Sheboygan Press - Friday - October 9, 1936 - p.8
Newly Wedded Couple Returns From Honeymoon
Back from a honeymoon trip in northern Wisconsin, Edgar Katte and his bride, the former Miss Althea Gandre, are
residing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Gandre, 2228 Lake Shore Drive. Mr. Katte is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Katte, 1938 S. Fourteenth street.
The young couple exchanged marriage vows Saturday afternoon at St. Mark's English Lutheran church in a ceremony
performed by the Rev. W.M. Czamanske. Bridal music was furnished by Martin Schumacher, organist, and Mrs. Reuben
Nennig, vocalist.
The bride wore a gown of white transparent velvet and carried white roses and pompons. Miss Dorothy Katte, sister
of the bridegroom, was the maid of honor, wearing a royal blue velvet dress and holding pink roses and white
pompons. A gown of burnt orange velvet was worn by Miss La Verne Wetzel, maid of honor and her flowers were bronze
roses and pompons. Kenneth Feld, cousin of the bride, was the best man.
At 7 p.m., a wedding dinner was served at the Guest House and a wedding dance followed at the Croation hall.
Guests included Mr. and Mrs. John Bach and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schneller of Milwaukee.
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