In the case of Otto FENNER against DeWitt RIESS, in which the defendant as the result of an a??? collision, M. C. MEAD,
attorney ??? FENNER, has filed a motion in circuit court for a judgement on the verdict for $75 and the costs and
disbursements of the action.
Motion to alter the outcome of the verdict for slander obtained against Arthur ALBRECHT by Carl WIEHR has been filed in
circuit court by M. C. MEAD, attorney for ALBRECHT. WIEHR alleged that the other had accused him of theft.
The motion asks that the verdict be reversed from "Yes" to "No" and that judgement be entered for the defendant, and that
if neither of these be granted, that the court set aside the verdict on the ground that it is not in accord with the law
or the evidence, the result of passed prejudice and bias of the jury and not the result of reason and ??? judgement based
on the testimony and is contrary to the uncontrasted evidence.
Copyright 1997 - 2005 by Debie Blindauer
All Rights reserved