Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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St. Patrick's Parish Records

These death records look to have come from the St. Patrick's Book

Page 235

Marie Elisabeth Hand, Sept. 4, 1893 (born Lamb) (28)

Micheal Needham died 25, buried Oct. 28, 1893 (78)

Martha Lamb, Dec. 8, 1893 (17) (yusque)
Wife of Jacob

Guilieum Donovan died on the 24, buried Aug. 26, 1894 (2)
Son of John and Marie Murphy Donovan

Phillip Hand, died on the 27, buried Aug 29, 1894 (10 mo.)
Son of Phillip & Theresa Hagerty Hand

Mark McFarlin, died on the 2, buried Nov. 3, 1894 (16)
(Ellis Janntown)

Page 236

Jacob Looby, died on 23, buried on March 25, 1894

Ida Marx, died on the 9th, buried April 11, 1894 (10)
Adopted daughter of Matthew & Marie Lamb Sprangers

John Donovan, died on the 24th, Buried Aug. 26, 1894 (15 mo.)

Phillip Hand, died on the 28th, buried Aug. 30, 1894 (14 mo.)

Patrick Manning, died on the 6th, buried Feb. 8, 1895 (40)

Richard Gilligan, died 13th, Canton S. D. buried June 16, 1895 (53)

Vincent Masterson, died on the 12th, buried Sept. 14, 1895
Born April 10th.

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Marie Masterson, died on the 4th, buried Nov. 6, 1895 (44?)
Wife of John Masterson

(?)arl Skelton, died on the 16th, buried Nov. 19, 1895
son of Henry & Elisabeth Skelton

Guilielium Dunn, died on the 20th, buried Mar. 23. 1896 (52)

Richard Conway, died on the 15th, buried Dec. 17, 1896 (57)
In Sheboygan

Anna Harkins, died on the 14th, buried Jan. 17, 1898 (80)
Wife of Patrick

(?)amm Needham, May 5, 1898 (Magi) (4mo.)
Infant son of Michael & Sarah Needham

Patrick Delevan, died on the 11th, buried Dec. 14, 1898 (66)

Margaret O'Toole (Sheb. 27th sacrements) Dec. 29, 1898

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Bridget Masterson died Feb 5, buried Feb. 7, 1899 (78)

Edward Masterson drowned June 22, buried June 23, 1899 (39)

Francis Obertin died Aug. 27, buried Aug. 29, 1899 (65)

Joosph Dunn, born Dec. 8, died Dec. 10, 1899 son of Dominic & Lucy
McElroy Dunn

Jacob (James ) Lamm (Lamb) died Feb. 13, buried Feb. 19, 1900 (74)

Rose Anna (Lamb) McGee died Feb 26, buried Mar. 1, 1900 (63)

Dennis Waters died July 3, in Milwaukee buried July 5, 1900 (65)

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Daniel Harkins died Dec. 19 in Milwaukee, buried Dec 22, 1900 (61)
(in soldiers home)

William Murphy Lyons died April 27, buried May 1, 1901 (29)

Theresa Hackett died Mar. 9, buried Mar. 12, 1902 (55)

Jacob Maning died April 26, buried April 29, 1902 (79)

Garrett Doyle died June 3, buried June 5, 1902 (76)

Marie Ellenbecker died in Sheboygan June 3, buried June 6, 1902 (38)

Alexander Nugent died March 27, buried March 30, 1903 (79)

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Micheal Lamb, died Mar. 27th, buried 31, 1903 (68)

John Nugent, died June 5, buried 8th, 1903 (52)

Thomas Nugent, died July 21, buried 24, 1903 (82)

Micheal Mahoney, died Dec. 9th, buried 12, 1903 (85)

Julius Long, died Dec. 14th, buried 16, 1903 (72)

Helen Donovan, died Jan. 10th, buried 13, 1904 (25)
Daughter of Phillip & Marie Donovan

Edward Hackett, died Feb. 14, buried 18, 1904 (54)

(?)nna Helminger, died on Mar. 15th, buried 18, 1904 (19)

Margaret Nugent, died April 22nd, buried 25, 1904 (37)

Page 241

Joannes Hernon (Hannon), July 6, 1879, born in Sherman April 30, 1856
Son of Jacob Hernon (Hannon)

(?)aralum McKee, died Minneapolis on 20th, buried Sept. 22, 1904

Jacob Dunn, died on 24, buried Jan 27, 1905 (76)

Guliumam (William Earl) Ogle, Feb. 9th, 1905 (7)

Catherine Maning, died on the 20th, buried Mar. 23, 1905 (80)

Thomas Nockley, died April 9th, Marshfield, buried April 11, 1905 (84)

Guiliuman Masterson, died Milwaukee on 5th, buried Jan. 8th, 1906 (43)

Page 242

Josephine Bastian, died Feb. 3rd, buried 6, 1906 (24)

Peter Lamb, died on 28, Colby, buried Mar. 21, 1906 (34)

Catherine McKenna, died on June 8th, buried 11, 1906 (40)
Wife of Bryan (Bernard) McKenna)

Guliumum Lyons, died Sept. 6th, buried 10, 1906 (64)

Regina Popp, died on Sept. 6th, buried 10, 1906 (46)

Maria (Glingler) Klinger (neeHand) died Nov. 4, buried 8, 1906 (40)

Jacob Gilligan, Dec. 1, 1906 (62)

Anna Reed, died on Feb. 8th, buried 11, 1907 (85)

Miriam Muelbauer, died on Feb 16, buried on 19, 1907 (72)
Wife of Lawerence

Page 243

Marion Mahoney, died in Sheboygan on Mar. 12, buried 15, 1907 (80)

Jacob O'Hara, died on March 16, buried 19, 1907 (11 mo.)
Son of John & Catherine

Caralum Helminger, died April 2nd, buried 5, 1907 (57)

John Dunn, died on Oct. 5th, buried 7, 1908 (75)

Catherine Lamb, died on Dec. 22, buried 26, 1908 (77)

Thomas McKee (McGee) died Feb. 28, buried Mar. 3, 1909 (86)

Phillip Hand, died march 20th, buried 22, 1909 (68)

Jocob O'Hara, died March 27th, buried 30, 1909 (79)

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Jacob McMullen, died April 18, buried 21, 1909 (21)

Margaret O'Hara, died Jan. 26th, buried 28, 1910 (58)

Helen Helminger, died Jan. 29th, buried 31, 1910 (58)

Richard Gilligan, died Feb. 25, Lima Falls, Iowa, buried Mar. 1, 1910 (28)

Patrick Harkins, died at Milwaukee on Mar. 14, buried 17, 1910 (74)

John Edward Scanlon, died Sept. 11, 1910, born Aug. 16 (infant)

Peter Nugent, died Jan. 31, buried Feb. 3, 1911 (43)

Catherine Murphy, died on Mar. 4th, buried 7, 1911 (63)

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Dominic Dunn, died on June 21, buried 24, 1911 (74)

Henry Skelton, died Sept. 21st, buried 24, 1911 (66)

Anna Masterson, died Oct. 21, buried 24, 1911 (74)

Marion Anna McFarland, died Milwaukee on Dec. 25, buried 28, 1911 (64)

(next entry cut off)

John Donovan, died Annoconda, Montana May 5, buried 23, 1912 (48)

Maria McElroy, died May 11th, buried 14, 1912 (80)

Patrick Murphy, died Milwaukee on Aug. 5th, buried 12, 1912 (68)

Page 246

Richard Donovan, died in Milwaukee, burial Dec. 5, 1912 (47)

1913 Vacat

Richard Donovan, March 30, 1914 (78)

Mary Waters, July 27, 1914 (70)

John Murphy, died in Milwaukee July 30, buried Aug. 1914

Florence Lamb, died on the 19th, buried Aug. 20, 1914 (24)
Husband Patrick Lamb

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Thomas O'Hara died Nov. 29, 1914 (50)

James McCaffrey July 28, 1915 (75)

David Donovan, Sept. 14, 1915 (86)

Margaret Bord, July 26, 1916 (94) in Milwaukee

Justin Donovan, Nov. 25, 1916 (26) Annaconda, Montana

Mrs. James McCaffrey, Dec. 5, 1916 (67)
(Kate Masterson)

Page 248

Bridget Doyle, died Feb. 5, buried on the 12, 1917 (79)

Thomas E. Gilligan, died Deluth, Mn. April 28, 1917 (37)

Katherine Obertin, died July, buried 24, 1917 (37)

Mary Lamb, Jan. 22, 1918 (86)
Husband Thomas Lamb

May Ellen McElroy, died in Milwaukee, April 7, 1918

Bridget McKenna, died Maji (May) 24, buried 27, 1918
In Sheboygan

Page 249

James McKenna, died on Oct. 19, buried 20, 1918 (63)

Edward Hand, died in Texas Oct. 1918 (soldier in infantry)

John Needham, died Nov. 10, Deluth, Mn., buried 20, 1918 (63)

Alice Page, Jan. 20, 1919 (50)

Thomas Lamb, Dec. 17, 1918

Isabelle Donovan, May 8, 1919 (46) husband Joseph

Page 250

Edith Lamb, May 17, 1919 infant daughter of Miles

Dr. Caralus Obertin, July 4, 1919 (38)

John Manung, Nov. 2, 1919 died in Iowa (69)

James Doyle, April 28, 1920 (59)

Henry Hanon, Nov. 19, 1920 (84)

Sarah Lamb, Dec. 27, 1920 died in Chicago (75)

Page 251

Matthew Sprangers, Dec. 28, 1920 (60) father John Sprangers

Carolus Hansen (Hanun) (Miles Thomas died Oct. 17, 1918 Random Lake

James Nugent, Mar 14, 1921 died Milwaukee (66)

Phillip Donovan, Sept 18, 1921 (89)

Joannes Sullivan, died in Milwaukee Oct. 7, 1921

Page 252

Mrs. Matthew Sprangers, Jan. 28, 1922 died in Sheboygan (56)

Richard McKenna, Dec 22, 1922, died in Green Bay (30)

Mary Donovan, Feb. 20, 1923 Husband Phillip (85)

Julia Clark, Feb. 4, 1024 (57)

Theresa Hand, Sept. 20, 1924

William Carr (Karr) Sept. 20, 1924 (60)

Page 253

Thomas Lyons, Dec. 14, 1924 single (80)

Rose Hannon, April 17, 1925 (87) single

Miles Nugent, Dec. 14, 1925 died in Milwaukee (78)

Patrick Harkins, Jan. 24, 1926 (71) single

Margaret Kenna, July 10, 1926 (89)

Julia Bruders, July 7, 1926 (66)

Page 254

Bernardus Mc Kenna May 7, 1926 (66)

Rose Ann Heinen, May 7, 1926 (32)

Joseph McKenna, May 7, 1926 (32)
Note: These three parties were killed in (an) automobile accident, the father, his daughter, and his son. On way home from church.

Edward C. Lamb, died March 10, buried 14th, 1928
Wife Margaret O'Reilly

Mary Jane O'Hara, died June 10, buried 13th, 1928 (53)
Husband Henry O'Hara

Page 255

Margaret Hand, died Sept. 9, buried the 12th, 1928 (54)
Died in Roberts, Ill.

This is the end of old book, cont'd in new book and written in English Instead of Latin.

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Contributed by: Ann Lamb

If you have any question, e-mail Debie

Copyright 1997 - 2006 by Debie Blindauer
All Rights reserved