Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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This marriage was contributed by: Holly Homan

Dean-Knowd Wedding

There was a quiet but pretty wedding in Plymouth Monday morning, when J. W. Dean who lives a short distance south of the city, was united in marriage to Miss Anna Knowd, third oldest daughter of John Knowd, C. M. & St. P. station agent at this place. The ceremony was performed at 7:30 o'clock by Rev. J. A. VanTreeck at the Catholic parsonage, and was witnessed by no one but the nearest relatives and a few intimate friends. The bride who was attired in a pretty costume of gray material, was attended by Miss Ella Brietung as maid of honor and her sister, Miss Maria Knowd as bridesmaid, both young ladies wearing white organdie, and the former carrying the bride's bouquet of beautiful American beauty roses. R. B. Millard acted as best man.

The ceremony was followed by a wedding breakfast at the home of the bride's father on Carolina Street, where the house was prettily decorated with pink sweet peas. The bridal couple left on the early morning train on a trip to Yellowstone Park, intending to be absent about six weeks, and on their return will begin housekeeping at the Dean home south of the city. Plymouth has always been the home of the bride, while the groom has lived here for a number of years. Both are popular young people and highly esteemed by their friends who extend to them their best wishes for a happy wedded life.

Dean-Knowd Nuptials

The marriage of J. W. Dean and Miss Anna Knowd took place at the Catholic parsonage Monday morning at 7:00, Rev. J. A. Van Treeck performing the ceremony. Miss Ella Breitung acted as maid of honor and the bride was attended by her sister, Miss Maria Knowd, as bridesmaid. Mr. Dean was attended by R. B. Millard as best man. Only the immediate relatives and one or two intimate friends were present. After teh ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the residence of the bride's father, John Knowd, and the young people took the 8:45 train for Milwaukee whence they expected to go to the Yellowstone Park for a short trip and then go to Idaho for a visit with Mr. Dean's brothers.

Those in attendance on the wedding from out of town were the bride's brother, Walter Knowd, of St. Paul and Miss Kathryne Stevens of Chicago. The wedding party accompanied the bride and groom as far as Waldo, returning on the 9:09 train. Mr. and Mrs. Dean have the congratulations and best wishes of their host of friends.

A third article:

One of our old settlers, Mr. Will Dean was married to Miss Anna Knowd of Plymouth Monday. His many friends wish them a pleasant journey through life.

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