J. E. O'Connell, Dan and sister Maggie, of Beechwood spent Sunday at the
home of their sister, Mrs. James Hughes.
Frank Goehring of Silver Creek is now employed by Jas. Reilly in his new
blacksmith shop.
Miss Marguerite Stokes of Scott spent Thanksgiving at R. Phalen's.
Peter Murphy transacted business in New Cassel Saturday.
Wm. Dwyre and wife spent Sunday at Henry Burke's.
Alice and Anna McGrane started for Appleton Saturday where they will visit
their sister, Mrs. L. Coon.
Matt. Gaynor who has been making cheese at Horn's Corners during the past
season returned home last week, and attended the funeral of his uncle.
Transcribed & Contributed by Kay Reitberger.
Copyright 1997 - 2005 by Debie Blindauer
All Rights reserved