Miss Herbst Is Wedded To E. Moenning
Miss Mabel Herbst and Elmer Moenning, both residents of Sheboygan, Route 2,
were married Saturday at the parsonage of Our Savior's Lutheran church by the
Rev. Walter Laesch.
The bride's gown of pink taffeta was fashioned with a cape and her flowers
were lilies, roses and white snapdragons tied with a white ribbon. Miss
Ellen Herbst, attending her sister as bridesmaid, was attired in green
taffeta and carried pink snapdragons.
A reception for 35 guests followed at the home of the bride's brother, Henry
Herbst, where decorations were in pink and green with cut flowers and lighted
The couple spent their honeymoon in northern Wisconsin and Michigan and are
now making their home with the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gustave
Beck, Sheboygan, Route 2.
Copyright 1997 - 2006 by Debie Blindauer
All Rights reserved