Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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This Marriage was contributed by: Kay

(This clipping is badly torn, but It may contain some clues. - K.R.)

TIERNEY, Thomas - LEONARD, Angeline

The marriage of Miss Angeline Leon(ard) of Greenbush, to Thos. Tierney of Fond du Lac, was solemnized at the Os(ceo)la Catholic church on Wednesday of (las)t week. The ceremony was per(for)med at nine o'clock in the morning (by the ) Rev. Father O'Donovan, in the presence of a limited number of relatives (and) friends of the contracting parties. The bride, was attended by Miss Nel(lie) Tierney, sister of the groom, while (?) J. Rooney of Mitchell acted as grooms man. The bride was attired in (?) silk and her bridesmaid wore a (dres)s of lavender silk crepe, while both (?) flowers and carried bouquets.

After the marriage the company (repaired) to the home of the bride's parents where a sumptuous wedding dinner was served.

The young couple were the recipients of many costly presents. Mrs. Tierney (is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (?) Leonard and a lady of rare (?). Mr. Tierney is an energetic (young) man and at present employed as (conduc)tor on the Chicago and North (Western) R.R. On the afternoon of the wedding day they departed for a short tour and will be at home to their friends at 334 Cass street (after) Feb. 1st. May unal(?) and prosperity attend (them).

Those in attendance from away were James and Matt. Tierney, (K)atie Tierney, Peter and Ella (?), Thos. Hanglin, Wm. Courtney, Misses Cleary, McIllonan and (?), all of Fond du Lac (article cut off)

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