(?) St. John's Catholic church (in this) city at 9 o'clock Tuesday m(orning)
was solemnized the marriage of (Mis)s Frances Gaffron, daughter of (Mr.) and
Mrs. Jos. Gaffron (and) (Fra)ncis Burke of North Milwau(kee). The bride
wore a gown of (?) sole and carried a sh(ower) (bou)quet of lilies of the
valley (and) sweet peas and wore a picture (hat). She was attended by Miss
E(?) Gaffron and Miss Lil(lie) (Ba)uer of Elkhart Lake, both (?) Persian
Lawn and carried (?) carnations. Wm. Ladwig, and (?) Hand, cousins of the
bride attended the groom.
A reception followed at the brid(e) (?) home where the wedding dinner was
The couple left on the evening train for a trip to Chicago (after) which
they will make their home (in) North Milwaukee and have (the) wishes of many
friends for (a happy) and prosperous journey thru (life). (Article cut off)
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