Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Source: The Sheboygan Herald - April 9, 1910 {Cascade News}

Looking After Business

Messrs. P. K. Wheeler the shoe agent and B. H. Dingman, the photographer of Plymouth transacted business in Cascade on Monday while on their way to Batavia.

The Misses Gahagan of Mitchell were in Cascade on business Tuesday.

John Carman was hauling home lumber from the saw mill this week.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Gunn have returned to their home at Green Bay.

Mrs. L. A. Moll is in Milwaukee this week buying goods for the store.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ebelt a little daughter Sunday in time for supper.

Farmers and others are busy working right along in a business way this week.

Arthur J. Sommers had men and teams Monday moving his household goods to his house at the cheese factory.

A. J. Sommers, one of Cascade (sic) well to do millers renewed his subscription to the Herald and Review one day this week.

Messrs. Willie Lindsay and Charley Ford and Misses Bidella Ford and Florence McDonnell called on Mr. G. Alcox Tuesday evening.

A letter received on Monday from August Hafemeister formerly of Cascade, but now of Milwaukee with money order to renew his subscription to the Herald and Review. Thanks.

Wm. Mink of Mitchell took the train Monday for Texas, Oregon and California to view the country and all there is in it.

Edward Klein, one of Lyndon (sic) young and go ahead farmers renewed his subscription to the Herald and Review this week.



Franklin, April 7, '10

Mr. Martin Goose and family of Town Plymouth visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Goose, Sr., here.

Rev. C. T. Martin and wife spent a few days with their daughter Mrs. Rev. Geo. Grether at Manitowoc.

Mr. H. Roedecker has gone to Howard where he will work for Mr. Frome.

Source: The Plymouth Review - April 2, 1910

Police Justice - Henry Ver Hulst

Constable - Garret Lemkuil

Mrs. Peter Roelse, who recently moved to Sheboygan to make her home with her sister Mrs. Sinner, died at Sheboygan last week Friday as a result of heart trouble. She was well known to every citizen of Oostburg as she was formerly a resident of this village, occupying the first floor of the residence of J. H. Nyenhuis, and her many friends were greatly shocked to hear of her sudden death.

Last Saturday, Hon. Peter Daane, Sr., celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday anniversary surrounded by relatives and friends. Mr. Daane is one of the oldest residents of Sheboygan county, coming here long before the Civil war. During the Civil war, he served with credit to himself and his country. Not alone does he enjoy a wide circle of friends in our village, but throughout the county and at the present time is president of the Oostburg State bank and justice of the peace.

The family record of this pioneer of Sheboygan county will be interesting. He has nine children, all living, the eldest being 55 years of age and the youngest 33 years; thirty-eight grand children, the eldest Susan Lemkuil, aged 34 years and the youngest, Peter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Daane, aged 2 years. Mr. Daane has 12 great grand children, the oldest being Florence Lemkuil, aged ten years and the youngest, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rietsema, born on the tenth of this month. The Reporter joins with the many friends of Mr. Daane in wishing him many years of continued good health. His life has been one of activity and he has been identified with many movements which have been for the interests of the county of Sheboygan.

Marriage Licenses

Joseph Zitnik, Sheboygan,
Oloysiza Delonsik, "

Robert Smitt, Underhill, Oconto Co.,
Minnie Wendling, Elkhart.

Joseph Poshenel, Sheboygan,
Johanna Uubas, "

Charles Ford, Lyndon,
Bidella Lindsay, Mitchell.

Esadora Mullen, Milwaukee,
Gussie Reiger, Sheboygan.

Sherman Jagor, Sheboygan,
Mrs. Minnie Prost, "

Pushing Street Improvements

Eul, Cochems & Nebel, who were awarded the contract for sewer construction covering the southeastern part of the city, commenced work on the same Wednesday in the vicinity of the Eastern avenue river bridge with a crew of twenty-five men, which number will be increased, we are informed. The indications are that the contractors will push the project to completion as rapidly as possible.

--------------------------------------- * --------------------------------------

Dr. H. A. Pfeifer of Jackson and Miss Frankie Murray of Manawa attended the Lady Minstrels performance here Thursday evening.

Other Members Deserve Credit

In our mention of the Fest Zeitung publication last week, we are informed by D. Mahlsted that we were in error in giving him full credit in securing the large number of advertisements for the same. Allied with him in his work were Joe Rieck and Gus. Reinke, particularly, who deserve credit with him.

Mr. Mahlsted states that every member of the Harmonie Singing Society is taking an active interest in the arrangements for the Saengerfest to be held here in July, which together with the encouragement being accorded them by our citizens as a unit, gives indications that the Saengerfest to be held will eclipse any similar event in the history of that body.


A Calico Party
Next Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock doors will be open at St. John's hall to welcome all to the following invitation:

Ladies and gents we invite you all,
April 5th, to St. John's Hall,
In Calico gowns the ladies array,
For the privilege twenty-five cents you pay,
A tie of your gown you must bring along,
If a partner you wish in the merry throng.
Friends and neighbors, we bid you come,
And dance till the band plays,
"Home Sweet Home."

Catholic Entertainment Committee.


Celebrate Wedding Anniversary

Today (Friday) marks the thirty-second wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Lepper and they will celebrate the event with a company of friends at their home this evening.


The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary Branch of Paul's parish will be held next Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. C. Mead



Come in and let us show our line of buggies and wagons


Now is the time to buy your Corn Planters, Cultivators, Spring Tooth Harrows and all other farm implements


We can save you money on seeders

High Quality..
...Low Prices

P. De Master
Cedar Grove - Wis.


Pure Drinking Water
Means Good Health
The purest spring water
in Wisconsin is bottled
and delivered by the
Crystal Spring Water Co.
R. H. Schmidt Prop.
Telephone White 115


Orders also can
be left at the O. W.
Drug Store Michigan Avenue.


Entertained at Cinch

Miss Nellie McDonnell entertained the ladies of the cinch club on Monday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Stephan A. Douglas east of Cascade. They had a very pleasant time. Miss Mabel Schultz received first prize and Miss Annable Rogers second.

A Trip to Shawano

E. F. Clark took the train for Shawano on Monday where he will see to the packing and shipping Arthur Lammers household goods to the cheese factory he purchased of Robert Petznicht two miles south-east of the village. Mr. Petznicht will move to Shawano this week.

L. A. Moll one of Cascade (sic) successful and up to date merchants renewed his subscription to the Herald and Review one day this week.

Grandma Clark received a card with the following: Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lindsay requests your presence at the marriage of their daughter Bedella to Mr. Charles Ford Wednesday morning April 6th, 1910 at St. Michaels Catholic church Parnell, Wis. Reception ten to three o'clock.

John Doherty one of the well to do farmers of Lyndon transacted business on Monday and renewed his subscription to the Herald and Review.

We received a letter and money order from Joseph Brown formerly from Mitchell but now from Sioux Rapids Iowa to renew his subscription to the Herald and Review. Mr. Brown writes it has been very nice weather there and farmers have sowing grain the past two weeks or more.

The straw hat season this week

A very little snow or rain in the month of March.

Playing quoits is a good game for the boys and girls this summer.

Trees look spring like now with a coat of green leaves on.

Good-bye Mr. March, you left a good record. Please come again.

Mrs. Charley Hinz of Sherman called in Cascade on Wednesday.

Tuesday, March 29th the mercury jumped up to 84 at 2 o'clock.

Mrs. J. H. Lynch and daughter, Marie, of Mitchell called on relatives in Cascade on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Suemnicht spent Monday in Scott with their friends and relatives.

Charley Ford and Misses Bedella Lindsay and Hazel Ford were in Sheboygan on Monday.

Paul Grabs dressed up Stephen Douglas' horses with a nice set of harness on Monday.

John Murray and Mike Flood passed through Cascade enroute for Mitchell on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Hinkley of Mitchell transacted business in Cascade onTuesday and called on friends.

The Piper crew of carpenters are building an addition of 20 feet to D. Vanderhoff's barn three miles north east of Cascade.

Source: The Plymouth Reporter - Saturday, April 9, 1910

Bits of Local Information

Concerning Our People, Business and Progress in the County and Town.

Miss Alma Pingel went to Kiel, Wednesday.

Miss Helen Bohn spent a few days this week in Waldo.

Miss Alice Greene of Waldo spent last Friday in the city.

Herman Bohn went to Merrill, Tuesday to visit relatives.

Mrs. Fox of Milwaukee is visiting her daughter Mrs. B. Feld.

Mr. Goetz of Milwaukee spent Tuesday at A. C. Koehler's.

Misses Ida and Meta Rieck were Sheboygan visitors Tuesday.

C. N. Warner spent the past week at Toledo, Ohio on business.

Miss Anna Wierman of Waldo was a city visitor Wednesday.

Buster Brown and Miss Ida Simon spent Sunday at Glenbeulah.

Miss Florence O'Connor of Cascade was a city visitor Monday.

Mrs. Louis Winkler spent the past week with relatives in Silver Creek.

Misses Selina and Iris Goelzer spent Wednesday in the Cream city.

Miss Catherine O'Connor spent a few days this week in the Cream City.

Miss Frieda Miller of Oshkosh visited Miss Anna Reinhold last (Article cut off)

John P. Goelzer spent Sunday in Milwaukee.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schram spent Sunday with relatives in Chilton.

Junior dancing party at the Lyceum hall this (Friday) evening.

Misses Olga and Lulu Zolltheis of Sheboygan visited the city last week.

Miss Florence O'Connell attended the Ford - Lindsay wedding in Parnell, Wednesday.

George Reineck of the town of Rhine and Miss Ella Pteil of Kiel have secured a license to wed.

Elwood Bade left Thursday for Louisville, Ky., in the interests of the H. J. Bamford Cheese Co.

George Helmer and Philip Goosman returned home last week Thursday from a trip to Lewiston, Mont.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Edler, Clarence and Esther spent Saturday and Sunday in Sheboygan, with relatives.

Mrs. Hattie Corbett and children moved Monday into their new home recently purchased of Miss Taylor on West Main street.

Mrs. Helwig of Elm Center who was a guest at the home of her brother, Wm. Brown, returned to her home last Saturday.

The third annual May dancing party of Alice Rebekah Lodge, No. (Article cut off)

Anton Schreiner left Monday for Germany.

Miss Mabel Saemans was a Milwaukee visitor Thursday.

Mrs. Sophia Douglas spent Thursday with Waldo relatives.

Mrs. Egbert Wierman of Waldo was a city visitor Monday.

Mrs. E. Buswell and daughter of Depere spent Wednesday at J. Knowd's.

Mrs. Bellows of Milwaukee spent Thursday with her sister Miss Mina Zinkgraf.

Miss Sadie Capelle of Green Bay visited her parents here a few days this week.

Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Jung left yesterday for a week's visit at Fredonia and Milwaukee.

Robert Schneider of Stout Institute spent his Easter vacation at his home in Franklin.

Mrs. M. Crosby returned home Thursday evening from a visit of two weeks in Green Bay.

Mrs. Theo. Kaul and daughter of Batavia spent Thursday in the city with the family of Ernest Gershmel.

Mr. and Mrs. F C. Collins of Milwaukee visited a few days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Collins.

Wm. Preuder, employed at the Plymouth Furniture Co., injured two fingers of his right hand last Monday.

E. C. Collins spent a few days last week at Rockford, Ill., with his son Frank and family and also stopped at Chicago.

The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. H. Austin next Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. All ladies are cordially invited.

Will and Fred Wicht of Peoria, Ill., came home last Saturday owing to the serious illness of their mother (article cut off)

Transcribed & Contributed by Kay Reitberger.

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