were often dates of death and not of newspaper issues. She includes cemetery and church records which were not abstracted and may not be included in this present listing.

Laramie Newspapers have been indexed by Elnora Frye and by the Albany County Genealogical Society for the years 1868-1940 and can be found in a bound volume in the Albany County Library, Laramie Plains Museum, and the Coe Library, University of Wyoming.

For this present listing, the newspapers are coded as follows: LRB-Laramie Republican Boomerang (July 1926-May 1957) or LDB-Laramie Daily Boomerang (1958-1996).

Married women are cross indexed by maiden name when it is known. The newspaper code, page, column, and date of appearance(s) are given for each occurrence of the appearance in the newspaper. Whenever possible, maiden names of married women are included. The names of successors, siblings, aunts, uncles, parents, and grandparents have not been included.

The listing for a married woman would appear as follows:

Surname, First name Newspaper, Pg, Col, Yr-Mo-Day

PASCOE, Ann Eliza - nee Entwistle LDR 1 5 1913-04-16

(this is listed by her married name)

ENTWISTLE, Ann Eliza - m. Pascoe LDR 1 5 1913-04-16

(this is the listing by her maiden name and gives her married name)

Former residents who died in other cities or states are included.

The following list was compiled and edited by Leroy R. Maki, November 1997, and includes 5,230 records January 1941 through December 1957.

Name Paper Page
PACHECO, Margorilo of El Paso, TX, lightning LRB 1 41948-09-02
PALACIO, Mrs. Pilar LRB 8 51948-06-23
PALACIO, Mrs. Pilar LRB 2 61948-06-24
PALM, Kenneth, killed by lightning Elk Mtn. LRB 6 21956-07-27
PALMER, Axel, pioneer rancher LDB 01 11957-12-31
PALMER, Fredrick, of Texas LRB 4 81952-12-10
PALMQUIST, Edward LRB 3 41950-05-30
PALMQUIST, Gus, in Washington LRB 1 41941-05-16
PALMQUIST, Gus, in Washington LRB 6 51941-05-18
PANOPOULOS, Nick A., suicide, UW student LRB 3 51952-10-30
PANOPOULOS, Nick A., suicide, UW student LRB 8 41952-11-10
PAOLINO, Vincent LDB 06 81957-07-07
PARK, Hobson, found dead in Laramie Peak LRB 1 71950-10-31
PARK, Phoebe Anna, Mrs. of Garrett LRB 5 11948-10-19
PARKER, Frank M., in Cheyenne LRB 01 11954-07-26
PARKER, George F., in fire in Riverton, Wy LRB 10 51951-02-19
PARKER, Susie, Mrs. LRB 3 61952-06-02
PARKERSON, George H., in VA Hosp. Cheyenne LRB 07 41957-01-17
PARMELEE, Mary, Mrs., in Seattle, Washington LRB 08 31956-01-27
PARMELEE, Mary, Mrs., in Seattle, Washington LRB 08 41956-01-30
PATCHELL, Charles, in Union City, Ohio LDB 03 41957-08-15
PATRICK, Florence D., Dr. in Garrett LRB 1 11952-10-17
PATRICK, Thomas LRB 8 51948-05-21
PATTERSON, A.J., in Ft. Collins, Colorado LRB 04 51955-07-05
PATTERSON, Jerome A., UP, car roll over LRB 1 61952-08-04
PATTERSON, Kate D., on train near Hermosa LRB 6 71941-12-01
PAUL, Corinne - nee Madrid, Mrs. Joseph LRB 02 51955-11-03
PAUL, Corinne - nee Madrid, Mrs. Joseph LRB 07 21955-11-07
PAULSEN, Josephine - nee Smith, Mrs. Paul LRB 4 71943-08-04
PAUMER, Darlene, auto accident LRB 1 51951-05-14
PAWL, Collingwood Cortland, of California LRB 3 41949-07-21
PAYNE, Margaret Elizabeth, Mrs. John, North Pk LRB 2 31948-11-15
PAYNE, Margaret Elizabeth, Mrs. John, N Park LRB 6 41948-11-16
PAYNE, Tess K. - nee Kennedy LRB 3 51949-10-06
PAYNE, Tess K. - nee Kennedy LRB 10 31949-10-07
PAYNE, Thomas John of Cowdrey, Colorado LRB 3 31948-03-08
PAYNE, Thomas John of Cowdrey, Colorado LRB 8 61948-03-10
PEABODY, Charles T. LRB 01 41954-05-12
PEABODY, William H. LRB 1 41952-10-08
PEARCE, Katherine Maxine, auto accident LRB 2 61951-07-16
PEARE, Raymond LRB 4 31945-10-16
PEARSALL, Alfred S., plane crash LRB 1 11943-09-21
PEARSON, Anna Louise, Mrs. LRB 08 71956-05-25
PEARSON, Ed LRB 3 71943-10-13
PEARSON, Ed LRB 6 31943-10-14
PEARSON, Elmore W., in California LRB 1 31946-03-07
PEARSON, Eric IN cOLORADO LRB 6 81941-11-28
PEARSON, Jack LRB 1 71950-01-10
PEARSON, Jack LRB 5 71950-01-11
PEARSON, Jack LRB 8 81950-01-12
PEARSON, Peter N. LRB 2 31953-04-30
PEARSON, Peter N. LRB 3 61953-05-01
PEASE, Wallace Franklin LRB 01 51953-11-13
PEBERDY, Joseph H. LRB 1 31947-12-15
PEBERDY, Joseph H. LRB 6 31947-12-16
PECK, Hester, Mrs., in Salt Lake City, Utah LRB 2 81950-02-27
PECK, Mae - m. Dr. J.P. Markley LRB 1 51950-06-23
PEDEN, James, at Sprague Ranch LRB 8 61942-08-13
PEDERSON, Mary, age 94, Mrs. Christian M. LRB 01 11955-05-06
PELSUE, Blanche E. - nee Phillips, Los Angeles LRB 10 81952-01-18
PENA, Vivian Lillia, 3mo daut of Pine LRB 4 51944-08-08
PENDER, Fred LRB 5 71949-10-14
PENDER, Fred LRB 8 51949-10-17
PENDER, Fred LRB 8 81949-10-18
PENDER, Nora, Mrs. LRB 03 11957-01-25
PENDER, Nora, Mrs. LRB 04 61957-01-28
PENDER, Norris E. LRB 4 71941-03-17
PENDER, Norris E. LRB 8 81941-03-18
PENDLETON, Joseph M., in Baker, Oregon LRB 5 31947-05-05
PERDUE, Dale of Rock River, in Cambridge, NE LRB 8 41956-05-29
PEREA, Camerino, Pfc, killed in Korea LRB 9 61951-10-11
PERGRIN, Mable, Mrs. Rev. Edward LRB 06 51955-09-15
PERKINS, Joseph D. LRB 1 41945-01-05
PERKINS, Lillia, Mrs., in California LRB 5 61945-08-13
PERROSTIS, Peter G. LRB 7 31949-12-01
PERRY, Ben LRB 1 51951-02-02
PERUE, Margaret, Mrs. William H. LDB 14 21957-10-25
PERUE, Margaret, Mrs. William H. LDB 06 21957-10-26
PERUE, Margaret, Mrs. William H. LDB 03 11957-10-26
PERUE, Rose - m. Henderson, dies in Denver LRB 1 21946-09-23
PERUE, Rose - m. Henderson, dies in Denver LRB 2 81946-09-24
PERYAM, Mrs. George of Encampment LRB 3 21948-06-24
PERYAM, Mrs. George of Encampment LRB 6 81948-06-25
PETERS, Carl Henry, suicide LRB 01 31954-01-15
PETERS, Carl Henry, suicide LRB 05 71954-01-18
PETERSON, Almer LRB 6 71942-03-24
PETERSON, Almer LRB 2 51942-03-25
PETERSON, Arthur E. LRB 1 11951-06-11
PETERSON, Flora - nee Watkins, Mrs. Rollo LRB 4 71945-02-07
PETERSON, Grace Eudora, Mrs. of North Park LRB 4 71944-07-03
PETERSON, Gust of Fox Park, auto accident LRB 1 11951-08-21
PETERSON, Henry J., UW Prof, in Denver LRB 05 31957-04-02
PETERSON, Henry J., UW Prof, in Denver LRB 05 71957-04-03
PETERSON, Jim, killed at Walden, explosion LRB 12 71952-06-24
PETERSON, Sever W. LRB 2 41946-05-31
PETERSON, Swan G. LRB 8 51949-01-20
PETTIGREW, Rober, airline crash LRB 1 71946-10-18
PFEIFFER, Anna, Mrs. Frank LRB 10 51955-03-09
PHELAN, Helen Ann LRB 2 41944-03-10
PHILBROOK, John N., at Tenafly, N.J. LRB 9 11950-07-06
PHILIPHS, Linda Maxine, 3 mo. daut of Delbert LRB 4 81942-12-13
PHILIPHS, Linda Maxine, 3 mo. daut of Delbert LRB 2 81942-12-14
PHILLIPS, Blanche E. - m. Charles Pelsue LRB 10 81952-01-18
PHILLIPS, Mary, Mrs., in Santa Ana, Calif. LRB 03 31956-08-24
PICKERING, Bessie, Mrs. G.C. LRB 01 81954-12-06
PICKERING, George LRB 01 31954-03-18
PICKERING, George LRB 01 81954-03-19
PIERCE, Marvin, at Hanna LRB 8 21946-01-21
PIERCE, Mary Frances, Mrs. Rollin Z. LRB 7 31952-11-07
PIERCE, Mary Frances, Mrs. Rollin Z. LRB 8 51952-11-10
PIERCE, Rollin Z. LRB 06 31956-12-03
PIERSON, Sarah, Mrs. LRB 01 61954-04-08
PILGER, Florence Mae, Mrs. Fred LRB 1 51952-01-29
PILGER, Florence Mae, Mrs. Fred LRB 3 71952-01-30
PILGER, Fred, in Henderson, Colorado LRB 5 51951-04-09
PINGITER, Albert, PFC, killed in Burma, return LRB 6 81948-12-06
PINGITER, Albert, PFC, killed in Burma, return LRB 1 31948-12-14
PINGITER, Albert, PFC, killed in Burma, return LRB 3 41948-12-16
PINGITZER, Joe, PFC LRB 4 71945-02-28
PIPER, Carl L. LRB 1 81944-11-20
PIPER, Carl L. LRB 8 11944-11-21
PIPER, Enid Marjorie, Mrs. LRB 6 21942-09-28
PIPER, Enid Marjorie, Mrs. LRB 4 41942-09-29
PIPER, Enid Marjorie, Mrs. LRB 4 51942-10-01
PIPER, Frank A., car accident LRB 01 11953-07-20
PIPER, Frank A., car accident LRB 02 61953-07-21
PIPER, Frank A., car accident LRB 02 81953-07-24
PIPER, Herman F., in Wheatland LRB 01 41955-04-25
PIPER, Otto, in Ft. Collins, Colorado LRB 1 81952-03-14
PIPER, Paul H. LRB 1 41945-01-01
PIPER, Paul H. LRB 4 51945-01-02
PIRIE, Jame C. LRB 6 31941-04-29
PIRIE, Jame C. LRB 4 71941-04-30
PIRIE, Jame C. LRB 4 81941-05-01
PITTINGTON, George of Walden, Colorado LRB 2 61950-10-23
PIZZOLI, Mrs. A., in Albuquerque LRB 08 41956-11-14
PIZZOLI, Mrs. A., in Albuquerque LRB 03 61956-11-16
PIZZOLI, Richard LDB 03 41957-07-23
PIZZOLI, Richard LDB 03 31957-07-24
PLUEMER, Henry Peter LRB 10 41955-04-28
POCH, Eileen - nee Ferguson LRB 8 81948-08-18
POCH, Eileen - nee Ferguson LRB 8 21948-08-19
POCH, Eileen - nee Ferguson LRB 9 51948-08-20
POE, John E. LRB 4 61942-12-11
POE, Ruby Warene, 17 mo., daut of Louis LRB 3 61945-05-16
POE, Susan May, Mrs. John E. LRB 06 31956-01-16
POE, Susan May, Mrs. John E. LRB 06 21956-01-17
POLEDNA, Arlamay, infant of Richard LRB 3 31944-06-06
POLEDNA, Richard Charles LRB 6 51945-12-05
POLENDA, Edward, in Cheyenne LRB 9 71952-10-16
POLENDA, Edward, in Cheyenne LRB 7 61952-10-17
POLLOCK, Mary Maude - m. Walter Smith LRB 05 41954-01-18
POLLOCK, Robert LRB 8 31948-05-12
POLLOCK, Robert LRB 8 11948-05-13
POLLOCK, Robert LRB 4 31948-05-14
POLSON, Anna August nee Stenquist, Mountain V. LRB 1 71948-11-12
PONTING, C.H., Dr. "Chal", in Long Beach, CA LDB 22 31957-12-18
POOL, James Henry LRB 4 61945-05-15
POOL, James Henry LRB 4 51945-05-16
POOL, Mrs. James, in Kirkland, Washington LRB 2 31947-04-25
POOLE, Benton L., auto accident LRB 01 11956-05-28
POPE, George A., in Manhattan Beach, Calif. LRB 06 31957-01-21
PORTER, Lillian - nee Bates, Mrs. Charles LRB 1 11951-07-16
PORTER, Tom LRB 2 51951-09-27
POTTER, Mrs. Harold - nee Williams LRB 5 31953-04-07
POTTER, Mrs. William LRB 5 11946-07-17
POTTER, Roy Stanley, inf son of Leslie, Walden LRB 3 31942-08-07
POTTER, William LRB 04 81954-03-03
POUNDS, Floyd Roscoe, Naval Hosp. Oakland, CA LRB 02 31956-01-16
POUNDS, Floyd Roscoe, naval Hosp. Oakland, CA LRB 10 71956-01-19
POWELL, Mrs. Mary, in Cheyenne LRB 1 11941-01-13
POWELL, Mrs. Mary, in Cheyenne LRB 4 71941-01-15
POWELL, Mrs. Mary, in Cheyenne LRB 5 71941-01-16
POWELL, William H., accidental asphyxiation LRB 08 11956-02-06
POWELL, William H., accidental asphyxiation LRB 01 51956-02-07
PRAGER, Rosa, Mrs. Frank LRB 6 31945-04-09
PRAGER, Rosa, Mrs. Frank LRB 4 31945-04-10
PRAHL, John LRB 01 21953-12-14
PRAHL, John LRB 01 41953-12-15
PREGAL, Augusta LRB 1 21947-05-26
PREGAL, Augusta LRB 8 51947-05-28
PRESLEY, Charles, crushed rail car Tie Plant LRB 1 61952-07-21
PRESLEY, Charles, crushed rail car Tie Plant LRB 7 61952-07-23
PRESTON, H.M. LRB 08 11954-03-17
PRESTON, Harper McGee LRB 06 51954-03-22
PRESTON, Harper McGee, jury rules suicide LRB 01 31954-03-24
PRESTON, Harper McGee LRB 04 21954-03-24
PRESTON, Mrs. Harold, in Cedaridge, Colorado LRB 10 41950-06-29
PRICE, Charles Elwin, killed by falling timber LRB 1 71946-10-03
PRICE, Michael J. LRB 4 51944-06-14
PRITCHARD, John W. LRB 6 31945-01-09
PROBST, Anna, Mrs. LRB 8 21948-10-25
PROBST, Lou R. LRB 1 61941-01-28
PROBST, Lou R. LRB 8 21941-01-30
PROWETT, Bannon, infant child of Jerry LRB 12 81956-05-17
PROWETT, Kenneth Allen LRB 5 81956-07-13
PROWETT, Kenneth Allen LRB 3 71956-07-16
PRUSSING, William Sherman, suicide LRB 8 61949-04-19
PRUSSING, William Sherman, inquest LRB 1 71949-04-20
PRYOR, George N. LRB 14 51956-03-15
PUGH, Felix, found in railroad yard LRB 1 51945-07-20
PUGH, Felix, found in railroad yard LRB 4 71945-07-26
PULS, Betty nee Detrick, Mrs. William LRB 8 61953-03-06
PULSHER, Mittie Richardson, Mrs. LDB 03 31957-12-17
PURDY, Emma Marie, Mrs. Harry LRB 01 81954-07-19
PURDY, Harry L. LRB 1 31949-05-23
PURDY, Harry L. LRB 3 51949-05-24
PURDY, Harry L. LRB 6 61949-05-26
PURINTUM, Steward A. LRB 3 51951-11-05
PYLE, Keith ElTon, 6 mo.infant of Mrs. Melvin LRB 4 71949-04-01

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