Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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This article was contributed by Kay Reitberger

Sheboygan Press - April 29, 1927


Located In Center Of Rich Farming District, Town Sheboygan Falls

Johnsonville is a small village situated on the Sheboygan river, in the northwest section of the township. It contains a combination grist and sawmill, a general store, a graded school, and several other smaller business places, besides a number of fine residences.

For a number of years the mill was owned and operated by ZIEGLER and JOHANNING. Then Carl SCHULTZ took possession and operated it until 1911 when it was rented to R. P. DASSOW and conducted by him until 1913. At the present time, the mill is being operated by Otto P. SCHULTZ. Before coming to Johnsonville, Carl SCHULTZ ran a similar mill at Franklin, in the town of Herman. He also served for time as county treasurer of Sheboygan county.

The general store now owned by Carl LAACK, many years ago was owned and conducted by William MAURER and later by Fred MOG.

Edgar Laack

Edgar LAACK, popular merchant at Johnsonville, is successor to his father, Carl LAACK, who took over the general store established many years ago by William MAURER. After conducting the store for a number of years MAURER sold to Fred MOG, who in turn disposed of the business to Paul STEINHARDT. Carl LAACK purchased the business from STEINHARDT, and in October, 1926, Edgar succeeded his father and since that time has continued the store which deals in dry goods, notions and groceries.

A dance hall is located in the building, and in connection with this hall is a refreshment room in which ice cream and all kinds of soft drinks are served.

Fred G. Rautmann

Fred G. RAUTMANN, popular general blacksmith and wagon repairer, has been engaged in this business at Johnsonville since November, 1917, at which time he took over the shop formerly owned and operated by John DIRKS.

In 1921, the building was destroyed by fire, but was immediately rebuilt upon a more modern scale, and in 1924 the barn, which also had been burned, was rebuilt.

Mr. RAUTMANN was born and spent his early years on a farm located near Johnsonville, but later went to Plymouth where he remained four years learning his trade as blacksmith.

Herman Hailer

Herman HAILER, who owns and operates an auto and machine repairing shop at Johnsonville, started in business there six years ago, prior to that time having been engaged as a machinist in Sheboygan. His experience as a mechanic extends back for a period of 22 years, and his expert workmanship has been recognized by motor car owners and others in that locality, which has resulted in the building up of a very lucrative and growing business.

In connection with the repair shop, Mr. HAILER carries a large stock of tires and auto accessories.

Otto P. Schulz

The Sheboygan River Roller Mill at Johnsonville, town of Sheboygan Falls, for a number of years was owned and operated by ZIEGLER & JOHANNING. Carl SCHULZ took possession and operated the mill until 1910 when it was leased by R. P. DASSOW, of Sheboygan Falls, and conducted by him until 1912.

Before coming to Johnsonville, Carl SCHULZ ran a similar mill at Franklin, town of Herman. He also served for a time as county treasurer of Sheboygan county.

In 1912, Otto P. SCHULZ purchased the mill property from his brother, Carl and has carried on the milling ever since that time.

The Sheboygan River Roller Mill has always enjoyed a liberal patronage from farmers residing in that vicinity. Both flour and feed are ground.

Walter A. Boeldt

Walter A. BOELDT, who conducts a meat market and refreshment parlor at Johnsonville, took over the HEERMAN & ERDMANN market in 1912. He was born in the town of Herman but later went to Ada where he learned the butcher trade with William KUHN. After having worked for KUHN for about two and one-half years, Mr. BOELDT bought an interest in the shop, but one and one-half years later sold back this interest to his former employer and moved to Johnsonville.

Mr. BOELDT deals in all kinds of fresh, salted and smoked meat, which are handled under careful sanitary conditions.

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