1868 to 1899 Index of Obituaries, Albany County, Wyoming

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The following is an index of accounts of deaths compiled by Elnora L. Frye from notices in the Laramie newspapers for the years of 1868 to 1899. The accounts abstracted are those involving deaths occurring in Albany County, deaths of former residents of Albany County, or individuals who were buried in Albany County. Some of these were taken from Laramie Daily Sentinel newspaper accounts from the book of Ellen (Crago) Mueller - "Laramie, Wyoming Burials 1867-1882". The date (year-month-day) of the newspaper issue is given as reference. The accounts listed are from the Laramie Daily Sentinel (LDS), or Weekly edition (LSW), Laramie Daily Boomerang (LDB), and Laramie Semi-Weekly Boomerang (LSWB). These accounts were transcribed by Leroy R. Maki, April 1996.

Copies of this index may also be found at the Wyoming State Archives, UW Coe Library, Albany County Library, Laramie Plains Museum, LDS library in Salt Lake, and the local History Center.

Published by the Albany County Genealogical Society, August 1996 Copyright (c) 1996 by Leroy R. Maki

Name Paper Year/Mo/Day
SALISBURY, Lillie, age 15, daughter of David LSWB 1897-11-09
SAMOANE, Chief of Manogi on train at Rock Creek LDB 1891-07-18
SANBORN, Luke K. LDS 1873-04-09
SANDERS, Mrs. Henry, of North Crow Creek LDB 1893-05-05
SANTRY, Tim, drowned at Rock Creek LDB 1892-06-27
SATZWELL, Mrs. LSW 1882-07-26
SAVAGE, J.M. LDS 1872-01-04
SAVERS, William, at Wolcott Station LDB 1893-05-23
SAWIN, F.O., at Saratoga LDB 1892-08-12
SAWIN, mother of F.O. LSW 1888-02-04
SCHACHTER, Fred LDB 1899-07-10
SCHAEFER, Adam LDB 1888-07-31
SCHAEFFER, "Fritz" LDB 1895-10-21
SCHAEFFER, Joseph, at Sybille LDB 1893-07-27
SCHENCKS, daughter, of Little Medicine, at Medicine Bow LDB 1894-03-23
SCHMIDT, Emil, of Chicago and Germany LDB 1897-01-02
SCHMIDT, Emil, of Chicago and Germany LDB 1897-01-04
SCHNELL, William T. LSW 1877-04-24
SCHNITGER, Henry, at Stillwater, Oklahoma LDB 1899-09-18
SCHOFIELD, child of William, drowned LDS 1878-02-04
SCHOFIELD, David LSW 1880-04-10
SCHOFIELD, Lewis W. LDS 1874-04-27
SCHOONMAKER, Cy, in Texas LDB 1890-05-02
SCHOONMAKER, S.W., at Charley, Texas LDB 1891-02-27
SCHULTE, Fred, drowned, at Medicine Bow LDB 1899-07-27
SCHULTZ, George LSW 1886-05-08
SCHWATKA, 10 year old son of Julius LDB 1891-11-09
SCHWATKA, Mrs. Charles LDB 1891-08-13
SCHWATKA, Mrs. Julius LDB 1892-01-07
SCOTT, George, at Manilla, Phillipines LDB 1899-05-25
SCRYMSER, Fred E. LDB 1891-10-17
SCRYMSER, Harry, drowned in Old Mexico LDB 1891-12-04
SEALS, infant daughter of Pat, 3 months old LDB 1890-02-18
SEAMAN, Albert, at Hanna LDB 1897-12-28
SECOR, William W., at Longmont, Colorado LSW 1888-10-27
SEEHAUSEN, Mrs. Louis LSWB 1897-06-11
SEELE, Charles LSW 1887-11-26
SEYMOUR, Henry E., "Hank", at Leadville LDB 1890-05-14
SEYMOUT, Eva, age 8 months LDS 1877-08-27
SHACKMAN, Arthur, at Snake River LSW 1883-09-22
SHAW, John, at Rockdale & Tie Siding LDB 1896-11-09
SHAW, Mrs. Anna, at Tie Siding LDB 1897-05-14
SHELDON, George B., age 20 LDB 1899-03-27
SHELDON, infant child of William A., at Percy Station LDS 1872-10-01
SHELDON, Isabel J., Mrs. J.G., at Tie Siding LDB 1892-10-26
SHELDON, Roy, age 7, son of O.P., at Cheyenne LDB 1895-11-07
SHELDON, William LSW 1880-12-18
SHERWIN, Villa, of Tie Siding, at Aurora, Illinois LDB 1891-10-28
SHIELDS, Pat - nee Carroll, at Butte, Montana LDB 1894-01-23
SHIPMAN, Harvey, in North Park LSW 1877-07-02
SHIPMAN, Mr., killed by Indians at North Park LDS 1870-07-05
SHORE, Mrs. Casper, at Tie Siding LDB 1895-05-06
SHOREY, James E., in Mexico LDB 1895-12-27
SHRODER, Vincent, at Sherman LDB 1890-07-29
SIEGFRIED, Mrs. at Granite Cañon LDB 1891-05-18
SIMONDSON, Mr. LDB 1898-03-07
SIMPSON, Javez Burnham, at Denver LDB 1895-11-27
SIMPSON, Mr., killed by Indians at Red Canyon LDS 1876-04-22
SINCLAIR, Kirby, at Ouray, Colorado LDB 1892-01-11
SISNEROS, Herginia LDB 1891-08-29
SLACK, Charles Henry LDS 1871-12-18
SLOAN, William, of Ashland, Oregon, at Sherman LDB 1890-06-24
SLOCUM, Adelia, Mrs. of Plymouth, Ohio LDB 1891-04-30
SMART, Emma, 3 yr. old daughter of John LDB 1899-01-25
SMART, infant son of John LDB 1894-02-15
SMART, Sylvia Catherine, age 1 yr, daughter of John LDB 1899-09-05
SMILEY, G.W. LDB 1891-01-10
SMILEY, Mrs. John G., at Omaha LSW 1886-05-08
SMITH, E.D. LDB 1894-07-24
SMITH, E.S., Capt. of Cheyenne LDB 1895-05-07
SMITH, Ek, of LaPrele, Wyoming LDB 1897-04-08
SMITH, Henry, at San Lucas, Mexico LDB 1894-09-07
SMITH, infant son, age 4 weeks, son of Arthur LSW 1888-04-21
SMITH, infant son of D.A. LSW 1888-12-15
SMITH, Ira LDS 1877-01-10
SMITH, James L. LSW 1881-10-07
SMITH, James "Rol" M. LDB 1893-07-24
SMITH, John, by train at Miser Station LSW 1888-04-14
SMITH, John, 6 month old son of Joseph LSW 1888-05-19
SMITH, L.G., at Medicine Bow LDB 1898-05-09
SMITH, Mary E. - nee Holliday of Salt Lake - at Chicago LDB 1891-04-08
SMITH, Mike, at Aspen, Colorado LSW 1885-04-11
SMITH, Mrs. Stockton, at Salem, Oregon on Aug. 13 LDB 1891-08-20
SMITH, Mrs. Ben LDB 1895-01-21
SMITH, Myra, age 12, daughter of J.J. LDB 1899-05-10
SMITH, Patrick LDB 1890-03-10
SMITH, Prosper A. LSW 1887-07-23
SMITH, Valorus, son of Dwight, age 3 LDB 1893-02-28
SMITH, William J. LDS 1879-11-01
SMITH, William, age 24, of Virginia Dale LDB 1899-04-14
SNYDER, infant son, age six weeks, of James LDB 1890-06-03
SNYDER, Mr., at Sand Creek Pass, Colorado LDB 1892-10-26
SODERGREEN, Frederick Rost, infant son of Oscar LSW 1888-08-11
SODERGREEN, George, age 13 mo, son of Charles LDB 1893-03-20
SODERGREEN, Mrs. Charles LDB 1891-12-12
SODERGREEN, Mrs. Charles LDB 1894-11-07
SODERSTROM, infant of Louis, 8 months old LDB 1891-09-09
SODERSTROM, Mrs. Louis LDB 1891-01-15
SODERSTRUM, Mrs. Charles LDB 1893-10-23
SONDERS, Ferdenand LDS 1873-05-28
SONNESBERGER, Mrs. D.S., at Buffalo LDB 1890-09-03
SORENSON, Hans, of Hanna, train LDB 1899-02-08
SOULE, Harold Justus, age 5 mo., son of J.F. LDB 1895-07-30
SPARKMAN, Harry, at Lincoln Insane, Nebraska LSW 1885-04-04
SPEER, Jane F., Miss, at Brownsville, Pennsylvania LDB 1889-01-18
SPICER, Ezekiel, at Alturas, California LDB 1889-08-01
SPICER, N.F. Dr. LDB 1893-02-08
SPINDLER, Valentine LDS 1878-07-05
SPRAGUE, M.B. LDB 1899-03-16
St.ANGELO, Aubrey J. LSW 1880-08-07
STABACH, Willie, age 4, son of William LDB 1893-01-21
STABLER, G.C., at Dillon, Montana LDB 1896-04-27
STANFIELD, George Sr., of Carbon LDB 1892-01-16
STANLEY, Henry W. LDB 1890-09-24
STANTON, Clara Aeta, age 1yr 6mo, daughter of F.H. LSW 1887-08-01
STEIN, George, at North Park LSW 1885-08-15
STEINER, Mrs. LDS 1878-01-15
STEINHOFF, Catherine, Mrs. LSW 1887-06-11
STEIZ, Henry, at Memphis, Tenn. LDB 1898-07-07
STEVENS, Lydia, Mrs. J.J., at Greeley LSW 1887-08-13
STEWART, L.J., at Salt Lake LDB 1896-05-19
STEWART, W.A., at Rawlins LDB 1899-08-09
STEWART, William, at Seattle, Washington LDB 1894-10-03
STEWART, William, at Pocatello, Idaho LDB 1895-08-07
STILSON, Lester, age 14 LDB 1898-04-01
STIMPSON, Alice, daughter of Mrs. Mary LDS 1879-10-18
STIRLING, child of George LDB 1895-02-08
STOCKING, D.B., age 23, at Borie Station LDB 1899-12-11
STOCKS, J.H., Rev., at Spokane, Washington LDB 1893-02-13
STORCH, John LSW 1871-05-22
STOWERS, A.J. LDB 1899-03-07
STRICKLAND, John, of Carbon - drowned at Casper LDB 1894-06-08
STRONG, Albert J., age 16, son of N.R., of Sybille LDB 1891-10-14
STRONG, N.R., of Sybille LDB 1898-09-20
STRONG, N.R., at Cheyenne LDB 1899-09-22
STROWAY, James LSW 1889-04-27
STUART, Mrs. Samuel LSW 1882-09-09
STUART, Sam (Broncho Sam) LSW 1882-09-16
STUART, William Charles LDS 1871-01-30
STUMP, A.M., at Point of Rocks LDS 1873-10-07
STURGEEN, Electa, Mrs. Henry LDS 1875-10-19
SUDDETH, Katie Beryl, age 5 mo., daughter of W.S. LSW 1878-02-18
SULLIP, Thomas, of Penn., at Wilcox - by train LDB 1893-10-12
SULLIVAN, A.W. LSW 1878-01-23
SULLIVAN, James LSW 1878-05-16
SULLIVAN, Lawrence, at Ishpensing, Michigan LDB 1892-11-02
SUMPL, Jack, of Carbon, at Denver LDB 1891-08-14
SUTPHIN, J.H., at Flemington, New Jersey LDB 1892-02-09
SWAIN, Edna, little daughter of A.G. LDS 1874-08-18
SWAIN, Louisa S., at Baltimore, Maryland LSW 1880-01-26
SWANSON, Al, of Ayre, Kansas LDB 1899-07-24
SWASSON, Charles LSW 1879-09-06
SWIFT, H. LDS 1872-02-01
SYDENHAM, Theodore, at Cheyenne LDB 1896-02-12
SYDOW, Theodore LSW 1888-06-30

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