Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Source: Sheboygan Press April 29, 1927

Old Green Bay Road Now Main Street Of An Aggressive Community

The center of interest in the history of the town of Holland is found in the colonization of Hollanders in the section now known as the village of Cedar Grove.

Naturally, the first settlement in the town was along the lake shore. Amsterdam originally was a colony of fishermen and, until after the railroad was constructed, formed the leading trading center in the town of Holland. Later a few Hollanders located in and near Amsterdam, but the majority settled on lands situated along the old Green Bay road, part of which now forms the main street in the village of Cedar Grove.

Even before the advent of the steam railroad through the town, the present village of Cedar Grove was an active trading center for the early settlers in that region. Small stores were opened there, although the principal trading in merchandise was carried on at Sheboygan. However, these small stores carried a stock of provisions and were generally patronized by the resident farmers.

First Store In Village

There is a doubt regarding the first store which was established at Cedar Grove. It has been said that H. J. Traas enjoyed the distinction of having the first store but this cannot be confirmed. J. D. Vreman, who also arrived in 1850, and also his wife, maintain that J. Caljouw had the first store and that the building was located on the Green Bay road about one mile north of the present village.

Peter Huisheere, (Sr/Jr?) who has lived all his life in that section, is of the opinion that the first store was conducted by Cornelius Cook who erected a building for the purpose near the log cabin built for Sweezy Burr in 1848.

Others contend that the first store was owned and operated by C. Prinsen. The latter building is a two-story brick and still stands on its original site on the east side of the main street near Union Avenue. The building was later occupied as a general store by Huenink Brothers. At the present time it is used for residence purposes.

The building erected for and occupied by Cornelius Cook was later occupied at different times by a man named Rotieres, then by a man named Fischer and when G. H. TeKolste was postmaster he carried on a general merchandise business in the same building.

The question in dispute hinges upon dates confined within a period of not more than two years apart. It is, therefore, a natural result that there should be some doubt as to who actually started the first store in the village.

The facts assembled for the history connected with the village of Cedar Grove were furnished jointly by Henry Meengs, Peter Huisheere, and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Vreman, all of whom are the best authorities living today. The question of who was the first to start a store must therefore remain in doubt.

Three Prominent Pioneers

Mr. Meengs served as assessor of the town of Holland for eleven years. Mr. Huisheere is a son of Peter Huisheere Sr., who passed away in 1925 at the age of 101 years, while Mr. Vreman has resided in the town for more than seventy-seven years. He came from the Netherlands in 1859 and last September 7 observed his eighty-six birthday.

Mrs. Vreman, who is still hale and hearty and possesses all her faculties, is eighty years of age. Mr. Vreman is a tailor by trade and was the first to ply the trade in the present village. Despite his advanced years, except for a physical infirmity that prevents him from walking, Mr. Vreman still maintains excellent health. He reads readily without the aid of glasses, and only two years ago made a suit of clothes for one of his customers. He also makes his own suits of clothing. He conducted a custom tailoring shop at Cedar Grove from 1871 to 1895, when he retired from active business.

Peter Huisheere's father was one of the earliest settlers in the town. It was he who first platted the present village of Cedar Grove, which contained thirty-nine acres of land. The other one acre, constituting the original forty acres, had been purchased by the first Henry Walvoord in the town and set aside by him to be utilized as a burial ground. His family cemetery plot is situated on the west side of the Green Bay road, directly opposite the present interurban station. Mr. Huisheere, Sr., for many years lived in the old log cabin erected by Sweezy Burr. This old landmark was torn away about twelve years ago. A picture of the old log house appears in this historical edition.

There is also a doubt regarding the question as to who built the second store in the village. Mr. Meengs states that it was Anthony Walvoord and that the building was located near the north end of the main street of the present village. A man named Montaba, it is claimed by others, started a general store about one mile east of the village about sixty years ago.

Desmidt First Blacksmith

William DeSmidt built and operated the first blacksmith shop in the village, although prior to that time a Mr. Ver Kuelen had a similar shop which was located between the village of Cedar Grove and Amsterdam. Mr. DeSmidt's shop was located at the north end of the village near the site of the present Presbyterian church building.

Dr. A. C. Van Altena was the first practicing physician in the village. He also was postmaster there, succeeding Sweezy Burr who first held that office. For a short time, D. Van Altena published the first newspaper printed in the Holland language in the United States. His brother, John Van Altena, doubtless conducted the first hotel in the village. This was known as the Cedar Grove hotel.

While the present compiler was in Cedar Grove he was shown the original sign board of this hotel. It is a well painted and well preserved sign and was thrown into a pile of lumber. About sixty years ago, a meat market was located in the old hotel building and later it was occupied as a saloon. It was subsequently remodeled and now is being occupied by Ben Mentink and his family. It is located on the east side of the main street south of Union avenue.

C. W. Holle was the first tinsmith to locate in the village. His shop was located at the northeast corner of Union avenue and Main street, where it still stands and is occupied as a residence.

Three Killed By Train

Mr. Holle figures in the worst tragedy recorded in the history of the village. On the night of September 9, 1899, the buggy in which he was riding with A. H. Schiereck and a man named Fox was struck by a limited North Western passenger train at the main crossing in the village. All three men were killed and the buggy demolished. A team of horses attached to the vehicle were also killed but the driver, Albert Eick, escaped with minor injuries.

D. Meengs, father of Henry, was probably the first shoemaker in the village. His shop was located on the Green Bay road and was built of logs on a site near the south end of the present village.

The first building used as the depot after the railroad was completed at Cedar Grove, stood directly north of the warehouse now occupied by the Co-operative Exchange. That building was later moved south and now forms the warehouse occupied by the Pantzer Lumber company. It was moved to its present site when the third and last depot was built.

The original Academy building was later converted into a two-family flat by Herman Lemke and was moved to its present site at the north end of the village.

The original Presbyterian church building was remodeled and for some time was occupied by J. A. H. TeGanvoort, who conducted a dance hall in a portion of the building and a furniture store in the other part. Later John TeRonde took over the furniture store and converted a part of the building into a horse barn. It was removed by Henry Liefbroer to the lot north of the present post office where it was used as a boarding house for a few years. The post office was located in the building for about seven years. The old building was finally remodeled for residence purposes by Ed Theune who now owns the property.

Gristmill Burns

While it has been claimed that W. M. Stronks & Co. built the first steam gristmill on the Green Bay road in 1876, and put in three-run of stones, and ground an average of fifty bushels per day, there is a dispute among some of the present living old settlers regarding the authenticity of this claim. Mr. Huisheere declares that the first gristmill in the village was built by a man named Grootemaat, and that the mill was located on Union avenue, west of the railroad tracks. In this claim he is supported by others. The latter mill burned about forty years ago. The original mill is said to have been erected by W. M. Stronks & Co., was rebuilt and later torn down.

William Sweemer built a grain warehouse in 1878 on the Green Bay road, which was later destroyed by fire.

G. Lammers built the Phoenix elevator in 1875. The building still stands on the original site on the east side of the railroad tracks near the depot, where it is occupied by the Pantzer Lumber company, present owners of the property.

Frank Mathers is said to have built and operated the first cheese factory in the village, and in 1880, J. Van De Wall built a similar factory which is now occupied as a branch milk depot by the Gridley dairy.

The building now occupied by Ed Te Ronde as a furniture store was originally the house of worship of the Reformed church congregation. It was later moved to its present site on the west side of the main street of Union avenue.

The Academy was started in the chapel of the Reformed church building. The chapel later was converted into a dwelling house, after it was moved on Union avenue east of the present Academy building, and now it is occupied by Mrs. Lensink.

George Knowles built a flouring-mill on the Green Bay road directly south of the present interurban station. The milling business was later carried on by George Tyler. Since it was first erected exclusively as a flouring-mill, it has been used as a sawmill and for a time it was occupied by a firm manufacturing broom handles. At the present time the old building is occupied by Lemke & Hesselink as a garage, and an oil filling station has been established in connection with it. It is situated where the Green Bay road intersects with the Amsterdam road.

Tannery On Sauk Trail

Joseph Remich started a tannery about sixty years ago on the Sauk Trail in the northeast corner of Section 36. This was the only tannery ever located in the town. Sons of Remich now reside near Belgium.

In addition to other names listed at Amsterdam, it may be said that I. Vanburg was the first shoe maker in that section of town. At one time there were located at this settlement along the lake shore, four stores, three saloons, a blacksmith shop and a cooperage specializing in making hogsheads. The blacksmith shop was owned and operated by a man named Rosenkranz, and the cooperage by David Souls.

The first railroad train reached the village in November, 1872. Before the depot was built there was a spirited contest between C. Prinsen, leading a group of residents from the north end of the village, and another group located at the south end of the main street, or Green Bay road. The south end residents were favored when the depot was built in that section of the village.

In the winter of 1863-64 a serious smallpox epidemic caused the death of several residents of the village and town.

The first village school house was a comparatively small frame building containing four rooms. This building was later purchased by the Masons in the village and is now being used as a lodge room. It is located directly east of the present new modern schoolhouse which includes eight grades.

Burr First Postmaster

The postmasters in the order of succession were Sweezy Burr, C. Van Altena, C. Kuck, G. H. Te Kolste, A. L. Montaba, A. C. Walvoord, C. Prinsen, Ed. Stronks, A. H. Schiereck, J. De Master, A. Fonteine, W. De Smith and H. W. Lemmenes. The latter tool office March 1, 1922.

At the present time there are two village schools, ten district schools, and one joint district school in the town of Holland. The last school census showed that in Cedar Grove there were 189 pupils, in Oostburg 138 pupils, and in the district schools a total enrollment of 663 pupils, making in all a total enrollment in the town numbering 990 pupils.

Cedar Grove was incorporated as a village in 1900 and the first officers were: President, G. Lammers; trustees, Wm. Brummels, Wm. Meinen, J. L. Ramaker, N. F. Pott, J. Vande Wall, and John Mentink; clerk, J. M. Vanderveen; treasurer, J. Prinsen,; supervisor, A. Fontiene; assessor, Peter Huisheere; street commissioner, Herman Wevers.

Following are the officers elected in 1926:

President, G. W. Soerens; trustees, H. K. Schreuers, Henry Obink, Harold Stokdyk, U. Grotenhuis, J. C. Dees, and Jac. Lensink; clerk, A. B. De Smidt; treasurer, Oscar Vande Wall; assessor, J. E. Daane; supervisor, G. Grotenhuis; police justice, A. G. Koeppe; justices of the peace, John C. Dees and Henry Houmes; constable, Herbert Mentink; marshall, Peter Theune, and street commissioner, J. W. Rauerdink.

The present village hall was built in 1903 and contains a hall which is used for community purposes.

In 1911 the volunteer fire department was organized. The present officers are: G. W. Soerens, chief; P. De Master, assistant chief; and A. H. De Smidt, secretary.

In addition to a number of modern retail establishments, Cedar Grove has an important tool forge company, a shoe factory, a stove factory, a large pea canning factory and a brick and tile works.

Business Institutions Of Cedar Grove Reflect Spirit Of Achievement

One of the outstanding institutions located in the village of Cedar Grove is the Cedar Grove State Bank, which was organized in October, 1901, being the first (?) bank in Sheboygan county. Temporary offices were opened in the building originally built for a depot in that village, but later used as a warehouse by the Cedar Grove Hardware company.

This bank was started with a capitalization of $25,000, and the first directors chosen were J. B. Lund and H. B. Bftzold of Minneapolis, Minn., and G. Lammers, John Jungers and John Vande Wall of Cedar Grove. J. G. Lund was elected president; G. Lammers, vice-president; H. B. Bftzold, cashier, and William Huenink, assistant cashier.

In 1902 a site opposite the North Western railway depot was purchased from G. Lammers and a bank building was erected for the following eighteen years.

In 1903 the Lund and Bftzold interests were purchased by local companies and in the re-organization J. B. Huenink was chosen president; John Vande Wall, vice-president, and William Huenink, cashier. The new board of directors comprised A. Stokdyk, H. Ruslink, John De Master, Tony Walvoord, and John Jungers. In 1906 D. (???) succeeded Tony Walvoord as director, the latter leaving the state.

At this period the bank had thirty-four stockholders and was making steady and rapid progress. So great was the increased volume of business transacted by the bank that at the annual meeting in 1919, it was deemed necessary to erect a more commodious building to adequately provide for the growing needs of the institution. At the same meeting, it was unanimously decided to increase the capital stock from $25.000 to $50,000.

The new building, which was erected soon thereafter, is an ornament to the community and is representative of the thrift and enterprise of the community and surrounding territory in the town. It is essentially a public institution and reflects the security and dignity of its purpose.

The following figures, indicating the constant and rapid growth of this bank, are remarkable and is a glowing tribute to the thrift and success of the people living in that community.


1901......$ 42,409.72
1906...... 146,204.37
1911...... 211,171.48
1916...... 300,386.78
1920...... 580,452.44

The bank now has 103 stockholders, all of Sheboygan county.

Cedar Grove Shoe Mfg. Co.

The above named business was started to give Cedar Grove a full-time manufacturing plant to take care of the large unemployment which was in that village at the time. The factory started operating January 1, 1923, in an old wooden building formerly used as a hemp factory, but six months later the business had increased to such an extent that the company was forced to build a new plant containing about 10,000 square feet of floor space in order to properly carry on the business. One year later another addition was built to provide for the expansion.

The first year the records show that the business amounted to (???), the second year, $300,000; the third year, $325,000, while in 1926 it had reached a total of $350,000. Lack of help prevents the company from increasing the business in 1927 to half a million dollars. The pay-rolls have increased about the same proportion as the business, the payroll for 1926 amounting to about $100,000. While in former years about 100 (?) were employed, at present there are 113 names of the payroll.

The Cedar Grove Shoe Mfg. company manufactures children's (?) and growing girls' shoes in (?) Flex welt and Goodyear welt, which are stamped according to their construction, under the names of "Chums" and "College Chums." Under these trade names the shoes made by this company are becoming well-known from coast-to-coast, a large proportion of the production being shipped out to the heart of the shoe center.

The present officers of the company are as follows:

President and General Manager - Ernest L. Riebau
Vice-president - John B. Huenink
Secretary - Ira Lubbers
Treasurer - Matthew J. De Master
The board of directors includes John De Master, Elmer E. Olson, Oscar Van Der Wall

Dutch Canning Co.

The Dutch Canning company at Cedar Grove, has been in continuous operation since 1908, at which time it was organized with a capital stock of $25,000. The first year a cash crop was furnished to the farmers to the extent of 250 acres of land, which acreage has steadily increased until the business now controls 1,500 acres in the immediate territory.

A three story building now occupies the site where once stood a single story structure. A warehouse is connected with the main building with a capacity to store 100,000 cases of canned vegetables, available to supply the trade throughout the year.

A year ago, this company acquired the Belgium Canning company's plant, located in Belgium, Wis., for the purpose of increasing the production in order to supply the rapidly increasing demand for the products of the Dutch Canning company, whose brands of canned goods have won enviable reputation from coast-to-coast.

The plant employs a working force of 150 men and women.

The names of the present officers of the company follow:

President and General Manager - Ben Huenink
Vice-president - John Weavers
Secretary - John B. Huenink
Treasurer - William Huenink

Cedar Grove Concrete Products Co.

The Cedar Grove Concrete Products company was organized in October, 1920. At the start the company made only concrete drain tiles, but in the spring of 1923, the making of building blocks was added to the business.

The company has been successful from its beginning, and in order to supply a growing demand, this spring will start making a line of lightweight, heavy-bearing building tile.

The increasing business derived from the city of Sheboygan, encouraged the company, in the fall of 1925, to establish a branch office and yard at the corner of S. Nineteenth street and Ashland avenue. This plant is being operated under the name of the Sheboygan Block company, and at this place lightweight building tile and brick are made.

Six men are employed at the Cedar Grove plant.

The officers of the company are as follows:

President - H. K. Schreurs
Vice-president - John Voskuil
Secretary-treasurer and General Manager - Ben Voskuil

Henry Houmes

Henry Houmes, the popular garage man, started in the automobile business in Cedar Grove, on March 1, 1917, in a building with dimensions of forty by forty-five feet.

The business continued to grow rapidly and the original building was found inadequate to properly conduct the repair work and at the same time provide the facilities for the handling and care of automobiles. To overcome this difficulty, in 1921, a thirty-five foot addition was built, providing a floor space with the dimensions of forty by eighty-five feet.

Two competent auto repair men are employed to give efficient service.

Sweet Shop

The Sweet Shop at Cedar Grove was started in the fall of 1921 by Harold E. Stokdyk. One year after opening the shop he increased the size of the building and added another story for living quarters. After the alterations were made Mr. Stoldyk began serving home-made cooked dinners from 12 to 1 o'clock p.m. and lunches at all hours.

In 1925 he had a modern electrically-cooled soda fountain and an ice cream cabinet installed thereby being enabled to serve the public with the very best quality ice cream and cool beverages, which are maintained at a uniform temperature of 40 degrees. In addition to the lines mentioned, a well selected stock of fancy boxed candies is carried by the Sweet Shop.

Eagle Grocery & Shoe Co.

The Eagle Grocery and Shoe company of Cedar Grove, was started in 1921 by John Smies and J. A. Huibregtse, of Cedar Grove, and H. A. Verhulst of Sheboygan. The company commenced business in an old frame building located on the west side of the main street in the village, north of the North-Western right-of-way, which was erected about 50 years ago.

On January 1, 1925, G. W. Soerens bought Verhulst's interest in the firm and a new company was incorporated with the following officers:

President - J. A. Huibregtse
Vice-president and Treasurer - G. W. Soerens
Secretary - J. E. De Master

Two years ago, the company erected a new addition south of the original store, which was connected with the old building by a modern front.

The company specializes in dried fruits and fresh fruits in season, although it also carries in stock a diversified line consisting of dry goods, notions, shoes, rubbers and a fine stock of drugs, including a complete line of Dr. Roberts stock remedies.

Cedar Grove Hardware Co.

The Cedar Grove Hardware company was established in 1915, when G. W. Meinen and D. A. Van Der Laan formed a partnership and bought the hardware store originally started by Ben Mentink and later sold to Van Driest Bros.

The store is located on the west side of the main street in the heart of the business district of the village, and since it was taken over by the present firm the business has steadily increased in volume.

The firm deals in general hardware, stoves and ranges, paints and oils, sheet metal work, plumbing and heating systems.

The warehouse connected to the store on the north side is the building originally built for the first depot when the railroad was completed through Cedar Grove.

Wynveen And Te Lindert

Three years ago Willis Wynveen and George Te Lindert formed a partnership and opened an auto repair shop in the building where Garret Wynveen, father of Willis, started a blacksmith shop over twenty years ago.

The building is located on the west side of the main street of Cedar Grove, south of the railroad right-of-way. The young men started in a small way, continuing the blacksmith business, started by Mr. Wynveen, in connection with the auto and truck repair work. They were both born in Cedar Grove and have resided all their lives in the village. They are local sales agents for the Oakland and Pontiac automobiles. The also specialize in oxy-acetylene welding.

John C. Dees

John C. Dees owns and conducts a meat market which is located on the west side of the main street of Cedar Grove, near the center of the village.

This market was started several years ago by Neerhof and Meinen, but later sold to Mike Jacoby. Four years ago Mr. Dees, who has been employed for a number of years in the market bought out Jacoby and carried on the business.

Mr. Dees conducts a neat, modern shop and deals in all kinds of meat , sausage and kindred lines, which are handled under sanitary conditions.

John Potts

John Potts has been established in business at Cedar Grove since 1914. Previous to that time, he had been employed for many years in a department store in the city of Sheboygan. The building which he had erected before he started in business for himself, is located on the main street of the village, the first door north of the State Bank.

The stock of merchandise consists of dry goods and notions, and a full line of crockery and aluminum ware.

Mr. Potts has been successful from the start, and the business has grown to such volume that additional floor space is required to properly handle the increasing trade. To provide for this expansion, plans have been made for a new, modern two-story brick building which is to be constructed next year. The present frame building will be moved back on the lot where it will be utilized as a storage warehouse.

Lemke & Hesselink

Among the enterprising and progressive young business men of Cedar Grove, may be mentioned Herman Lemke and Joseph Hesselink, who formed a partnership six years ago and established a garage and service station on the west side of the main street in the heart of the business section of the village.

The firm is a direct representative of the Ford Motor company and Fordson automobiles, trucks and tractors. In addition to a display and salesroom, the building occupied by the firm contains a repair shop equipped with modern appliances required for this line of work. A complete line of replacement parts is carried at all times, and the firm also deals extensively in radio sets and radio equipment.

Center Store

Forty-seven year ago Henry Meengs opened a general merchandise store in a small building located on the west side of the main street of Cedar Grove, which formerly had been occupied by Dr. L. Van Altena as a drug store. Four years later he erected a larger building a short distance south of the old building, into which he moved his stock of merchandise. The old Van Altena building has since been moved to the north end of the village where it was converted into a dwelling house.

Since 1919 the Center store has been under the management of Ulysses Grotenhuis. This company deals in dry goods, notions, groceries and provisions.

Ruesink And Roelse

Located on the east side of the main street near the north end of the village of Cedar Grove is the blacksmith and wagon repairing shop owned by John Ruesink and John Roelse.

This shop was established by G. W. Soerens, but about eleven years ago, John Ruesink acquired the business which he carried on alone until three years ago, when he formed a partnership with John Roelse who, for several years prior to that time, had been employed by Robert Rusch of the city of Sheboygan.

Besides general blacksmithing, horse shoeing, wagon repairing and specializing in repairing automobiles and truck springs, Ruesink & Roelse are dealers in the John Deere line of farm implements.

Co-Operative Exchange

One of the most important industries in the village of Cedar Grove is The Co-operative Exchange, which operates a gristmill and deals very extensively in flour, feed, grain, seeds, coal and eggs.

The corporation is successor to the Cedar Grove Farmers' Co-operative Produce association, which was organized in 1915 by a group of farmers residing in that locality.

The present company was organized in 1919 and took over the business established by the farmer's association. In 1926, it bought out the grist-mill located directly east of the Northwestern right-of-way, which, for a number of years previously, had been owned by the Kreunen Bros. Co. This mill is still owned and utilized as the grinding plant of the Co-operative Exchange.

The main warehouse and storage plant is located a few doors south of the mill, and is a spacious, substantial building, partly constructed of cement blocks.

While eggs in large quantities are shipped to other markets, the bulk of the products received at the plant are distributed among the farmers residing in that vicinity.

G. H. Kreunen, who formerly was a part owner of the grist-mill is general manager in charge of the Exchange, and six men are employed to give proper service to patrons.

The present officers of the corporation are as follows:

President - G. H. Te Stroete
Vice-president - R. J. Baden
Secretary and Treasurer - D. W. Huenink

Edward Te Ronde

Edward Te Ronde, popular furniture dealer and undertaker, started in business at Cedar Grove in 1907, having purchased the business which had been established the year previous by Sonke & Harmelink.

The building which he occupies, and which is located on the west side of main street near Union avenue, was the original house of worship for the Reformed church congregation.

In addition to handling a large line of furniture, Mr. Te Ronde carries a large stock of wall paper and also does paper hanging. He also owns the property adjoining his store building, formerly a hotel built and operated by August Schiereck, for many years known as the "Corner Building." The first frame building which stood upon that corner was destroyed by fire. For many years before the fire, Mr. Schiereck occupied the older building as a saloon, meat market and a dance hall at the rear, which was a low structure attached to the main building.

After the present imposing two-story frame building was erected, Mr. Schiereck conducted the hotel for a number of years, after which the second floor was converted into a dance hall, and at that time was the most popular meeting place in the village. After Mr. Te Ronde acquired the property, the second floor was remodeled and converted into living quarters. A job printing shop is now located on the ground floor of the building.

Bloemers & Walfoort

While they have been in business at Cedar Grove for only a few years, the firm of Bloemers & Walfoort have become well known and popular merchants in that village. The partnership was formed and the business formerly owned and conducted by Matthew De Master, was purchased on November 20, 1923.

The store is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Main street and Union avenue, the building, for many years, having been occupied as a general store by Huenink Bros.

For five years previous to the time he came to Cedar Grove, H. J. Bloemers operated a cheese factory at Hingham, while B. J. Walfoort, previous to that time, had been engaged in the general merchandise business at Baldwin, Wisconsin.

The firm carries a large stock of dry goods, notions, groceries and gents furnishings.

W. W. Ramaker

About nine years ago W. W. Ramaker opened a lunch room and confectionery store on the east side of the main street in Cedar Grove. He carried on this business in connection with a billiard hall until four years ago, when he temporarily retired. Two years ago he took over the business which he established and of which he is now sole owner.

Mr. Ramaker is well known throughout that region and his place has always been popular with the residents of that locality.

He specializes in short order lunches, but also carries a line of cigars, confectionery, ice cream and soda beverages.

Memorial Academy Credit To Community

The Wisconsin Memorial Academy, located at Cedar Grove, is an educational institution of the Reformed church, founded in the year 1900. As the name indicates, the academy was erected as a fitting memorial to the pioneers of 1847 and of later date, who came from the Netherlands and settled in the eastern part of Wisconsin.

The purpose of the school is to secure for the children of this colony an education founded upon the principles of the Word of God, and especially to prepare students for institutions of higher learning and the service of the church. Three courses are offered: the classical, modern classical, and the English course.

Including this year's class, a total of 230 will have been graduated from the academy since it started. These graduates are found today in China, Japan and Arabia, as missionaries. Several occupy pulpits in other lands, while others are in universities, colleges and rural schools, filling positions as instructors. Many have entered professions and business life. Fully eighty per cent have continued their education after graduating from the academy.

Under the supervision of the Rev. J. J. Van Zanten, assisted by Miss Cornelia Walvoord, formal instruction began on November 17, 1900, in the chapel of the Reformed church at Cedar Grove. This was a two-story building 36 by 40 feet, and served the congregation until 1924, at which time the present brick structure was erected.

This building, which can accommodate 150 pupils, was dedicated in May, 1925.

The following principals have served the academy:

1901 to 1905 - Prof. Egbert Winter
1905 to 1908 - Rev. G. Hospers
1908 to 1912 - Prof. Paul Hinkamp
1912 to 1917 - Prof. W. Vander Laan
1917 to 1920 - Prof. Theo. Zwemer
1920 to 1922 - Prof. J. Meengs
1922 to 127 - Prof. A. J. Visser

The present faculty includes A. J. Visser, principal and H. Mentink, Miss J. Kuyper, and Deloyd Huenink, teachers.

The present enrollment of pupils is eighty-four.

There is a great picture titled "A Group Of Pioneer Holland Settlers"

The original of the above picture was taken in July, 1897, when these hardy pioneers gathered to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the arrival of the first Hollander in Sheboygan county.

Reading from left to right, top row - J. W. Blekking, William Lemahieu, Mrs. B. H. Obrink, B. H. Obrink, Christian Voskiul, Henry Te Grotenhuis, J. I. Brill, Dirk De Witte, Jacob Lemahieu, and Harm Wevers.

Second row - Mrs. Hendertje Roerdink, A. W. Hesslink, Mrs. A. Lubbers, Arent Lubbers, Evert Hartman, H. J. Boland, Mrs. H. J. Boland, Samuel Van Kamp, Mrs. William Pietenpol, Garret J. Duink, Mrs. G. J. Ten Dollen, G. J. Ten Dollen, Mrs. A. J. Vrugink, and A. J. Vrugink.

Third row - Mrs. G. J. Harmelink, Mrs. H. Onk, Mrs. William Huibregtse, Mrs. B. Konings, Mrs. Henry Te Grotenhuis, Henry J. Lemmenes, Cornelius De Smidt, Mrs. H. J. Wilterdink, Mrs. J. W. Wordes, John Mentink, J. W. Wordes, C. J. Schreurs, Mrs. J. A. Ramaker, and J. A. Ramaker.

Bottom row - Peter Huisheere, Sibald Dekkers, Garret Bruggink, Mrs. Garret Bruggink, Abraham Eernisse, H. Luitchers, Peter Daane, William Higby, and Mrs. William Higby.

Cedar Grove Picture


First Postoffice In Log Cabin

Above is shown the log cabin erected by Sweezy Burr in 1848. It was situated on the Green Bay road in the present village of Cedar Grove a short distance east of the interurban station. The first post office in Cedar Grove was located in this log house and Sweezy Burr was the first postmaster. Before this old landmark was torn away about twelve years ago, it was occupied by Peter Huisheere, who passed away on November 28, 1925, at the age of 101 years. The inset is a picture of Mr. Huisheere.

Transcribed by Kay R.

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