Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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This article was contributed by Kay Reitberger

Sheboygan Press - April 29, 1927


The village of Waldo sprang up after the railroad was completed through the region. Prior to that time a small settlement was located at what formerly was known as Onion River. Before the railroad was built there was a strong rivalry between Onion River and the village of Cascade both of which wished to have the station. The railroad company finally compromised the situation by establishing the right-of-way between the two places, and this resulted in the building up of the present village of Waldo, of which community the former Onion River forms the east part.

One of the first flouring and grist mills and also saw-mills, was built at Onion River by Mark MARTIN back in the 50's. A complete description of this mill and the various owners will be found under the section devoted to the business firms of the village of Waldo.

The first store built at Onion River was owned and conducted for a few years by Henry HORNIMAN. Later ROBINSON & HUBBARD took over the business which they continued until the building was destroyed by fire. Andrew J. WHIFFEN rebuilt the store and carried on the business until he was appointed
(continued on page 21)

(continued from page 20)
(This section is extremely hard to read since it's on the fold of the paper, I will leave blank spaces where I can't read it marked with ( ) - K. R.

the superintendent of the Insane asylum. For a number of years ( ) the building has been occupied by ( ) dwelling.

Methodist First Church

The Methodist church congregation was organized in 1869 and the house of worship, which still stands in Onion River, was built the following summer and dedicated in ( ), It has always remained ( ) a circuit comprising Onion River, Hingham and Mulleton ( ). The Rev. C. D. COOK, who resided at Hingham, was the first ( ). The Rev. T. T. SHARP was the first pastor to occupy the Onion River parsonage. The Rev. C. D. ( ) now administers to the ( ) needs of the community.

The Baptist church at Waldo, is ( ) origin. The building used as the house of worship was originally a warehouse erected during ( ) the early 90's by WEDEMEYER and LAWSON.

The Rev. C. D. MAYHEW, of Sheboygan Falls, has conducted the services for the Waldo congregation where he first took charge of the pastorate at the Falls.

The town of Lyndon now supports two village schools, one at Cascade with an enrollment of 59 and the other at Waldo having an enrollment of ( ) pupils, and ( ) district and three joint common schools, at the last school ( ) having a combined enrollment ( ), making an aggregate in the town of ( ) pupils.

Originally the present site of the village of Waldo was a swamp not suitable for building purposes, but after the railroad was ( ) building operations started in earnest. In order to obtain &( ) voted by the town of ( ) establish a station there by ( ) 1871. While the depot was built before that time, the railroad was not completed to the village until the following year.

Build Grain Elevator

Soon after trains began running, ( ) & McINTYRE put up a grain ( ) which they operated until ( ) when Eugene McINTYRE, surviving member of the firm, disposed of the property to the Farmer's Cooperative Union, For the past ( ) years Mr. and Mrs. McINTYRE have resided in the city of Plymouth.

The first store was built and operated by Charles WHIFFEN. Since 1883(?) G. B. OGLE has carried on the business. John SELL of SELL ( ) Co., occupied the building.

The first custom tailor to locate in the village was Charles SMITH. ( ) business on the ( ) where the Odd Fellows hall is located. This was a very busy location and for a number of years he employed from five to seven ( ).

The first hotel, known as the ( ) House, was built in ( ) by T. FREIHARDT, but, the ( ) Henry JORDAN built the ( ) House and later the West ( ).

Timmer's Hardware Store

In ( ) a man names HOBERG built a wagon-making shop in ( ) later occupied for a number of years as a hardware store by H. W. TIMMER. This was the most prominent building in ( ) and several offices were located on the second floor.

On the northeast corner of this street directly east of the ( ) building, was R. B. WEDEMEYER store. He was a paper ( ) and dealt in wall paper and ( ). Later his son William WEDEMEYER and R. LAWSON formed a partnership and carried on a ( ) business in the building. It was later remodeled and con-( ) for dwelling purposes.

( ) ATKINS, during the late ( ) conducted a hardware store in a building later purchased by the Odd Fellows and now used by members as a lodge hall.

The first meat market to be established in the village was constructed by Henry HARLING and was conducted in a building which he ( ) directly east of the JORDAN ( ).

Whiffen Postmaster

The first post office was located in Onion River with A. J. WHIFFEN as postmaster, but after the advent of the railroad the post office was moved to Waldo, where the postmasters in regular succession were: ( ) C. SMITH, the tailor, R. W. ( ), merchant, H. O. OGLE, the blacksmith who kept the post office in William ARMSTRONG's general store, D. R. PECK, the druggist, H. W. TIMMER, present county ( ) and William H. PETERSEN, who held the office since 1917.

Many years ago there was a Baptist church located about two miles ( ) of Onion River but this was ( ) abandoned.

In ( ) the United Brothers built a house of worship near the ( ) end of the village. This was later used as the Y. M. C. A. hall and eventually was moved to the main ( ) of the village. There is now ( ) the main portion of the general store owned and conducted by William BOELKE.

Waldo Business Firms

( ) E. Wiermann Sons

( ) E. WIERMANN Sons, owners of the flouring and grist mill at Waldo are the successors to one of the first mills to be built in the town of Lyndon.

The mill was erected during the ( ) by Mark Martin. For a number of tears a saw-mill was used in connection with the flouring and grist mill. Later A. O. ( ) and Mr. REYSSEN formed a partnership and took over the mill ( ) and they continued to operate ( ) until about 1868 when Christ

This is the start of column 2 which I can read perfectly, to be continued without further omissions.

Waldo Business Firms

SCHAEKEL acquired the property. After running the mill for about four years SCHAEKEL sold to SEYFERT & MEY, who carried on the milling until about 1880 when Herman C. HARMON and his son-in-law, Eugene McINTYRE bought the property.

It may interest a number of people to mention the fact that in 1879 William M. PETERSEN, who still resides with his wife at the east end of the village, was employed at this mill. Mr. PETERSEN says, in 1879, flour ground in this mill was shipped to Hamburg, Germany.

Later SCHAEKEL formed a partnership with Charles MOHR, of Milwaukee, and under their ownership of the mill the original three run of stone was replaced by a roller process of milling.

About 35 years ago S. E. WIERMANN bought MOHR'S interest in the firm and five years after that William BENNINK became identified with the mill under the firm name of BENNINK & WIERMANN. In 1904, WIERMANN bought out his partner and became sole owner of the property, continuing the mill alone until he died in 1911, after which his three sons, S. E., H.G. and B. W. took over the business. At the close in 1911, B. W. WIERMANN bought another mill at BOLTONVILLE, disposing of his interest in the Onion River mill to his two brothers, the present owners of the property.

Since acquiring the property, the sons have made extensive improvements to the mill, including enlarging the building and modernizing the plant in every respect. All kinds of flour are made, including wheat, rye and buckwheat, and grist as well.

Waldo State Bank

The Waldo State Bank was organized in December 1913, with Eugene McINTYRE as president, and H. W. TIMMER, cashier. The bank is located in a modern brick building erected by the directors of the institution.

At the close of business March 23, of this year, the report indicates there was a surplus and undivided profits amounting to over $15,000, while the deposits aggregated $227,586.62.

The present officers of the institution are as follows:

W. A. BARBER - President
Carl MANNECK - Vice President
Chester T. HARRISON - Assistant Cashier
Board of Directors - W. A. BARBER; Carl MANNECK; William LEVERENZ; E. S. WIERMAN; and C. W. CROSS

Waldo Service Garage

The Waldo Service Garage is successor to the firm BRODERS & OGLE, which was formed on December 1, 1921. On April 15, 1923, Gust W. KUEHL, who for two years previous had been in business in the TIMMER building, and a man named GRAFF bought the business which they continued together until April 15, 1923, when KUEHL became sole owner of the garage. On December 1, 1924, Henry C. HECKER acquired a half interest in the business.

The Waldo Service Garage is a large modern building equipped with the latest appliance used for automobile re-building and repairing. The firm is authorized agent in that territory for the Chevrolet, Oakland and Pontiac autos, and maintains an efficient service station. Besides dealing in automobiles, auto parts and accessories, the Waldo Service Garage are agents for the McCORMICK and DEERING line of tractors.

Messrs. HECKER and KUEHL were born and reared in Sheboygan county and are well and favorably known through out the county contiguous to the town of Lyndon, as upright and capable men.

L. J. Greisch

L. J. GREISCH, popular proprietor of a hotel, dance hall and soft drink parlor at Waldo, started in the business there in 1923, purchasing the property from the Thomas ALCOX estate. Prior to that time, he had been employed for three years in the highway department, working on roads throughout Sheboygan county.

The hotel, of which he is proprietor, is one of the oldest in the village, having been erected in 1872 by Henry JORDAN. Thomas ALCOX purchased the hostelry from JORDAN in 1893, and conducted the hotel until his death which occurred three years ago. After selling the hotel, JORDAN built the West Side hotel and at the same time, built a grain elevator which he operated for about ten years when it was closed.

L. J. GREISCH was born in Sheboygan county, and has resided here practically all his life. He is a young man of sterling character and is well and favorably known throughout the county.

Fraiser & Halter

F. Z. FRAISER and J. M. HOLTER, owners of a lumber yard in the village of Waldo, became established in this business in 1919, at that time having purchased the yard and stock from HARMON & McINTYRE. The yard was originally started by C. M. SIBLEY, who later disposed of the business to HARMON & McINTYRE.

A decidedly meritorious feature connected with this lumber yard is the marking of every board, indicating its proper grading, thus assuring patrons that they get just what they require and pay for. It is the policy of FRAZIER & HOLTER to give honest service and to deliver lumber to patrons according to the grade desired and asked for.

The yard is located conveniently near the depot, with side-track facilities.

C. W. Cross

C. W. CROSS, a life-long resident of the village of Waldo and well known throughout that section of the county, has been engaged for the past five years in furnishing a complete line of insurance service to residents in that locality.

Nine years ago he entered the Waldo State bank, and by reason of the faithful performance of his duties with that institution, has risen to the important position as cashier of the bank.

A. H. John

A. H. JOHN, owner of a garage and service station at Waldo, started in business there in 1919, at which time he erected the building he occupies as a salesroom and garage.

Mr. JOHN is the authorized agent in that vicinity for the Nash automobile, deals extensively in Firestone, Goodyear and Kelly-Springfield auto tires.

He was born in the town of Sheboygan Falls, and moved to the town of Lima in 1895, removing to Waldo when he established his business in that village.

George Gardner

George GARDNER, better known to almost everybody in Sheboygan county and a large surrounding territory as "Dynamite Bill", is proprietor of a refreshment parlor in the village of Waldo. In addition to serving soft drinks, Mr. GARDNER also serves short order lunches at all hours.

George GARDNER was born in Forestville, Wis. When he grew older he went to Millhome where he was employed for a number of years by John HARBRECHT. Eleven years ago he came to Waldo, where he established a remarkable record, extending to distant points, as an expert dynamite blaster. This gave him the sobriquet of "Dynamite Bill."

During the war "Bill" on March 29, 1918, enlisted at Plymouth and went overseas with the American troops, where he established an enviable war record.

Whenever an enemy trench had to be blown up, Bill was on the job, his expert knowledge of handling this high explosive serving him in good stead. In the Alsne-Marne, the St. Mihiel and the Mouse-Argonne sectors. In all of which he participated, this second Davy Crockett, sometimes in trouble because he was loath to wear the regulation head-gear, made a record of which anyone may justly boast.

"Bill" was a soldier in a great war. Such deeds as he performed may never be published; but hundreds of comrades in that conflict could relate the many valorous deeds and heroic acts which he fearlessly and unselfishly performed during those turbulent offensives against the enemy overseas.

Waldo Merchantile Co.

The Waldo Mercantile company, the leading general merchandise store in the village of Waldo, is successor to a business established many years ago in that village.

William BUELKE. the present proprietor, purchased the stock in February 1926, of H. W. GROHSKOPF, who previously had conducted the business. Mr. BUELKE was born and raised within three miles of Waldo, and is well-known throughout that section of the county.

Since taking over the business, which consists of dry goods, notions, groceries, shoes, hardware, and tin and sheet metal work, Mr. BUELKE has made extensive alterations and improvements to the interior of the store building. At the same time he greatly increased the stock of merchandise until at the present time, the Waldo Mercantile company ranks among the largest dealers in general merchandise in villages of the same class as Waldo.

Frank E. Hein

In the point of continuous number of years in business, Frank E. HEIN is the oldest merchant in the village of Waldo. He started in business there thirty-one years ago when he began handling a complete line of oil burners.

Twenty-one years ago he accepted the agency offered him by the D. H. BURRELL company, of New York, manufacturers of milking machines. This was the first agency established by the company in Wisconsin. Since that time, Mr. HEIN has been the authorized representative of the Burrell company in the eastern Wisconsin district, and during these years he has sold approximately 1,900 milkers.

In addition to the oil burners and the milking machines, Mr. HEIN is also district agent for the Fairbanks-Morse products.

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