I have created this space to say Thank you to all of those who shared their material and/or their time to help make this website as
great as it is. I happen to think =ALL= of you are pretty awesome. Below is a listing of the names of everyone who has helped in
some way to make this website what it is today. If you have something you would like to share, please e-mail Debie Blindauer
or if you would rather snail mail me, you can send it to:
Debie Blindauer
P. O. Box 284
Sheboygan, Wis. 53082-0284
Please place the county name on anything snail mailed.
Andrews, Lois -
Baikauskas, Gloria
Barrett, Patrick -
Barrows, Thomas
Bates, Julie -
Beisser, Fred -
Bischof, Günther
Blindauer, Joe -
Blindauer, Kyle -
Boll, Dennis -
Boots, Marjean
Broeren, Michael -
Broetzmann, Laurie -
Brown, Karen -
Buss, Lee Anthony -
Carlson, Bob
Chapman, Kim -
Char -
Church, Teresa Lee -
Clark, Art -
Coleman, Maryann -
Cook, Holly -
Copet, Jack B. -
Couture, Jim -
Czarniecki, Paul
Daane, Art -
Daniel, Debi -
Delker, Bill -
Dellger, Mike -
Dorey, A. -
Dowty, Louise -
Farone, Sharon
Fox, Michael Joseph
Freda, Juli -
Frewert, Darlene
Gilboy, Terry -
Gill, Doug -
Gilligan, Kim -
Glaub, David -
Glidden, Carolyn -
Goodrich, Chad -
Graykowski, Scott
Griffin, Mary -
Hackbarth, Janice -
Haines, Dick
Hammes, Baerbel -
Hansohn, Larry -
Hartmann, Bonnie -
Head, Jerry -
Heidner, Lois -
Zylman-Helmuth, Nancy Ann
Hinchman, Mary
Hoffman, Cynthia -
Hoffmann, Peggy
Hogan, Lori -
Hoge, Don -
Holsen, Roger -
Homan, Holly -
Horn, Shirley -
Hurt, Kristen -
Jenkins, Gene
Johnson, Barbara -
Johnson, Fran
Johnston, Wayne
Karlson, Stephen -
Keesey, Kim -
Keppel, Bob -
Kester, Kim -
King, Katherine {Cullen} -
Kirby-McDonough, Beverly G. -
Kircher, Attorney Barbara -
Kistner, Amy -
Klauck, Dave -
Klein, John -
Knutsen, Shirley -
Kris -
Laessig, Patti -
Lamb, Ann -
Lehman, Kristen -
Leonard, Randy -
Lewis, Roberta -
Lipprandt, Robert -
Losen, Kim -
Louise -
Maersch, Bryan -
Martin, Ken -
Mellen, Bill -
Menge, Ida -
Mertz, Gary -
Michaels-Lipp, Connie -
Mileski, Robert -
Mills, Debbie -
Morgan, Judy -
Morrow, Laura -
Mueller, Dawn -
Oakley, Beverly -
Onstad, Ann
Opgenorth, Allan
Overman, Jeri -
Owens, Pat
Pangier, Paula
Parris, Eileen -
Patrick, Ron
Peter, Virginia
Petrie, Mike -
Petura, Barbara -
Phillips, Pat -
Piper, Judy -
Powers, Mary Ann -
Preder, Sue -
Quasius, Peter -
Radtke, Jeff -
Raeg, Lloyd -
Register, Patricia Damrow -
Reinhardt, Tracy -
Reitberger, Kay - Rest in Peace my Friend
Reuter, Charles
Rezek, Susan -
Richter, Ken -
Riley, Nathan
Risseeuw, Mary -
Ristow, Katherine -
Roehl, Kari -
Rohr, Ellen -
Rutledge, Carrie -
Scheller, Lori -
Sherry -
Sims, Cathy Moreth -
Skeffington, John -
Sorenson, John
Stephan, Bob -
Stern, Charles -
Thompson, Kathleen Janisse -
Theune, Egbert -
Ulrich, Barbara
Vese, Sangio -
Waska, Terry
Wilk, Bruce -
Witte, Glenn -
Wolters, Judi -
Wright, Linda
Wucker, Eileen
Zietlow, Amber
Z., Mavis -
Blaha, Helen Vater
Copyright 1997 - 2012 by Debie Blindauer
Contributed 3 Family Histories
Transcribed & Contributed Maple Grove Cemetery
Contributed 2 cemetery photos
Transcribed & Contributed Zoar Cemetery
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed an Obit
Contributed 9 Family Photos
Contributed 60 Obits
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed Family Photo
Contributed her Family Tree pertaining to Sheboygan County
Contributed 4 Obits
Contributed 1 Wedding Write-up
Contributed 9 Family Photos
Contributed the History of Sheboygan Falls
Valid E-mail needed -
Contributed a Family Photo
Hand Copied the St. George Catholic Cemetery Town of Rhine
Transcribed Vital Records Births Surname N Index
Assisted in Hand copying vital indexes
Assisted in looking up Parent names for the Birth indexes
Transcribed the Birth Vital Records Surname C Index
Assisted in Hand copying vital indexes
Contributed a Family History
Contributed a Family Photo
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed 2 Family Photos
Contributed 4 Family Photos
Contributed 3 Obits
Contributed 17 Stories
Contributed 11 Family Photos
Contributed 9 Unidentified Photos
Contributed 6 Postcards
Contributed Elizabeth Nellis Diary
Contributed a bio
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed The Co. G., 36th Infantry Roster from the Civil War
Contributed a photo for identification
Contributed additional information under Births
Contributed 14 Obits
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed a Family Photo
Contributed 4 Obits
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed an Obit
Contributed his Family Tree
Contributed her Family Tree
Contributed an Obit
Contributed a Newspaper Article
Contributed 2 Family Photos
Contributed a Bio
Contributed his Family Tree
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed a Cemetery Photo
Contributed a Family Photo
Contributed a Family History
Contributed 6 Anniversary write-ups
Contributed 9 Family Photos
Contributed 14 Newspaper Articles
Contributed 4 photos of cemetery marker
Contributed 14 Obits
Contributed a Marriage Write-up
Contributed 3 Birthday News Articles
Contributed a Plat Map
Contributed a High School Commencement
Submitted 2 Unidentified Photos
Hand copied First Union Methodist Cemetery
Contributed 3 Family Photos
Contributed 3 Unidentified Photos
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed the Hamblin Family Letters
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed some Death records for St. Peter Claver Catholic Church
Contributed 2 Family Photos
Transcribed and contributed 1927 Kohler High School Commencement Program
Contributed a 1927 Kohler Graduation Picture
Contributed 20 Obits
2 Newspaper Articles
Valid E-mail needed -
Contributed her Family Tree
Contributed a photo of the Parnell White Sox
Contributed his Family Tree
Contributed 5 Family Photos
Contributed a Newspaper Article
Contributed 10 Family Photos
Contributed information about Maple Grove Cemetery
Contributed his Family Tree
Valid E-mail needed -
Contributed an Obit
Contributed 7 Obits
Contributed 3 Family Photos
Contributed 2 Post Cards
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed 3 Family Photos
An Anniversary Write-up
Contributed 1 obit
Contributed 1 obit
Transcribed Vital Records Births Surname L Index
Transcribed Vital Indices for Marriage Surnames B, D & H Index
Transcribed Vital Indices for Deaths Surname B, D, H, & W
Contributed 42 obits
Contributed Church Records {Baptisms} from Immanuel Lutheran Church
Contributed a Family Photo
Contributed a marriage record from Trinity Lutheran Church
Contributed a Comfirmation Photo
Immanuel Lutheran Church Confirmands - Sheboygan
Contributed 277 Wedding write-ups
Contributed 22 Anniversary write-ups
Contributed 695 obits
Contributed 2 Newspaper Article
Transcribed 156 Bios
Contributed 238 Tombstone Photos
Contributed 3 obits
Contributed a marriage write-up
Valid E-mail needed -
Contributed 2 Family Photos
Valid E-mail needed -
Contributed an Unidentified Photo
Contributed 2 Family Photos
Valid E-mail Needed -
Transcribed and contributed 11 Obits
Contributed Wedding Anniversary Write-up
Contributed a Family Photo
Trancribed & Contributed 4 Obits
Transcribed & Contributed 3 News Articles
Transcribed 1 Bio
Contributed 2 Obits
Contributed a Newspaper Article
Contributed 2 Obits
Contributed 6 photos for Indentification
Transcribed 42 donated Obits
Transcribing Vital Index Marriages Letter G & M
Contributed a Marriage Write-up
Contributed 6 Obits
Contributed St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery {cem 85}, including 1,608 photos
Contributed Immaculate Conception Catholic Cemetery {cem 96}, including 1,249 Photos
Contributed 9 Obits
Contributed 4 Family Histories
Contributed a school photo
Contributed Graduation list
Valid E-mail Needed -
Transcribed and contributed 1920 Germans from Russia file
Contributed WWI Draft List
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed 1 Biography
Valid E-mail Needed -
Transcribed Plymouth German Methodist Episcopal Cemetery
Contributed 39 photos of the Plymouth G. M. E. C.
Contributed a Family Photo
Contributed a Family Photos
Contributed 381 Photos from Groh's Photo Studio
1849 School Attendance Record
Contributed 8 Family Photos
Contributed 1 Family Letter
Contributed 1910 City & County Directory
Contributed 2 Obits
Contributed 11 Family Photos
Contributed 15 Unknown Photos
Contributed the Family Letters of Enos & Ruth Gardner
Contributed a Family History
Contributed 18 Family Photos
Contributed a Wedding Anniversary
Contributed the Confirmands for Bethel U.C.C.
Transcribed Vital Records Births Surname D, F, Part of G, H, K, M, T, & W
Indexed & Assisted in looking up parent names for the births
Contributed 83 Obits
Contributed Trinity Lutheran Church Cemetery & Tombstone Photos - Town of Herman
Contributed a Wedding Anniversary
Contributed 148 photos & Transcript from Greenbush Cemetery
Transcribed 76 Names and contributed 117 Photos for St. John's UCC
Contributed an Obit
Assisted in Transcribing all the State Level Vital Birth Indexes
Transcribed and Contributed Town of Rhine 1860 Census
Family Photo
Contributed 1910 Russian Born Census
Contributed a photo to the Unknown Photo section for identification
Contributed Wedding Anniversary Write-up
Contributed 3 biographies
Contributed Many years worth of Births, Marriages & Deaths for St. Patrick's Parish
Contributed the Birthday write-up for Louise Lamb
Contributed 19 Obits
Transcribed and Contributed St. Patrick's Catholic Church cemetery
Contributed 3 pics of local churches
Contributed 23 Family Pics
Contributed her Family Tree
Contributed 850 Cemetery Photos
Contributed a Family Photo
Contributed Zoar U.C.C. Evangelical & Reformed Confirmands
Contributed St. Peter's United Church of Christ Confirmands
Contributed 3 Family Photos
Contributed 5 Obits
Contributed Walvoord Cemetery
Contributed 8 photos of Walvoord Cemetery Stones
Contributed a Family History
Contributed an Obit
Contributed a Military Certificate
Contributed 8 Family Photos
Contributed his Schulte Tree
Contributed 5 Obits
Contributed an Anniversary Write-up
Contributed additional history on the Plymouth German Methodist Episcopal Cemetery
Contributed an Obit
Contributed 9 Obits
Contributed 2 Obits
Contributed 6 Obits
Contributed St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery {cem 85}, including 1,608 photos
Contributed Immaculate Conception Catholic Cemetery {cem 96}, including 1,249 Photos
Contributed Family Photo
Contributed a Family Photo
Transcribed Vital Records Births Surname M Index
Contributed 2 Family Photos
Hand copied First Union Methodist Cemetery
Contributed 2 Wedding Write-ups
Contributed the Sunny Hill School Picture
2 Bios
Contributed 1 History article
Contributed 1 news article
Contributed his Family Tree
Contributed her Family Tree
Contributed an Obit
Contributed 23 Obits
Contributed an Obit
Contributed Sheboygan County School Class Photo
Contributed 3 Family Photos
Contributed a Sheboygan County Photo
Contributed 2 Postcards
Contributed info on a veteran
Contributed 6 Obits
Contributed a Marriage Write-up
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed the 1865 Census for the Township of Scott
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed Information to 3 obits
Contributed 24 obits
Contributed 1 marriage write-up
Contributed 1 Anniversary write-up
Contributed 3 newspaper article
Valid E-mail needed -
Contributed a Family Tree
Contributed 3 Family Photos
Contributed a parish Photo
Contributed a School Photo
Contributed a Military Record
Contributed a Cemetery Photo
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed her Family Tree
Contributed an Obit
Contribuited 2 family photos
Contributed a Family Photo
Contributed 1910 Census Index
Valid E-mail Needed --
Contributed an Obit
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed 4 Obits
Contributed 506 Obits
Contributed 10 News Articles
Contributed 3 church histories
Contributed 6 marriage write-ups
Contributed 5 Obits
Contributed a Marriage Write-up
Contributed 2 Family Photos
Contributed a Newspaper Article
Contributed a Bio
Contributed a photo for the Sheboygan Photo Page
Contributed 2 photos
Contributed 6 photos
Contributed 6 Family Photos
Contributed 2 Cemetery Photos
Contributed Information on the 99 Club Photo
Contributed 3 Obits
Contributed 2 Family Photos
Contributed Township Map
Contributed 8 Wedding Anniversary Write-up
Hand copied & Contributed First Union Methodist Cemetery
Contributed Winooski Cemetery
Contributed Lyndon Cemetery
Contributed St. Michael's Catholic Church Cemetery
Contributed some St. Michael's Catholic Church marriages
Contributed some St. Michael's & St. Mary's Catholic Church Baptims
Contributed some St. Michael's & St. Mary's Catholic Church Marriage records
Contributed 8 Family Photos
Contributed 10 Unidentified Photos
Contributed 172 Wedding Write-ups
Contributed 130 Newspaper Articles
Contributed 344 obits
Contributed 2 Birthday News Articles
Contributed 1 Divorce Articles
Contributed the Badger Guards Muster Roll
Contributed Marks, Brands & Chattel. Mortgages
1864 Town Mitchell Person Property Roll
Contributed 1864 Mitchell Assessment
Contributed 1890 Mitchell Assessment
Contributed 58 Years of the Thomas Heraty Diaries
Transcribed the Marriages Vital Index Letters A, C, F, G, K & M
Transcribed the Death Vital Index Letter A, E, F, G, J, K & L
Contributed Union Cemetery
Transcribed 296 Bios
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed a confirmation Photo
Contributed an Obit
Contributed a Family Photo
Valid E-mail needed -
Contributed 3 Family Photos
Contributed an Anniversary Write-up
Contributed 26 Biographies
Contributed 1865 Census for the Townships of Greenbush, Holland, Lima, Plymouth, & Sheboygan
Contributed the Sheboygan County Historical Review Newspaper
Contributed 13 Obits
Contributed 20 Obits
Donated an obit
Contributed Amsterdam Cemetery
1st Methodist Church marriage records
Contributed a bio
Contributed a Family Photo
Contributed 4 Photos
Contributed 5 Obits
Contributed 6 Family Photos
Contributed 3 Obits
Contributed 7 Wedding Write-ups
Contributed 8 Newspaper Articles
Contributed a Wedding Anniversary Article
Contributed a Family History
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed His Family Tree
Contributed a Family Photo
Contributed his Family Tree
Contributed 3 Obits
Contributed a Family History
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed a Family Photo
Contributed 9 Obits
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed 4 Family Photos
Contributed Misc. Birth Info
Contributed his Family Tree
Contributed his Family Tree
Contributed Additional information for the Births of Maria & Wilhelm Backhausen & Louis Chrasser
Valid E-mail Needed -
Transcribed and contributed the 1880 Census for Cascade, Franklin, Greenbush, Herman, Holland, Lima & Plymouth
A Bio
Several Newspaper Articles
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed an Obit
Valid E-mail Needed -
Contributed her Family Tree
Transcribed all Records from Immanuel Lutheran Church -- Town of Scott
The following people have made donations to make the Vital Index Project Possible:
In Addition to the list below, Several Anonymous Donations were made
Brunette, Rae Ann
Carlson, Robert
Chapman, Barb
Cyza, Sherry
Eichstaedt, Ron
Ekkebus, Al
Fox, Mike
Goodman, Jean
Hartmann, Bonnie
Harwig, Jean
Hedstrom, Sue & Steve
Hines, Deborah
Holt, JoAnn
Homan, Holly
Karlson, John Hopkins
Kiehl, Dana
Kistner, Amy
Knutsen, Shirley
Koehler, Jean
Koning, John
Leonard, Maxine
Leonard, Randy
Lockyer, Sharon
Long, Dawn
Mans, Lloyd
Martin, Pam
Menge, Ida M.
Nelson-Fieldstad, Karl
Niemi, Richard
Paplham, Bonnie
Preder, Sue
Prestien, Victor
Risseeuw, Mary
Schnorr, Jack
Schrader, Marv
Schrimpf, Colleen & Orlie
Sutphen, Mary
Thanig, Renee
Topliff, Calvin & Elizabeth
Wilson, Stuart & Constance
Zimmerman, Karen
All Rights Reserved