Miss Stroschein Becomes Bride
Marriage vows were exchanged by Miss Gladys Stroschein, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Barney Stroschein, 1134 Swift avenue, and Robert Kuenne in a 10 o'clock
ceremony held Saturday morning in Bethlehem Lutheran parsonage, where the
Rev. Mark Wegner officiated. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Kuenne, 2315 S. Fourteenth street.
Relatives of the bride were the attending couple. Miss Helen Stroschein, her
sister, was chosen as maid of honor. Her cousin, Henry Mueller, had the
duties of best man.
A wedding dinner was served to the immediate families at the home of the
bride, and during the evening, open house was held there also.
Although the wedding trip is being kept a secret, the couple will be
returning by Sept. 8, and will be residing at 1134 Swift avenue.
Both young persons were graduated from Central High school. The bride is
employed at Wilson Bros. After 38 months in the armed forces, Mr. Kuenne is
employed at Sheboygan Chair Co.
Copyright 1997 - 2006 by Debie Blindauer
All Rights reserved